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Biometrics Systems Challenges in a Post-COVID-19 Pandemic World: A review
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One of the most serious health disasters in recent memory is the COVID-19 epidemic. Several restriction rules have been forced to reduce the virus spreading. Masks that are properly fitted can help prevent the virus from spreading from the person wearing the mask to others. Masks alone will not protect against COVID-19; they must be used in conjunction with physical separation and avoidance of direct contact. The fast spread of this disease, as well as the growing usage of prevention methods, underscore the critical need for a shift in biometrics-based authentication schemes. Biometrics systems are affected differently depending on whether are used as one of the preventive techniques based on COVID-19 pandemic rules. This study provides an overview of biometrics systems and approaches in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. The fundamental COVID-19 prevention rules are first reviewed. The relationships between each regulation and the biometrics that may be impacted are then thoroughly investigated. Recommendations for future trends of feasible approaches are provided to assist researchers in advance and enhance the performance of the biometric system for the post-COVID-19 pandemic environment.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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Textual thresholds and its Aesthetic in history: "Mamo Zain" by its author, the famous Kurdish poet Sheikh Ahmad Al-Khani, deceased (1118 AH / 707 AD), translated by Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti. Research on the connotation and manifestations of interconnection
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Literary works include, for the most part, text thresholds, which are the first entry into reading them and understanding their connotations, and (literary works) vary according to text thresholds, some of which are limited to the title and on the cover page only, and others, in addition to these two thresholds, are based on the dedication threshold too, and others ...

This study takes the story of "Mamo Zain" of the poet Ahmed Al-Khani and his translator Sheikh Muhammad Ramadan Al-Bouti as the field of study, as it is a unique literary work, which included a number of textual thresholds which supported each other and cooperated with the content of the work.

The threshold of dedication in the story of "Mamo Zain" was a spee

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The footnote of The Scholar Abdul Rahman Al-Penjawni on collecting mosques and explaining it to the local by the scholar Abdul Rahman Ibn Mulla Mohammed Ibn Mulla Tahir Al-Penjweni Died in: 1319 AH School: (Absolute and restricted) Study and Observation
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Indeed, being busy with the understanding of religion is the best sort of worship that the almighty God has given each period of time a number of scholars and wise men. They receive what has been passed down to them from their great ancestors, and those who are willing to learn will learn, their students preserve their knowledge through teaching and writing. Thus, the scholars were pioneers in this field due to the value and importance of their knowledge. They have strived in learning, explaining, and writing new subjects.

One of those scholars is sheikh (Abdulrahman Al-Penjweni) who passed away 1319 AH in one of the villages of the city of Sulaimani in Iraq. He was one of the wisest scholars, a br

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 03 2022
Journal Name
Arabian Journal For Science And Engineering
Experimental Study of Cuttings Transport Efficiency of Low Solid Bentonite Drilling Fluids Modified by Cellulose Nanoparticles
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Advancements in horizontal drilling technologies are utilized to develop unconventional resources, where reservoir temperatures and pressures are very high. However, the flocculation of bentonite in traditional fluids at high temperature and high pressure (HTHP) environments can lower cuttings transportation efficiency and even result in problems such as stuck pipe, decreased rate of penetration (ROP), accelerated bit wear, high torque, and drag on the drill string, and formation damage. The major purpose of the present research is to investigate the performance of low bentonite content water-based fluids for the hole cleaning operation in horizontal drilling processes. Low bentonite content water-based drilling fluids were formulated by re

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Analysis of Four Conceptual Designs for the Air Based Photovoltaic / Thermal Collectors
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The  thermal  and  electrical  performance  of  different  designs  of  air  based  hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collectors is investigated experimentally and theoretically. The circulating air is used to cool PV panels and to collect the absorbed energy to improve their performance. Four different collectors have been designed, manufactured and instrumented namely; double PV panels without cooling (model I), single duct double pass collector (model II), double duct single pass (model III), and single duct single pass (model IV) . Each collector consists of: channel duct, glass cover, axial fan to circulate air and two PV panel in parallel connection. The temperature of the upper and

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
US Policy Image Regarding the Middle East Region as Reported by the Iraqi Newspapers (An Analytical Study of the Public Opinion in Editorials: Al-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab Papers Over the Period from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013)
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The present study is an attempt to throw light on the nature of the US policy regarding the Middle East region as portrayed by AI-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab papers over a period of three months from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013.

In writing this study, a number of goals have been set by the researcher. These goals may include but in no way limited to the nature of the US image as carried by the above three papers, the nature of the topics tackled by them and the nature of the Arab countries which received more and extensive coverage than others.

A qualitative research approach is proposed for the study. This approach has allowed the researcher to arrive at definite answers for the possible questions rais

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cloud Data Security through BB84 Protocol and Genetic Algorithm
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In the current digitalized world, cloud computing becomes a feasible solution for the virtualization of cloud computing resources.  Though cloud computing has many advantages to outsourcing an organization’s information, but the strong security is the main aspect of cloud computing. Identity authentication theft becomes a vital part of the protection of cloud computing data. In this process, the intruders violate the security protocols and perform attacks on the organizations or user’s data. The situation of cloud data disclosure leads to the cloud user feeling insecure while using the cloud platform. The different traditional cryptographic techniques are not able to stop such kinds of attacks. BB84 protocol is the first quantum cry

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 10 2023
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2023 3rd International Scientific Conference Of Engineering Sciences (isces)
Using User Experience Metrics for Academic Management System of University of Baghdad
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Interface evaluation has been the subject of extensive study and research in human-computer interaction (HCI). It is a crucial tool for promoting the idea that user engagement with computers should resemble casual conversations and interactions between individuals, according to specialists in the field. Researchers in the HCI field initially focused on making various computer interfaces more usable, thus improving the user experience. This study's objectives were to evaluate and enhance the user interface of the University of Baghdad's implementation of an online academic management system using the effectiveness, time-based efficiency, and satisfaction rates that comply with the task questionnaire process. We made a variety of interfaces f

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) by Statistical Methods
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            An image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, looking and recovering pictures from a huge database of advanced pictures. The objective of Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) methods is essentially to extract, from large (image) databases, a specified number of images similar in visual and semantic content to a so-called query image. The researchers were developing a new mechanism to retrieval systems which is mainly based on two procedures. The first procedure relies on extract the statistical feature of both original, traditional image by using the histogram and statistical characteristics (mean, standard deviation). The second procedure relies on the T-

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Real-Time Cloth Simulation on Virtual Human Character Using Enhanced Position Based Dynamic Framework Technique
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     Cloth simulation and animation has been the topic of research since the mid-80's in the field of computer graphics. Enforcing incompressible is very important in real time simulation. Although, there are great achievements in this regard, it still suffers from unnecessary time consumption in certain steps that is common in real time applications.   This research develops a real-time cloth simulator for a virtual human character (VHC) with wearable clothing. This research achieves success in cloth simulation on the VHC through enhancing the position-based dynamics (PBD) framework by computing a series of positional constraints which implement constant densities. Also, the self-collision and collision wit

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 11 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Collision in the dispute between the two imams Shafi’i and Abu Hanifa by Sheikh Mansour bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Jabbar al-Marwazi al-Samani Abi al-Muzaffar (d. 498 AH) from the issue (If one of the Muslim spouses apostatized and one of the infidel spouses
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The science of jurisprudence is one of the legal sciences that scholars have been interested in since the first centuries of Islam, and they wrote many books about it, and the science of manuscripts is considered one of the scientific achievements in which many scholars emerged, including Imam Al-Samaani, so I chose this manuscript related to Istism to clarify its concept and meaning for all people, The student (Ali Ahmed Abdel-Aziz Sheikh Hamad) preceded me in the investigation of part of the book, and it was facilitated for me, by the grace of God Almighty, to investigate the issue (if one of the Muslim spouses apostatized and one of the infidel spouses converted to Islam until the end of the issue of if the two spouses were taken capt

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