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Developing Crisis Management System for Construction Projects in Iraq
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Construction is a complicated process that takes place in an almost uncontrollable environment. Although projects can be carefully planned in advance in principle, there is a chance that unforeseen events and crises can disrupt these plans, affecting project development. Because the initial investment expenditures in construction projects are so large, they may be quickly influenced by crises, resulting in significant financial losses. The 2014 financial crisis was one of the most prominent crises that Iraq faced, which significantly impacted various activities in general and the construction industry in particular. Despite the importance of crisis management systems, the researchers found a great lack of local studies looking at crisis management, specifically in the basic stages chosen for its development, which are before, during, and after a crisis. Therefore, an effective crisis management system has been developed consisting of 20 critical success factors with devising 59 actions that can be taken for each proposed criterion for each of the three stages of crisis.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
User-Oriented Preference Toward a Recommender System
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            Nowadays, it is convenient for us to use a search engine to get our needed information. But sometimes it will misunderstand the information because of the different media reports. The Recommender System (RS) is popular to use for every business since it can provide information for users that will attract more revenues for companies. But also, sometimes the system will recommend unneeded information for users. Because of this, this paper provided an architecture of a recommender system that could base on user-oriented preference. This system is called UOP-RS. To make the UOP-RS significantly, this paper focused on movie theatre information and collect the movie database from the IMDb website that provides informatio

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy Research
Pulsatile drug delivery system - A review article
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The Iraqi University
The legal system of Administrative BOT Contracts
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 04 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Discrete Mathematical Sciences And Cryptography
User authentication system based specified brain waves
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A security system can be defined as a method of providing a form of protection to any type of data. A sequential process must be performed in most of the security systems in order to achieve good protection. Authentication can be defined as a part of such sequential processes, which is utilized in order to verify the user permission to entree and utilize the system. There are several kinds of methods utilized, including knowledge, and biometric features. The electroencephalograph (EEG) signal is one of the most widely signal used in the bioinformatics field. EEG has five major wave patterns, which are Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Every wave has five features which are amplitude, wavelength, period, speed and frequency. The linear

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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Wed Feb 09 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Low cost automatic sun path tracking system
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Solar tracking systems used are to increase the efficiency of the solar cells have attracted the attention of researchers recently due to the fact that the attention has been directed to the renewable energy sources. Solar tracking systems are of two types, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and sun path tracking. Both types are studied briefly in this paper and a simple low cost sun path tracking system is designed using simple commercially available component. Measurements have been made for comparison between fixed and tracking system. The results have shown that the trackin

Publication Date
Mon Jul 25 2016
Journal Name
Earthquakes And Structures
Vibration response of saturated sand - foundation system
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In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. A physical model was manufactured to simulate steady state harmonic load applied on a footing resting on sandy soil at different operating frequencies. Total of (84) physical models were performed. The parameters that were taken into consideration include loading frequency, size of footing and different soil conditions. The footing parameters are related to the size of the rectangular footing and depth of embedment. Two sizes of rectangular steel model footing were used. The footings were tested by changing all parameters at the surface and at 50 mm depth below model surface. Meanwhile, the investigated paramete

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
CVOTING: An Anonymous Ballot E-Voting System
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One of the concerns of adopting an e-voting systems in the pooling place of any critical elections is the possibility of compromising the voting machine by a malicious piece of code, which could change the votes cast systematically. To address this issue, different techniques have been proposed such as the use of vote verification techniques and the anonymous ballot techniques, e.g., Code Voting. Verifiability may help to detect such attack, while the Code Voting assists to reduce the possibility of attack occurrence. In this paper, a new code voting technique is proposed, implemented and tested, with the aid of an open source voting. The anonymous ballot improved accordingly the paper audit trail used in this machine. The developed system,

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Resonance Tunneling Through GaN/AlGaN Superlattice System
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The purpose of our work is to report a theoretical study of electrons tunneling through semiconductor superlattice (SSL). The (SSL) that we have considered is (GaN/AlGaN) system within the energy range of ε < Vo, ε = Vo and ε > Vo, where Vo is the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient (TN) was determined using the transfer matrix method. The resonant energies are obtained from the T (E) relation. From such system, we obtained two allowed quasi-levels energy bands for ε < VO and one band for ε  VO.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Solar tracking systems used are to increase the efficiency of the solar cells have attracted the attention of
researchers recently due to the fact that the attention has been directed to the renewable energy sources. Solar tracking systems are of two types, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) and sun path tracking. Both types are studied briefly in this paper and a simple low cost sun path tracking system is designed using simple commercially available component. Measurements have been made for comparison between fixed and tracking system. The results have shown that the tracking system is effective in the sense of relatively high output power increase and low cost.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Machine Learning And Computing
Emotion Recognition System Based on Hybrid Techniques
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Emotion recognition has important applications in human-computer interaction. Various sources such as facial expressions and speech have been considered for interpreting human emotions. The aim of this paper is to develop an emotion recognition system from facial expressions and speech using a hybrid of machine-learning algorithms in order to enhance the overall performance of human computer communication. For facial emotion recognition, a deep convolutional neural network is used for feature extraction and classification, whereas for speech emotion recognition, the zero-crossing rate, mean, standard deviation and mel frequency cepstral coefficient features are extracted. The extracted features are then fed to a random forest classifier. In

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