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Synthesis and Characterisation of Metal Complexes with Mixed Azido-Carboxylato Bridges
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The research on coordination polymers chemistry based on organic-metal framework with bridging ligands has accelerated during the past two decades. It is an interested hot topic in the synthetic inorganic chemistry, which allowed the fabrication of a variety of interested materials. These materials have shown a range of applications including light harvesting and magnetic properties. The thesis is divided in three chapters. The first chapter gives a general introduction on the development of self-assembled polymeric species based on transition metal. It is also covered a summary of the literature review on the current state of the art on self-assembled coordination ploymers. Furthermore, it includes a description on various relevant topics such as the magnetic properties of macro- and micromolecules, spin crossover in transition metal compounds (SCO), the involvement of various bridging systems in the formation of self-assembled species, and highlight current examples in the synthesis of coordination polymer compounds. The uses and applications of current organic ligand systems and their metal complexes have been included in this chapter. It also includes the aim and the objectives of this investigation.

Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Field study of the effect of jet grouting parameters on strength based on tensile and unconfined compressive strength
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Abstract<p>The improvement of the mechanical soil characteristics of jet grouting technique is very attractive. The jet grouted soil cement columns in soft is a complicated issue because it depends on a number of factors such as, soil nature, mixture, influence among soil and grouting materials, jetting force of nozzle, jet grouting and water flow rate, rotation and lifting speed. This paper discusses the estimation of shear strength parameters of soil-cement column (soilcrete) in soft clayey soil based on the relationships between the unconfined compressive and split tensile strength for the soilcrete and the effect of the jet grouting and water pressure in the values of cohesion and internal f</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of some physical, chemical and biological properties of Slabiaat River waters in Al-Muthanna province, Iraq
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Present study was conducted in order to assess Slabiaat water quality by measuring some physical and chemical factors of river water, the study included a choice of three stations along of Slabiaat River in Samawa city, water samples collected a monthly during the period from September 2013 August 2014. The study involved measuring the Air & water temperatures, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Dissolved oxygen, Total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium, turbidity, and some types of bacteria in River water. The study results showed that the values of air & water temperatures have ranged between (20.1-36.6)?C , (10-21.8) in Slabiaat River, respectively . pH values ranged between (6.6-8.7). Electrical conductivity in

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Pathogenicity of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner on Larvae and Adults of Blow Fly Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann,1819) (Diptera : Calliphoridae)
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 This study was conducted to evaluate serial concentrations of commercial formulation suspension (Antrol) of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. As a microbial control agent against Chrysomya albiceps (blow fly) larvae and adults under laboratory conditions. The results revealed that percentages of accumulated mortalities of second instar larvae were 30 - 63.33% for the doses 100 – 2000 ppm respectively , Mortalities rate increased with increased of time, treating larval food with 1000 ppm of bacterial suspension caused mortality rate reached 30% after two days, later reached 72.96% after 12 days. The bio assays results of treating adults food showed that mortalities percentage were 6.67 – 73.33 when their food was tre

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitudes and Experience of off-label Drug Prescribing Practice among Physicians in Baghdad City Hospitals
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The present study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and experience of off-label prescribing practice among physicians in Baghdad city hospitals. This cross-sectional study was performed through the period from November 1st 2018 to March 2019 at 17 hospitals, a self-administered questionnaire was utilized to collect data from the physicians, and the targeted hospitals were randomly selected at different regions in Baghdad City area. Out of the 400 distributed questionnaires to the physicians, 383 of them were returned completed, 57.2% indicated that they were reasonably familiar with the term “off label drug”, 57.7% mentioned that the most common medical reasons for the prescribing o

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation the profitability of public commercial banks using liquidity indicators: A comparison of the Rafidain and Rasheed study
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The issue of liquidity, profitability, and money employment, and capital fullness is one of the most important issues that gained high consideration by other authors and researchers in their attempts to find out the real relationship and how can balance be achieved, which is the main goal of each deposits.

For the sake of comprising the study variables, the research has formed the problem of the study which refers to the bank capability to enlarge profits without dissipation in liquidity   of the bank which will negatively reflect on the bank's fame as well as the customers' trust. For all these matters, the researcher has proposed a set of aims, the important of which is the estimation of the bank profitability; liquid

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Identification of Cryptosporidium sp. by Reverse Osmosis System of Tap water in Baghdad: Afkar M. Hadi
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A total of 60 samples of drinking water filtrated by Reverser 0smosis Filtration System from April to October 2012, from different houses in Baghdad – Al Resafa, so as to identify the eggs and cysts of protozoa. Two methods applied direct smear and staining technique with zeal nelson stain, which appeared Tape warm eggs, Ascaris lumbrecoides eggs and oocyst of Cryptospordium sp. This study revealed that total contamination rate with intestinal parasites in tap water were 96.6% this high rate, refers to filtrate tap water by reverse osmosis system was useful to prevent or reduce the contamination of drinking water, in order to reduce risks to public health; So recommended to apply this method at water purification stations. Dis

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Effects of Microwave Furnace Heat on The Mechanical Properties and Estimated Fatigue life of AA2024-T3
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This research aims to study the effect of microwave furnace heat on the mechanical properties and fatigue life of aluminum alloy (AA 2024-T3). Four conditions were used inside microwave furnace (specimens subjected to heat as dry for 30 and 60min. and specimens subjected to heat as wet (water) for 30 and 60 min.), and compared all results with original alloy (AA 2024-T3). Tensile, fatigue, hardness and surface roughness tests were used in this investigation. It is found that hardness of dry conditions is higher than wet conditions and it increases with increasing of time duration inside microwave furnace for dry and wet conditions. Also, tensile strength has the same behavior of hardness, but it increases with decreasing

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The use of Some Aliphatic Halorgano antimony Compounds as combustion Retarding agents of Unsaturated Polyester and Epoxy Resins
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Four antimony compounds were used in this inves as additives to retard combustion of unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins, namely: 1. Tetraethyl ammonium tribromoethylantimonates (additive I). 2. Tetraethyl ammonium chlorodibromoethylantimonates (additive II). 3. Tetraethyl ammonium trichloroethylantimonates (additive III). 4. Tetraethyl ammonium bromodichloroethylantimonates (additive IV). The effects of these additives on flammability of unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins have been studied by using sheets of the resins with weight percentages of (0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5&3.0%) of the additives in dimensions of (150 X150X3)mm .Three standard test methods were used to measure the flame retardation which are: (ASTM:D -2863), (ASTM:D-635

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Simulations of the initiation and propagation of streamers in electrical discharges inside water at 3 mm length gap
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This work is devoted to the modeling of streamer discharge, propagation in liquid dielectrics (water) gap using the bubble theory. This of the electrical discharge (streamer) propagating within a dielectric liquid subjected to a divergent electric field, using finite element method (in two dimensions). Solution of Laplace's equation governs the voltage and electric field distributions within the configuration, the electrode configuration a point (pin) - plane configuration, the plasma channels were followed, step to step. The results show that, the electrical discharge (streamer) indicates the breakdown voltage required for a 3mm atmospheric pressure dielectric liquid gap as 13 kV. Also, the electric potential and field distributions sho

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Effects of Olive Leaves Extracts in the activity of the enzyme GOT and their Biological Activities
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The olive tree, has been used it is important plant for the time being some of their parts on a large scale in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and stimulate circulation . Moreover, it is used as antibacterial material and also to address some of the respiratory system, diabetes, food preservation osteoporosis. This study involved the collection of olive leaves from different areas in Baghdad / Iraq. These leaves have been harvested, wash it, then dried and crushed, where the study aimed to identify the active ingredients and chemical elements in the olive leaf as well as its effect on the action of GOT enzyme .The study showed that the aqueous extracts (cold and hot) of the olive leaves powder are acidic in nature pH values

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