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Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Identify the Challenges and Priorities of Reconstruction Projects in Iraq
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Reconstruction project management in the cities of Mosul, Anbar, and Tikrit, in Iraq still faces major obstacles that impede the comprehensive performance of these projects. It is thus necessary to improve the arising challenge estimation in the implementation of reconstruction projects and evaluate their components: time, cost, quality, and scope. This study used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize major and minor criteria in the influential causes of challenges and formulate a mathematical model to help decision-makers estimate them. Using the Super Decisions software, the final results indicated that changes in scope reached 40.8%, which is the greatest difficulty, followed by changes in cost at 27.6%, changes in time at 13.5%, and changes in quality at 18.11%. The results of the essential subcriteria also indicated that underlying issues still exist in the Iraqi construction industry and that quick solutions are vital. Five mathematical equations were formulated to develop a model to estimate changes that introduce challenges in time, cost, quality, and scope and so to help decision-makers assess the level of these changes and identify challenges. This study recommended addressing these variables through realistic administrative and methodological strategies to consider changes, challenges, and available opportunities.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A comparative Isothermal and Kinetic Study of the Adsorption of Lead (II) from Solution by Activated Carbon and Bentonite
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This work is aiming to study and compare the removal of lead (II) from simulated wastewater by activated carbon and bentonite as adsorbents with particle size of 0.32-0.5 mm. A mathematical model was applied to describe the mass transfer kinetic.

The batch experiments were carried out to determine the adsorption isotherm constants for each adsorbent, and five isotherm models were tested to choose the best fit model for the experimental data. The pore, surface diffusion coefficients and mass transfer coefficient were found by fitting the experimental data to a theoretical model. Partial differential equations were used to describe the adsorption in the bulk and solid phases. These equations were simplified and the

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 23 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Formulation and Evaluation of High-Fat Pellet on Lipid Profiles and Body Mass Index of Male Wistar Rats
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This study aimed to explore the manufacture of high-fat pellets for obesity induction diets in male Wistar rats and determined its effect on lipid profiles and body mass index. It was an experimental laboratory method with a post-test randomized control group. Formulation of high-fat pellets (HFD) and physico-chemical characteristics of pellets were conducted in September 2019. This study used about 28 male Wistar white rats, two months old, and 150-200 g body weight. Rats were acclimatized for seven days, then divided into four groups: 7 rats were given a standard feed of Confeed PARS CP594 (P0), and three groups (P1, P2, P3) were given high-fat feed (HFD FII) 30 g/head/day. The result showed that the mean fat content of Formula II pell

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
دراسة مقارنة لمستوى التمکین الإداری بین مشرفی التربیة الریاضیة (الاختصاص والفنی) لمدیریات التربیة فی محافظة بغداد A Comparative Study of the Level of Administrative Empowerment between the Physical Education Supervisors (Specialization and Technical) of Education Directorate in Baghdad Governorate
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 22 2021
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This research was conducted in order to monitor and measure the dimensions of media policy in satellite channels directed from the point of view of the communicator, and this research is classified among the descriptive studies, as the researcher used the survey method to answer the questions that were formulated in light of the research problem represented by the main question: What are the dimensions of media policy in Directed satellite channels? .
To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the following tools:
The questionnaire, in order to survey the attitudes of communicators about the extent to which the media policy during crises reflects on their professional standards. The research community is represente

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Role of Informativity in Translating Poetry (A Case Study of Emily Dickinson's Slant of Light)
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Informativity, being an essential component of text/discourse, plays a significant role in highlighting the intended meaning and finally contributes to the overall process of rendering a text cross-culturally. It has, however, been overlooked by translators in doing their jobs. In poetic translation, informativity plays a particularly significant role as it sheds light on the ungraspable traits of meaning.

This study tries to explore this aspect in a translation of Emily Dickenson's Slant of Lights to see where the translator fell short in this aspect with attempts to produce an alternative translation taking into consideration the various orders of informativity. For this purpose, a model of informativity is forwarded t

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Publication Date
Thu May 01 2014
Journal Name
European Journal Of Pharmacology
The effects of different doses of silibinin in combination with methotrexate on testicular tissue of mice
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Methotrexate (MTX) is widely used chemotherapeutic agent with different side effects including germ cells toxicities. Silibinin is one of the structural isomers of silymarin, with different phytotherapeutic applications, and its possible protective effects against MTX induced germ cells damage were investigated in this work. Twenty five male mice were divided into five groups (n=5) allocated as follows: Group 1 received buffer for five days given by single intraperitoneal (IP) injection per day; Group 2 in addition to buffer for five days, animals received at day five single dose of 20mg/kg of MTX IP. Groups (3, 4, and 5) received respectively, (50, 100, or 150mg/kg body weight) of silibinin IP single daily dose for five days then at day fi

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculate the Longitude and Orbital Motion for Amaletha, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto Satellites
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The orbital motion and longitude for some Jupiter's satellites (Amaletha, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) were calculated from two different locations Iraq and Syria. A program was designed, the input parameters were the desired year, month, day and the longitude of the location, the output parameters results were applied in form of a file, and this file includes the longitude, orbital motion, and local time of these satellites. A specific date 1-10-2013 was taken, the results of longitude was (20-336) º and orbital motion was (92-331) º for both Iraq and Syria location with observing time (05:24:14-15:18:10) for Iraq and (04:56:33-14:50:30) for Syria. The difference in time between the two locations was constant (00:45:00), these results

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On The Double Integral Transform (Complex EE Transform) and Their Properties and Applications
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Due to the importance of solutions of partial differential equations, linear, nonlinear, homogeneous, and non-homogeneous, in important life applications, including engineering applications, physics and astronomy, medical sciences, and life technology, and their importance in solutions to heat transfer equations, wave, Laplace equation, telegraph, etc. In this paper, a new double integral transform has been proposed.

In this work, we have introduced a new double transform ( Double Complex EE Transform ). In addition, we presented the convolution theorem and proved the properties of the proposed transform, which has an effective and useful role in dealing with the solution of two-dimensional partial differential equations. Moreover

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Emotional deprivation and its relation with the behavioral and nervous problems for adolescents
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Relationship phonetics and musicology at the Ikhwan Al- Safa and at al – Farabi
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Phonetics has close relevance with Musicology; in this study I decided explaining the interlinkages and harmony between Phonetics and Musicology. Linguists preceded philosophers in an attempt to link Phonetics with Musicology; the 1st serious attempt to link Phonetics with Musicology was done by Ibn Jeny (Dead 392 IC), but the real attempt is found with Farabi through his book under title Al Musiqa Al Kabeer, he defined music and link it with tune and relation between melody and tone, This is the same as pointed out by Ikhwan Al Safa who followed the doctrine of al-Farabi, their attention was with music and link it with phoneme, as they made music independent science, and they created special mathematics rules for it. Melody in music can

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