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High throughput screening of rooting depth in rice using buried herbicide
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Abstract<p>Root research requires high throughput phenotyping methods that provide meaningful information on root depth if the full potential of the genomic revolution is to be translated into strategies that maximise the capture of water deep in soils by crops. A very simple, low cost method of assessing root depth of seedlings using a layer of herbicide (<styled-content style="fixed-case">TRIK</styled-content> or diuron) buried 25 or 30 cm deep in soil‐filled boxes of varying size is described that is suitable for screening hundreds or thousands of rice accessions in controlled environment conditions. Variation in cultivar sensitivity to the herbicide when injected into pots was detected but considered small in relation to the variation detected when the herbicide was buried. Using 32 rice cultivars previously characterised for root traits in rhizotron and hydroponic systems, 80% of variation in herbicide score at 35 days was explained by cultivar and herbicide score correlated strongly with rooting depth traits. Using 139 genotypes of the Bala × Azucena mapping population, heritability for herbicide symptoms reached 55% and quantitative trait loci were detected which match those previously reported in this population. In repeated experiments using different soils, the method did not always perform to its maximum potential (in terms of speed of symptom development or discrimination between cultivars). This was not due to degradation or reduced bio‐availability of the herbicide in the soil but is believed to be due to the soil water content and water release characteristics as it relates to plant water use. Therefore, when using this technique, thorough preliminary experiments to determine the best water application regime for the particular combination of soil and environmental conditions are required. The method should be applicable to seedling stage screening of rice and other crops.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
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Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Pain Reduction in Extensive Apical Surgery of the Anterior Maxilla: A Comparative Clinical Study
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Confined Porous Media Heated From Side
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Transient three-dimensional natural convection heat transfer due to the influences of heating from one side of an enclosure filled with a saturated porous media, whereas the opposite side is maintained at a constant cold temperature, and the other four sides are adiabatic, were investigated in the present work experimentally. Silica sand was used as a porous media saturated with distilled water filled in a cubic enclosure heated from the side,using six electrical controlled heaters, at constant temperatures of (60, 70, 80, 90, and 100oC). The inverse side cooled at a constant temperature of (24oC) using an aluminum heat exchanger, consisted of 15 channels feeded with constant temperature water. Eighty thermocouples were used to control t

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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The Dialectic of Identity and the Other in Iraqi Contemporary Theatre: انس راهي علي
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  The value of culture in its interaction is composed and formulated according to compatible and incompatible roles which view the identity that adopts that formation although it is in most cases perceived and declared. The attraction and difference characteristic might be implied within subjective and procedural meaning through which it seeks to make the identity mobile subject to identity- shaping cultural causes implying the conflicts that take the shape and culture of real time. As for the end of the twentieth century and afterward where the concepts of hegemony, globalization, cultural invasion, colonial and imperial culture, all these causes made the cultural identity concept appear on the surface of the critical studies as a

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Group Investigation Model on Learning overhead and underarm Pass in Volleyball
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Volleyball is one of the sports that require physical and skill abilities thus many teaching models appeared to teach these abilities like group investigation model. The research aimed at identifying the effect of group investigation model on learning underarm and overhead passing in volleyball. The researchers hypothesized statistical differences between pre and posttests in learning underarm and overhead passing in volleyball as well as differences in posttests of controlling and experimental groups in learning underarm and overhead passing in volleyball. The researcher used the experimental method on (30) second year female students of physical education and sport sciences college/ university of Baghdad. Group investigation model was app

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological and Histological Study of the Pancreas Gland in the Local Bat ( Pipisterllus kuhlii)
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The present study aimed to investigate the morphological and histological structure of pancreas in the bat,(Pipistrellus kuhlii). Pancreas was represented by compact pancreatic tissue which is divided into three parts : head , body and tail, its color is whit to yellow. The pancreatic tissue is located in the abdominal cavity near to the mass of intestine in the mesenteric network , which is connected with the coiled region of the duodenum in one side and with the extended mesenteries between the dorsal part of stomach and the abdominal part of spleen from the other side. The pancreas gland is surrounded by a loose connective tissue, the trabeculae are extended from it and divided the gland into many lobules which are different in shape

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Magnetic Field with Nanofluid on Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Pipe
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This work presents an experimental study of heat transfer and flow of distilled water and metal oxide nanofluid Fe3O4-distilled water at concentrations of (φ = 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 %) by volume in a horizontal pipe with constant magnetic field. All the tests are carried out with Reynolds number range (2900-9820) and uniform heat flux (11262-19562 W/m2). The results show that, the nanofluid concentration and magnetic intensity increase, the Nusselt number increases. The maximum enhancement in Nusselt number with magnetic nanofluid is (5.4 %, 26.4 %, 42.7 %) for volume concentration (0.3, 0.6, 0.9 %) respectively. The enhancement is maximized with magnetic intensity (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 tesla) respectively to (43.9, 44

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Serum from Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorder. To determine the metabolic disorders in women with PCOS, (25) women with PCOS ages (15 - 47) years have been investigated and compared with (20) healthy individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure fasting blood sugar, (anti-GAD Ab, anti β-islet cell Ab by IFAT) and measured insulin level by ELISA. There was significant elevation in the concentration of fasting blood sugar than in control groups (p ≤ 0.05) and there was negative results for anti-GAD Ab and anti β-islet cell Ab by IFAT test for serum of women with PCOS, while there was significant differences in the insulin level for women with PCOS compared with control groups (p ≤ 0.05),

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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It is a well-known fact that publishing companies spend much money, time and energy in designing their book covers to attract potential customers. As the first thing people do when they buy or intend to buy a book is looking at its front cover. However, if there is a need to know more about the book, people usually look at the information on its back cover. This paper attempts to explore the persuasive function of blurbs beyond the constraints of the academic domain and consequently their connection with advertising discourse in two main sections: The first presents the concept of blurb and its structure while the second defines persuasion and shows the most prominent strategiesused in blurbs. Finally, this paper gives the conclusion tha

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Relationship Between Hyperglycemia and the Rheumatoid Factor in the Serum of Diabetic Patients
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This study was conducted to determine the relationship between two most common diseases in Iraqis patients , which are Diabetic mellitus (DM) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA); seeking rheumatoid factor in hyperglycemic sera. The results revealed that ; 62.5% of hyperglycemic (HG) patients had positive rheumatoid factor (RF) . No difference in number between both gender of HG patients (20 males and 20 females ) , RF reaction was nearly similar in males and females of HG patients ( 12 &13 respectively ) . Only 40% out of patient controls had positive RF . None of the apparently healthy subjects had positive RF .

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Role of Some Cytokines and Trace Elements in Pregnant Women with Acute Toxoplasmosi
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  The present study was conducted on sixty five pregnant women that infected with    acute toxoplasmosis, serum samples were tested for detection specific anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgM using the rapid Toxo IgG/IgM Chromatographic immune assay test cassette and ELISA, and fifty healthy married women (not pregnant)  as  was considered as control group.       The level of serum IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, TNF-α, TGF-β1, IP-10, MIP-1, MIG and ICAM were significantly increased (P <0.005) in pregnant patients infected with acute toxoplasmosis, while serum level of MCP-1(14.46 ± 1.38pg/ml) was not significantly increased when compared to controls(11.25 ± 0.24pg/ml)  , these levels can be used as i

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