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Orthodontic treatment has two major problems: being lengthy and costly procedure. The present study was designed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of locally injected vitamin D3 Keywords: Orthodontic, Calcitriol, Local injection, OTM (calcitriol) in accelerating orthodontic teeth movement (OTM) and reducing treatment time and cost in humans. The study was performed on 15 Iraqi adult orthodontic patients within the age range 17-28 years, they are randomly allocated into three groups, each of five patients and treated with either 15 pg, 25 pg, or 40 pg/0.2ml calcitriol diluted with 10% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The maxillary arch of every patient was divided into control (right) and experimental (left) sides. In addition to force application, the right canine received 0.2 ml DMSO injections while the left canine received the calcitriol injections. The follow up period for every patient included five visits at one week intervals through which they received two injections three times and evaluated for OTM, GCf collection and radiographic examination. Statistically nonsignificant differences were reported for OTM between control and experimental sides, and among the three groups. However, on clinical efficacy basis, the dose of 25 pg calcitriol produced about 51% faster rate of experimental canine movement compared to control, while each of the 15 pg and 40 pg doses resulted in about 10% accelerated OTM. Further more, the periapical radiographs showed no any damaging effect of calcitriol to the surrounding tissues. In conclusion, for the first time we reported that locally injected calcitriol, in dose dependent pattern, is clinical and cost effective in humans.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
2009 Ieee Wireless Communications And Networking Conference
Power Efficiency Maximization in Cognitive Radio Networks
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Cognitive radio technology is used to improve spectrum efficiency by having the cognitive radios act as secondary users to access primary frequency bands when they are not currently being used. In general conditions, cognitive secondary users are mobile nodes powered by battery and consuming power is one of the most important problem that facing cognitive networks; therefore, the power consumption is considered as a main constraint. In this paper, we study the performance of cognitive radio networks considering the sensing parameters as well as power constraint. The power constraint is integrated into the objective function named power efficiency which is a combination of the main system parameters of the cognitive network. We prove the exi

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
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Knowledge And Awareness Towards Cryptosporidiosis In Baghdad
Knowledge and awareness towards Cryptosporidiosis in Baghdad
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Knowledge and awareness towards cryptosporidiosis were assessed in this study during the period from April 2009 till June 2011, among 188 person of both gender which were divided in different groups and sub groups as following Group 1: include 48 physician from different hospitals and primary health care centers in Baghdad this group were sub divided into 30 Specialist doctors and 18 General practitioners doctors. Group 2 : include 45 teaching staff member from Biology department , Biotechnology department in University of Baghdad and AL-Nahrain University as well as teaching staff member from the college of medicine – University of Baghdad and University of Mustansiryah, this group were sub divided into 9 Ph.D and 36 M.Sc. + B.Sc. me

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Blind Color Image Steganography in Spatial Domain
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WA Shukur, FA Abdullatif, Ibn Al-Haitham Journal For Pure and Applied Sciences, 2011 With wide spread of internet, and increase the price of information, steganography become very important to communication. Over many years used different types of digital cover to hide information as a cover channel, image from important digital cover used in steganography because widely use in internet without suspicious.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of New Theory
Bipolar Fuzzy k -Ideals in KU-Semigroups
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We have studied some types of ideals in a KU-semigroup by using the concept of a bipolar fuzzy set. Bipolar fuzzy S-ideals and bipolar fuzzy k-ideals are introduced, and some properties are investigated. Also, some relations between a bipolar fuzzy k-ideal and k-ideal are discussed. Moreover, a bipolar fuzzy k-ideal under homomorphism and the product of two bipolar fuzzy k-ideals are studied.

Publication Date
Tue Jul 07 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research & Developments
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Diesel generators is widely used in Iraq for the purpose of maintaining electric power demand. Large number of operators engaged in this work encounters high level of noise generated by back pack type diesel generators used for this purpose. High level of noise exposure gives different kinds of ill effect on human operators. Exact nature of deteriorated work performance is not known., in present research , quastionaire was adsministered 86 repondents in Baghdad city were exposured to wide range of noise level (80-110) dB(A) with different ages and they have different skill discretion levels. Noise levels A-weigthed decibles dB(A) were measured over 8 weeks two times aday during the 2019 summer using a sound level meter.For predicting the wo

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
-Generalized b- Closed Sets in Topological Spaces
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     In this paper we introduce a new class of sets called -generalized b- closed (briefly gb closed) sets. We study some of its basic properties. This class of sets is strictly placed between the class of gp- closed sets and the class of gsp- closed sets. Further the notion of b- space is introduced and studied.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A05


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Applied Mechanics And Materials
Artistic Techniques for Developing Creativity in Design
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The design of future will still be the most confusing and puzzling issue and misgivings that arouse worry and leading to the spirit of adventures to make progress and arrive at the ways of reviving, creativity and modernism. The idea of prevailing of a certain culture or certain product in design depends on the given and available techniques, due to the fact that the computer and their artistic techniques become very important and vital to reinforce the image in the design. Thus, it is very necessary to link between these techniques and suitable way to reform the mentality by which the design will be reformed, from what has been said, (there has no utilization for the whole modern and available graphic techniques in the design proce

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Palestinian Experience in Stage Four Pressure Ulcer
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Pressure ulcer (now called Pressure injury) happens when the bony prominence like the sacrum exposes to pressure for a long period and also can cause soft tissue injury. In order to prevent and cure pressure-induced wounds, continuous and attentive repositioning is necessary. Wound management begins with the identification and aggressive management of the modifiable factors, such as positioning, incontinence, spasticity, diet, devices, and medical comorbidity, which contribute to pressure injury formation. Initial interventions include washing, cleaning, and maintaining the surfaces of the wound. In certain cases, it may be sufficient to debride the non-viable or contaminated tissue; however, operational care in more severe cases

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lipid Profile Changes in Toxoplasmosis Aborted Women
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Blood lipids are important mediators of host defense during the acute phase of innate immunity. Parasites may induce significant changes in lipid parameters, as has been shown in vitro study where substitution of serum by lipid/cholesterol in medium and in experimental models (in vivo). Thus changes in lipid profile occur in patients that having active infections with most of the parasites. Toxoplasma cannot synthesize cholesterol and depends upon acquisition of low density lipoprotein (LDL)-derived from the host cell, via endocytosis mediated by the LDL receptor or the LDL receptor-related protein.The present study is conducted to evaluate the changes in lipid profile in T. gondii infected women.A total of patients included 87 aborted wom

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Organic Electronics
Charge trapping in doped organic Zener diodes
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