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The experiment was conducted in field of the University of Baghdad, Jadryia region, Baghdad to measure vibration and performance efficiency of grass mower (machine cutting grass). Vibration in three axes are longitudinal X , lateral Y and vertical Z in four places of mower machine during cutting grass and Practical Productivity, Efficiency and Fuel Consumption measured in this experiment . Factorial design (3 x 2) used, mower speeds included 1.9 3.6 and 6.4 km/hr and engine load included idling and full load according to randomized complete design were used in this experiment. Least Significant Design (LSD) 0.05 was used to compare the mean of treatment. Result were showed that the mower speed 6.4 km/hr recorded high productivity (0.6557 ha/hr), low fuel consumption (1.62 l/ha), least efficiency ( 83.97 %), vibration values for three axes X,Y and Z (8.28, 7.85) and (5.35 m/sec²) for mower seat, (6.25, 7.05) and (4.80 m/sec²) for steering wheel and (14.78, 13.8) and (11.58 m/sec²) for mower chasses and (21.45, 20.05) and (16.15 m/sec²) for cover blades. Engine full load recorded high productivity (0.4080 ha/hr), efficiency (84.47%), and high vibration values for three axes X, Y and Z were (5.46, 5,03) and (3.56 m/sec²) for mower seat , (4.56, 5.30) and (3.36 m/sec²) for steering wheel, (13.30, 12.32) and (10.93 m/sec²) for mower chasses and (18.13, 17.03) and (13.83 m/sec²) for cover blades,Then these result a cross legislated permissible vibration exposure limits in the world.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Stomatology
Association of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors with periodontal disease in Iraqi individuals: a retrospective study

Introduction Periodontal diseases are ranked among the most common health problems affecting mankind. These conditions are initiated by bacterial biofilm, which is further modulated by several risk factors. Objectives To investigate the association of different risk factors with periodontal...

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 07 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Compressive Strength and Shrinkage Behavior of Concrete Produced from Portland Limestone Cement with Water Absorption Polymer Balls

From the sustainability point of view a combination of using water absorption polymer balls in concrete mix produce from Portland limestone cement (IL) is worth to be perceived. Compressive strength and drying shrinkage behavior for the mixes of concrete prepared by Ordinary Portland Cement (O.P.C) and Portland limestone cement (IL) were investigated in this research. Water absorbent polymer balls (WAPB) are innovative module in producing building materials due to the internal curing which eliminates autogenous shrinkage, enhances the strength at early age, improve the durability, give higher compressive strength at early age, and reduce the effect of insufficient external curing. Polymer balls (WAPB) had been used in the mixes of thi

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 19 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives

The survey was carried out From January to April of 2018 on macrofungi samples collected from different places in Halabja province located in north eastern parts of Iraq-Kurdistan region. This region is rich in forest trees and pasture lands with diversity of shrubs and herbs and is expected to support the growth of several macro fungal species. However, this part of Kurdistan in Iraq is still unexplored from macrofungal point of view. In this paper three species from Pezizaceae and Pyronemataceae families that belonging to (Pezizales, Ascomycota), were reported from Iraqi Kurdistan. These macrofungal species are recorded for the first time from Iraq. Also the species were identified and showing their locations distributed on a map prepared

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Change detection of the land cover for three decades using remote sensing data and geographic information system

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Calibration and verification of the hydraulic model for Blue Nile river from Roseires dam to Khartoum city

This research represents a practical attempt applied to calibrate and verify a hydraulic model for the Blue Nile River. The calibration procedures are performed using the observed data for a previous period and comparing them with the calibration results while verification requirements are achieved with the application of the observed data for another future period and comparing them with the verification results. The study objective covered a relationship of the river terrain with the distance between the assumed points of the dam failures along the river length. The computed model values and the observed data should conform to the theoretical analysis and the overall verification performance of the model by comparing it with anothe

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
American University Of Sharjah (aus) "second International Conference On Sustainable Systems And The Environmental (isse14)
Correlating BOD5 and COD of Sewage in Wastewater Treatment Plants; Case study Al- Diwaniyah WWTP in Iraq

This study aims to establish an empirical correlation between biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the sewage flowing in Al-Diwaniyah wastewater treatment plant. The strength of the wastewater entering the plant varied from medium to high. High concentrations of BOD5 and COD in the effluent were obtained due to the poor performance of the plant. This was observed from the BOD5 /COD ratios that did not confirm with the typical ratios for the treated sewage. To improve the performance of this plant, regression equations for BOD5 and COD removal percentages were suggested which can be used to facilitate rapid effluent assessment or optimal process control. The equations relating the percentage removal of

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 12 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Dental Journal
Pacifier Sucking Habit and its Relation to Oral Health of Children Aged 1-5 Years (comparative study)

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Study between Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Electroplating Wastewater

The present work aimed to study the efficiency of nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) process for water recovery from electroplating wastewater and study the factors affecting the performance of two membrane processes. Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes are made from polyamide as spiral wound module. The inorganic materials ZnCl2, CuCl2.2H2O, NiCl2.6H2O and CrCl3.6H2O were used as feed solutions. The operating parameters studied were: operating time, feed concentrations for heavy metal ions, operating pressure, feed flow rate, feed temperature and feed pH. The experimental results showed, the permeate concentration increased and water flux decreased with increase in time from 0 to 70 min. The permeate concentrations incre

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Thickness and gamma-ray effect on physical properties of CdO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition

Polycrystalline Cadmium Oxide (CdO) thin films were prepared using pulsed laser deposition onto glass substrates at room temperature with different thicknesses of (300, 350 and 400)nm, these films were irradiated with cesium-137(Cs-137) radiation. The thickness and irradiation effects on structural and optical properties were studied. It is observed by XRD results that films are polycrystalline before and after irradiation, with cubic structure and show preferential growth along (111) and (200) directions. The crystallite sizes increases with increasing of thickness, and decreases with gamma radiation, which are found to be within the range (23.84-4.52) nm and (41.44-4.974)nm before and after irradiation for thickness 350nm and 4

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Iranian Journal Of Chemistry And Chemical Engineering
The Thermal Pre-processing Technique of the Bio-waste for Contaminated Water Treatment: Histological and Experimental Study

The current study suggested a thermal treatment as a necessary proactive step in improving the adsorption capacity of bio-waste for contaminants removal in wastewater. This approach was based on the experimental and histological investigation of biowaste pods shell. This investigation showed that these shells compose of parenchyma cells that store secondary metabolites compounds produced from cells were exhibited in present study. The results also reported that these compounds are extracted directly from the cells as soon as they are exposed to an aqueous solution, hampering their use as an adsorbent material. The increase in the weight of bio-waste adsorbent at unit liquid volume increases the production of secondary metabolites compounds

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