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Assessment Resistance Potential to Moisture Damage and Rutting for HMA Mixtures Reinforced by Steel Fibers
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Rutting is mainly referring to pavement permanent deformation, it is a major problem for flexible pavement and it is a complicated process and highly observed along with many segments of asphalt pavement in Iraq. The occurrence of this defect is related to several variables such as elevated temperatures and high wheel loads. Studying effective methods to reduce rutting distress is of great significance for providing a safe and along-life road. The asphalt mixture used to be modified by adding different types of additives. The addition of additives typically excesses stiffness, improves temperature susceptibility, and reduces moisture sensitivity. For this work, steel fibres have been used for modifying asphalt mixture as they incorporated in the specimens by three percentages designated as 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 % by the weight of asphalt mixture. The evaluation process based on conducting Marshall Test, Compressive strength test, and the wheel tracking test. The optimum asphalt content was determined for asphalt mixture. The results of the Marshall quotient and the index of retained strength of modified mixtures were increased by 44.0 and 17.38% respectively with adding 1.0% of steel fibres compared with the conventional mixture. The rut depth and dynamic stability were determined by using a wheel tracking test at two various testing temperatures of 45 and 55°C and two applied stresses of 70 and 80 psi. Results show that adding 1% of steel fibres to asphalt mixtures is very effective in increase the rutting resistance and reduce moisture damage.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Behavior of reactive powder concrete containing recycled glass powder reinforced by steel fiber
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Abstract<p>Environmental sustainability is described as one that avoids the depletion or deterioration of natural resources, while also allowing for the preservation of long-term environmental quality. By practicing environmental sustainability, we may assist to guarantee that the requirements of today’s population are satisfied without risking the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs in the future. Engineers in the field of concrete production are becoming increasingly interested in sustainable development, which includes the utilization of the locally available materials in addition to using the agricultural and industrial waste in construction industry as one of the possib</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the effect of microbial factor on the qualities and characteristics of Novolak composite material, reinforced glass fibers / Asbestos fibers.
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The study was reflection of the impact of the widespread use of polymer Novolak composite reinforced  Glass fiber and Asbestos fiber once again with weight fraction 60% on the physical properties, which included (Hardness, Compressive deformation, compressive modulus of elasticity, Flexural modulus of elasticity, Resilience modulus, the maximum of Flexural strength, Flexural strain energy and Shear strength inner layers); it is known how much important the media as a source of bacterial contamination, which contributes directly or indirectly in the process of aging of these materials. These Novolak composite reinforced,  prepared by weight fraction of (10%) and (14%) of the Hexamethylene-tetraamine (HMTA) hardener material. It

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Ssrn Electronic Journal
Design of Earthquake-Resistant Buildings by Using Reinforced Concrete or Steel Flexible Corner Joints
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This study focuses on studying the effect of reinforced steel in detail, and steel reinforcement (tensile ratio, compression ratio, size, and joint angle shape) on the strength of reinforced concrete (compressive strength) Fc' and searching for the most accurate details of concrete divisions, their behavior, and corner resistance of reinforced concrete joint. The comparison of this paper with previous studies, especially in the studied properties. The conclusions of the chapter are summarized that these effects had a clear effect and a specific effect on the behavior and resistance of the reinforced concrete corner joints under the negative moments and under their influence and the resulting stress conditions. The types of defects that can

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Punching Shear Resistance Strengthening of Concrete Flat Plates by Steel Collars
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In this study, six square reinforced concrete flat plates with dimensions of (1500×1500×100) mm were tested under a concentrated load applied on a column located at the center of the slabs. One of these slabs was the control specimen, whereas, in the others, steel angles (steel collars) were used, fixed at the connection region between the slab and the column to investigate the effect of the presence of these collars on punching shear strength. Five thicknesses were used (4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm) with constant legs of angles (75×75) mm of the steel collars to investigate the effects on the punching shear resistance with respect to the control slab. The results of the experimental study show that the punching shear resistance increased b

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Mechanical Properties of Laminated Composites Reinforced With Discontinuous and Continuous Different Fibers
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 In this paper we investigate how do the laminated composites behave mechanically when subjected to external stresses, when reinforced with continuous fibers (mat) and discontinuous fibers (chopped) and to find the effect of the fiber type on the mechanical properties. Laminated composites consisting of wood- wood and Ph-F resin as suitable adhesive were reinforced with different fibers(jute, glass, and carbon).However, two  different methods of reinforcement namely, mat and chopped fibers were utilized. The mechanical properties such as (impact strength, compression strength, tensile strength, shear strength, bending strength, and elasticity modulus) of laminated composites were measured. Fibers reinforced laminated composite

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences
A potential role of extracellular DNA in biofilm and ciprofloxacin resistance
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Objectives: This study aims to broaden our knowledge of the role of eDNA in bacterial biofilms and antibiotic-resistance gene transfer among isolates. Methods: Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from different non-repeated 170 specimens. The bacterial isolates were identified using morphological and molecular methods. Different concentrations of genomic DNA were tested for their potential role in biofilms formed by study isolates employing microtiter plate assay. Ciprofloxacin resistance was identified by detecting a mutation in gyrA and parC. Results: The biofilm intensity significantly decreased (P < 0.05) concerning S. aureus isolates and insignificantly (P > 0.05) concernin

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Geology And Hydrogeology
Assessing Pullout Resistance of Earth Reinforced Embankment Model
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- The sandy soil with high gypsum content (usually referred to as gypseous soil) covers vast area in south, east, middle and west regions of Iraq, such soil possess a type of cohesive forces when attached with optimum amount of water, then compacted and allowed to cure, but losses its strength when flooded with water again. Much work on earth reinforcement was published which concentrate on the gain in bearing capacity in the reinforced layer using different types of cohesive or cohesion less soil and various types of reinforcement such as plastic, metal, grids, and synthetic textile. Little attention was paid to there enforce gypseous soil. The objective of this work is to study the interaction between such soil and reinforcement strips

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 10 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Biomimetics, Biomaterials And Biomedical Engineering
Synthesis, Molecular Modeling, DNA Damage Interaction, and Antioxidant Potential of Hesperidin Loaded on Gold Nanoparticles
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The flavonoglycone hesperidin is recognized as a potent anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antioxidant agent. However, its poor bioavailability is a crucial bottleneck regarding its therapeutic activity. Gold nanoparticles are widely used in drug delivery because of its unique properties that differ from bulk metal. Hesperidin loaded gold nanoparticles were successfully prepared to enhance its stability and bioactive potential, as well as to minimize the problems associated with its absorption. The free radical scavenging activities of hesperidin, gold nanoparticles, and hesperidin loaded gold nanoparticles were compared with that of Vitamin C and subsequently evaluated in vitro using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay. The antioxi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Laser Effect on Fatique Resistance of Carbon Steel
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Laser beam has been widely used to improve the mechanical properties of the metals. It used for cutting, drilling, hardening, welding……etc. The use of Laser beam has many features in accuracy and speeding in work, also in the treatment of metals locally, and in the places that is hard to reach by traditional ways. In this research a surface treatment was done to medium carbon steel (0.4%C) which is common kind of steel that is used in industry. Pulsing Neodymium -YAG Laser has been used and 1.06 micrometer wave length and 5 msec and the distance is about 30 centimeter between the exit area of the Laser beam from the system and the piece that treated . We are going to check the fatigue resistance for samples that is

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Compensation for Psychological Damage Caused by Negligence - A Comparative Study
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Psychological damage is one of the damages that can be compensated under the fault of negligence in the framework of English law, where the latter intends to include an enumeration of civil errors on the basis of which liability can be determined, and aims under each of these errors to protect a specific interest (for example, defamation protects Among the damage to reputation and inconvenience are the rights contained on the land), and the same is true for the rest of the other errors. Compensation for psychological damage resulting from negligence has raised problems in cases where the psychological injury is "pure", that is, those that are not accompanied by a physical injury, which required subjecting them to special requirements by the

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