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Application of Taguchi orthogonal array in optimization of the synthesis and crystallinity of metal organic framework 5 (MOF 5)
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Purpose: To use the L25 Taguchi orthogonal array for optimizing the three main solvothermal parameters that affect the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks-5 (MOF-5). Methods: The L25 Taguchi methodology was used to study various parameters that affect the degree of crystallinity (DOC) of MOF-5. The parameters comprised temperature of synthesis, duration of synthesis, and ratio of the solvent, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) to reactants. For each parameter, the volume of DMF was varied while keeping the weight of reactants constant. The weights of 1,4-benzodicarboxylate (BDC) and Zn(NO3)2.6H2O used were 0.390 g and 2.166 g, respectively. For each parameter investigated, five different levels were used. The MOF-5 samples were synthesized using the solvothermal reaction method, and successful synthesis was confirmed with x-ray diffraction (XRD), microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The DOC obtained via XRD served as a parameter of objective quality. Results: The optimum conditions that gave the highest DOC were synthesis temperature of 130 °C, duration of 60 h, and a vehicle volume of 50 mL, with optimum Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area (BET -SA) of 800 m2/g. All the three synthesis parameters significantly influenced the DOC of the synthesized MOF-5 (p < 0.05). Sub-optimal conditions resulted in distorted MOFs, products that deviated from MOF-5 specifications, or MOF-5 with low DOC. Conclusion: Based on DOC and BET-SA, the best conditions for synthesis of MOF-5 when using Taguchi OA, were temperature of 130 °C, duration of 60 h, and a DMF volume of 50 mL.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology (jatit)
Factors and Model for Sensitive Data Management and Protection in Information Systems’ Decision of Cloud Environment
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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology is a peer-reviewed electronic research papers & review papers journal with aim of promoting and publishing original high quality research dealing with theoretical and scientific aspects in all disciplines of IT (Informaiton Technology

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
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Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Strengthened Steel–Concrete Composite Beams in Sagging and Hogging Moment Regions
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Strengthening of composite beams is highly needed to upgrade the capacities of existing beams. The strengthening methods can be classified as active or passive techniques. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to provide detailed FE simulations for strengthened and unstrengthened steel–concrete composite beams at the sagging and hogging moment regions with and without profiled steel sheeting. The developed models were verified against experimental results from the literature. The verified models were used to present comparisons between the effect of using external post-tensioning and CFRP laminates as strengthening techniques. Applying external post-tensioning at the sagging moment regions is more effective because of the e

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion and Galvanic behavior of Copper, Carbon steel and Zinc Couples in (3.5 %wt) Nacl Solution
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The galvanic corrosion of the (Cu - Fe), (Cu - Zn) and (Fe - Zn) couples have been investigated in 3.5% NaCl solution, 40ºC, different velocities (Re = 5000, 10000 and 15000) and different area ratio’s of cathode to anode (AR= 0.5,1 and 2), by using commercial metal pipe (cylindrical tube).The Zero Resistance Ammeter has been used to measure the galvanic current (Ig) and galvanic potential (Eg) with time. The galvanic current density increases with increasing velocity (Re) and the area ratio (AR). The galvanic potential (Eg) is shifted to less negative with increasing velocity (Re) and the area ratio (AR). A statistical relations for the galvanic current density and galvanic potential as a function of (Re). and the area ratio had been

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Electromagnetic multipole of positive and negative parity states in 24Mg by elastic and inelastic electron scattering
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In the present work, the nuclear shell model with Hartree–Fock (HF) calculations have been used to investigate the nuclear structure of 24Mg nucleus. Particularly, elastic and inelastic electron scattering form factors and transition probabilities have been calculated for low-lying positive and negative states. The sd and sdpf shell model spaces have been used to calculate the one-body density matrix elements (OBDM) for positive and negative parity states respectively. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock (SHF) with different parameterizations has been tested with shell model calculation as a single particle potential for reproducing the experimental data along with a harmonic oscillator (HO) and Woods-Saxo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Rehabilitation of Mounemantal, Historical, and Traditional Buildings (Pilot Project strategy in Historical and Traditional Buildings Rehabilitation)
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The concept of rehabilitation provided an essential richness in the conservation philosophy through sustaining buildings life and adapting them to the contemporary use through a vision which looks at the present and future . In Iraq , the existence of historical buildings and the traditional fabric in the cities required the urban development which enhanced the interests of planning and architectural fields especially the building rehabilitation which requires the architectural intervention , and all that led to elaborate the problem of research which is " The confusion in the concepts of monumental, historical and traditional buildings in Iraq, As well as The insufficient knowledge about rehabilitation and the acts related to it through

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Micro Spectrophotometric Determination and Cloud Point Extraction of Sulphadimidine Sodium in Pure form and Pharmaceutical Drug
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Two simple, rapid, and useful spectrophotometric methods were suggest or the determination of sulphadimidine sodium (SDMS) with and without using cloud point extraction technique in pure form and pharmaceutical preparation. The first  method was based on  diazotization of the Sulphdimidine Sodium drug by sodium nitrite at 5 ºC, followed by coupling with α –Naphthol in basic medium to form an orange colored product . The product was stabilized and its absorption was measured at 473 nm. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of (1-12) μg∙ml-1. Sandell’s sensitivity was 0.03012 μg∙cm-1, the detection limit was 0.0277 μg∙ml-1, and the limit of Quantitation was 0.03605μg

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Stored Products Research
Detection and prediction of Sitophilus oryzae infestations in triticale via visible and near-infrared spectral signatures
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Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye grown for use as animal feed. In Florida, due to its soft coat, triticale is highly vulnerable to Sitophilus oryzae L. (rice weevil) and there is interest in development of methods to detect early-instar larvae so that infestations can be targeted before they become economically damaging. The objective of this study was to develop prediction models of the infestation degree for triticale seed infested with rice weevils of different growth stages. Spectral signatures were tested as a method to detect rice weevils in triticale seed. Groups of seeds at 11 different levels (degrees) of infestation, 0–62%, were obtained by combining different ratios of infested and uninfested seeds. A spectrophotometer wa

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 05 2020
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Methods And Objects Of Chemical Analysis
Derivative Spectrophotometric Determination for Simultaneous Estimation of Isoniazid and Ciprofloxacin in Mixture and Pharmaceutical Formulation
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A simple analytical method was used in the present work for the simultaneous quantification of Ciprofloxacin and Isoniazid in pharmaceutical preparations. UV-Visible spectrophotometry has been applied to quantify these compounds in pure and mixture solutions using the first-order derivative method. The method depends on the first derivative spectrophotometry using zero-cross, peak to baseline, peak to peak and peak area measurements. Good linearity was shown in the concentration range of 2 to 24 µg∙mL-1 for Ciprofloxacin and 2 to 22 µg∙mL-1 for Isoniazid in the mixture, and the correlation coefficients were 0.9990 and 0.9989 respectively using peak area mode. The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) were

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A study of Nutritional and Chemical Content in One Kind Chamomile Tea for Infant and Children
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This study has been performed for knowing the nutritional and chemical content of one kind chamomile tea for infant and children available in the pharmacy. The results have been showed that the percentage of essential compounds which represented with moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash and calories as 7.09%,0.01%,0.01%,92,81%, 0.08% and 371,37 Kal./100g, respectively of dry weight. Also the results have been showed that the percentage of chamomile plant extract that added to the tea as 5.74%. And the result of chemical test for effective materials in alcoholic extract showed consist Tannis, Glycosides, Flavonoids, Alkialoids,and Resins.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Grammatical Behaviour and Uses of Negative and Prohibitive Particles in Semitic Languages: A Comparative Semitic Study
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      Grammatical particles are so important in understanding a text and its meaning in linguistic context. This paper  " Grammatical Behavior and Uses of Negative and Prohibitive Particles in Semitic Languages: A Comparative Semitic Study"

      tackles  a very important topic in Semitic languages. Comparative studies in Semitic languages shed light on  phenomena in different languages that are related or have one common origin. No doubt, such studies have their own effects on language study in general especially when studying a specific phenomenon and explaining it by reliance on the one origin, or by investigating the various phases of its historical development.

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