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Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Identify the Challenges and Priorities of Reconstruction Projects in Iraq
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Reconstruction project management in the cities of Mosul, Anbar, and Tikrit, in Iraq still faces major obstacles that impede the comprehensive performance of these projects. It is thus necessary to improve the arising challenge estimation in the implementation of reconstruction projects and evaluate their components: time, cost, quality, and scope. This study used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize major and minor criteria in the influential causes of challenges and formulate a mathematical model to help decision-makers estimate them. Using the Super Decisions software, the final results indicated that changes in scope reached 40.8%, which is the greatest difficulty, followed by changes in cost at 27.6%, changes in time at 13.5%, and changes in quality at 18.11%. The results of the essential subcriteria also indicated that underlying issues still exist in the Iraqi construction industry and that quick solutions are vital. Five mathematical equations were formulated to develop a model to estimate changes that introduce challenges in time, cost, quality, and scope and so to help decision-makers assess the level of these changes and identify challenges. This study recommended addressing these variables through realistic administrative and methodological strategies to consider changes, challenges, and available opportunities.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Investment Perspective According to Behavioral Finance Science
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The first thing that comes to mind is the highly important question of whether there were some effects of human behavior and its fluctuations on the theories of the efficient market and the contemporary investment portfolio. According to what has been said by the proponents of these two theories; when the optimal return is realized, the efficiency of the market is achieved in terms of perfect information on prices and risk that supposed to be predetermined in a rational way.

he other question that imposed here is “at what time people should be rational in their investments in the security markets ?”. This means that investors are rational for their efforts devoted to utility maximization, which are p

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Barriers to Dietary Compliance among Diabetic Patients
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The aim of the study is to identify the barriers to dietary compliance among diabetic patients.
Methodology: The sample of the study consist of 100 patients who were divided into two groups according to
the type of diabetes mellitus; type 1 (Insulin-dependent diabetic mellitus), and type n (Non-Insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus). Each group consists of 50 patient selected randomly at each visit to Al-Waffa center in Mosul
city during the period from (1-12-2005) to (1-2-2006).
The steps of the study include recording the different barriers for diabetic patients. The questionnaire
was used and special list was utilized for such purpose.
Results: The results shows that there were some barriers most common such as both

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Bernoulli Equation to Solve Burger's Equation
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In this paper we find the exact solution of Burger's equation after reducing it to Bernoulli equation. We compare this solution with that given by Kaya where he used Adomian decomposition method, the solution given by chakrone where he used the Variation iteration method (VIM)and the solution given by Eq(5)in the paper of M. Javidi. We notice that our solution is better than their solutions.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 22 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Evolving Algorithms to Cryptanalysis Nonlinear Cryptosystems
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            In this paper, new method have been investigated using evolving algorithms (EA's) to cryptanalysis one of the nonlinear stream cipher cryptosystems which depends on the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) unit by using cipher text-only attack. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) which are used for attacking one of the nonlinear cryptosystems called "shrinking generator" using different lengths of cipher text and different lengths of combined LFSRs. GA and ACO proved their good performance in finding the initial values of the combined LFSRs. This work can be considered as a warning for a stream cipher designer to avoid the weak points, which may be f

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Target cost tool to achieve competitive advantage
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Target costing is one of the modern techniques in strategic Management accounting, Is has shown active adoption to changes in current business environments, In addition, is has seen a growth in strategic approach, The goal of using target costing is to build and strengthen competition abilities of economic units through introducing appropriate ways to decrease cost values while maintaining and improving quality of product, So this study is aim to show how can  economic units use target costing to achieve competitive advantages .


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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Luqman's commandments to his son: Objective study
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God  urged to read the Holy Qur’an and to ponder it is commanded, and the Most High said:  That they ponder over His verses and that those with insights remember ().
And this book that God Almighty sent down to the heart of His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is as clear as the sun and the moon.
It is a book of guidance and the constitution of a nation that is the best nation brought forth for mankind, and God has taken care of its preservation as He said:  We have sent down the Remembrance, and we are its guardians.
This has been chosen for this topic (Luqman's commandments to his son) for what we see today in our time and society from the loss of morals and values and the neglect of parents to their chi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Quantization approach to steganography perceptual color spaces
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In this study, we present a new steganography method depend on quantizing the perceptual color spaces bands. Four perceptual color spaces are used to test the new method which is HSL, HSV, Lab and Luv, where different algorithms to calculate the last two-color spaces are used. The results reveal the validity of this method as a steganoic method and analysis for the effects of quantization and stegano process on the quality of the cover image and the quality of the perceptual color spaces bands are presented.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Benford’s Law to detect Financial Fraud
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Fraud Includes acts involving the exercise of deception by multiple parties inside and outside companies in order to obtain economic benefits against the harm to those companies, as they are to commit fraud upon the availability of three factors which represented by the existence of opportunities, motivation, and rationalization. Fraud detecting require necessity of indications the possibility of its existence. Here, Benford’s law can play an important role in direct the light towards the possibility of the existence of financial fraud in the accounting records of the company, which provides the required effort and time for detect fraud and prevent it.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 23 2021
Journal Name
Reviews In Chemical Engineering
Molybdenum nitrides from structures to industrial applications
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Owing to their remarkable characteristics, refractory molybdenum nitride (MoNx)-based compounds have been deployed in a wide range of strategic industrial applications. This review reports the electronic and structural properties that render MoNx materials as potent catalytic surfaces for numerous chemical reactions and surveys the syntheses, procedures, and catalytic applications in pertinent industries such as the petroleum industry. In particular, hydrogenation, hydrodesulfurization, and hydrodeoxygenation are essential processes in the refinement of oil segments and their conversions into commodity fuels and platform chemicals. N-vacant sites over a catalyst’s surface are a significant driver of diverse chemical phenomena. Studies on

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Scopus (17)
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study Of Corrosion Inhibition Of Low Carbon Steel In Washing Water Of Crude Oil Solution In The Presence Of Folic Acid
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The corrosion behavior of low carbon steel in washing water of crude oil solution has been studied potentiostatically at five temperatures in the range (30–70)°C .The corrosion potential shifted to more negative values with increasing temperature and the corrosion current density increased with increasing temperature. Folic acid had on inhibiting effect on the corrosion of low carbon steel in washing water at a concentration (5× 10-4-- 5× 10-3 ) mol/dm3 over the temperature range (30–70)°C. Values of the protection efficiency were calculated from the corrosion current density .From the general results for this study, it can be seen that thermodynamic and kinetic function were also calculated (?G, ?S, ?H and Ea )

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