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Orthodontic treatment has two major problems: being lengthy and costly procedure. The present study was designed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of locally injected vitamin D3 Keywords: Orthodontic, Calcitriol, Local injection, OTM (calcitriol) in accelerating orthodontic teeth movement (OTM) and reducing treatment time and cost in humans. The study was performed on 15 Iraqi adult orthodontic patients within the age range 17-28 years, they are randomly allocated into three groups, each of five patients and treated with either 15 pg, 25 pg, or 40 pg/0.2ml calcitriol diluted with 10% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The maxillary arch of every patient was divided into control (right) and experimental (left) sides. In addition to force application, the right canine received 0.2 ml DMSO injections while the left canine received the calcitriol injections. The follow up period for every patient included five visits at one week intervals through which they received two injections three times and evaluated for OTM, GCf collection and radiographic examination. Statistically nonsignificant differences were reported for OTM between control and experimental sides, and among the three groups. However, on clinical efficacy basis, the dose of 25 pg calcitriol produced about 51% faster rate of experimental canine movement compared to control, while each of the 15 pg and 40 pg doses resulted in about 10% accelerated OTM. Further more, the periapical radiographs showed no any damaging effect of calcitriol to the surrounding tissues. In conclusion, for the first time we reported that locally injected calcitriol, in dose dependent pattern, is clinical and cost effective in humans.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Histological Study of the Stomach in Two Species of Iraqi Vertebrates (Magpie Pica pica L. and Small Asian Mongoose Herpestes javanicus E.)
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          A histological study showed the wall of the stomach in Pica pica and Herpestes javanicus consists of four layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa and serosa. Also, the present study showed many  differences in the histological structures of the stomach for each in both types. The stomach of P. pica consists of two portions: the proventiculus and gizzard, while the stomach of H. javanicus consists of three portions: cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions. The mucosa layer formed short gastric folds, named plicae. In the proventiculus of P. pica, sulcus is found between each two plicae, but the folds called gastric p

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through the human resources management strategies / case study in the Municipality of Ramadi.
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The main focus of research is on how to achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through human resources management strategies, which is a major of research aimed. The main problem of this research was confirmed, which confirms that there is an unclear role for social responsibility, lack of human resources management strategies, and ambiguity of roles in the municipality under study. The diagnose of the problem and determining the gap between the internal and external dimensions of social responsibility and human resources management was identified, which attacked the researcher's attention to navigate in this subject, look for the reasons for the gaps and try to reduce them. The case study

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Here we report for the first time the presence of Apoleptomastix bicoloricornis (Girault, 1915) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae), as parasitoid of the rice mealybug, Brevennia rehi (Lindinger, 1943) (Hemiptera, Psedococcidae) in Iraq. Brief notes are provided in distinguishing the parasitoid from other closely allied species.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Success rate of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Chronic Total Occlusion in Ibn Al-Baitar Hospital for cardiac surgery and Al-Nassyeria cardiac center
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Back ground: Chronic total occlusion (CTO) of coronary arteries remains one of the most challenging lesion subsets in interventional cardiology even with the development of medical devices and operator expertise. Successful revascularization results in improved in angina status ,increased exercise capacity and reduces the need for lat CABG surgery .
Objectives: This study sought to determine the overall procedural success rate of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for CTOs and to examine the relation between variables such as; patients’ characteristics, risk factors, lesion characteristics and procedural success rate.
Methods: In this study ,clinical and coronary angiography data of (80) patients with CTO who underwent PCI

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Influence of Vitamin D Deficiency on the Level of Salivary cathelicidin LL-37 in relation to Dental Caries Experience: A Case-Control Study
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Background: Vitamin D improves innate immunity by enhancing the expression of antimicrobial peptides. The antimicrobial action of cathelicidin is widespread and effective against cariogenic bacteria. This research aimed to investigate the effect of vitamin D deficiency on the level of salivary cathelicidin concerning dental caries experience.

Subjects and Methods: A case-control study was carried out, and the sample was composed of 80 females; the study group involved 40 females with a serum vitamin D concentration of less than 10 ng/ml. In addition to the control group involving 40 females wh

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 25 1993
Journal Name
كلية العلوم. / جامعة بغداد
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This study included isolation and characterization of extremely halophilic bacteria from Al-Massab Al-Aam region in South of Iraq Fifty isolates were identified by using numerical taxonomy 40 strains belonged to the genus Halobacterium which inclucted Hb. halobium Hb. cutirubrum Hb. salinarium Hb. saccharovorum Hb. valismortis and Hb. volcanii. Ten strains belonged to the genus Halococcus which included Hc. morrhuae Hc. saccharolyticus. Growth curves were sensitive mutants determined for wild type and salt Generation time in logarthmic phase was measured and found to be (10.37 2hr 7 0.59) for Hb. salinarium / 18 (6.490 hr 0.24) for Hb. cutirubrum / 32, (6.700 hr + 0.488) for Hb. valismortis / 20, (11.243 hr + 0.96) for Hb. volcanii / 7. (7

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effect of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Methods on Reduction the Duration of Labor Stages in Primigravida Women at AL-Elwyia Maternity Teaching Hospital
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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of non-pharmacological pain relief methods on duration of labor stage.Methodology: A quasi-experimental study design was conducted during the period of (4th July 2018 through 24th October 2018) on non-probability of (60) women (30) of them were a control group and (30) were the study group whom admitted to Al-Elwyia Maternity Teaching Hospital suffering from labor pain. A questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection Descriptive& Inferential statistical analyses were used to analyze the data.Result: The highest percentages of study and control groups were in age group (< 20) years old, primary schools graduates, housewife, from "urban area", within low category of socioeconomic scale,

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
The revival of the historic Islamic geometric pattern on the gate of The Al-Sharabeya School in Wasit City using the Grasshopper program
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculating the variations of sunrise, sunset and day length times for Baghdad city.With comparison to different regions of the world in year 2019
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     The sunrise, sunset, and day length times for Baghdad (Latitude =33.34º N, Longitude =44.43º E) were calculated with high accuracy on a daily basis during 2019. The results showed that the earliest time of sunrise in Baghdad was at 4h: 53m from 5 Jun. to 20 Jun while the latest was at 7h: 07m from 5 Jan. to 11 Jan. The earliest time of sunset in Baghdad was at16 h: 55m from 30 Nov. to 10 Dec. whereas the latest was at 19h: 16m from 25 Jun. to 5 Jul. The minimum period of day length in Baghdad was 9h: 57m) in 17 Dec. whereas the maximum period was 14h: 22m) in 20 Jun. Day length was calculated and compared among regions of different latitudes(0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 north).

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies In Humanities And Educational Sciences
Unlocking the Language of the Heart: A Stylistic Analysis of EmotiveTechniques in Paulo Coelho's By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept
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This paper presents an in-depth stylistic analysis of the linguistic artistry andliterary techniques employed by Paulo Coelho in his novel By the River Piedra ISat Down and Wept. A close reading approach guided by stylistics and linguisticsframeworks reveals Coelho's extensive incorporation of imaginative metaphors,vivid imagery, poetic diction, and resonant symbols across the narrative. Analysisspecifically elucidates how Coelho adeptly manipulates various stylistic features toconvey thematic content, shape characterization, and produce aesthetic impacts.Findings provide critical insights into Coelho’s linguistic mastery and contribute toresearch in stylistics and literary linguistics through rigorous examination of anentire contemporary

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