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Evaluation the Level of Service of Signalized Intersection: Al-Amreia Intersection as a Case Study
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Abstract<p>One of the main element in the network is the intersection which consider as the critical points because there are many conflict in this element. The capability and quality of operation of an intersection was assessed to provide a better understanding of the network's traffic efficiency. In Baghdad city, the capital of/Iraq the majority of the intersections are operated under the congestion status and with level of service F, therefore theses intersection are consider as high spot point of delay in the network of Baghdad city. In this study we selected Al-Ameria signalized intersection as a case study to represent the delay problem in the intersections in Baghdad. The intersection is located in the west of Bagdad city, this intersection realizes a huge traffic, and there are a lot of tourist attractions near to the study area. The aim of this research is to enhance traffic operations, improve the level of service and decrease the delay in Al-Ameria signalized intersection by examine four suggested alternative. Special teams with a special tools are collected traffic and geometric data for the intersection. HCS 2010 program are used in this study to measure the delay and evaluate the level of service in each approach and for the hall of the intersection. The result of this study show that the intersection is operated under the breakdown condition with level of service F for all approaches. The results highlighted that the fourth alternative is the best suitable suggestion to enhance the level of service for the intersection. The fourth alternative recommended to construct a flyover from the North bound towards the South bound the level of service improve from F to C for the base year and for the target year.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Mar 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Generalized Subclass of Starlike Functions Involving Jackson’s ( p, q)  Derivative
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In this paper, we generalize many earlier differential operators which were studied by other researchers using our differential operator. We also obtain a new subclass of starlike functions to utilize some interesting properties.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A comparison of cross sections for Selenium -73 radioisotopes produced by accelerators and reactors
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Background: Selenium-73 with half- life of 7.15 hour emits β+ in nature and has six stable isotopes which are ( 74Se,76Se,77Se,78Se,80Se and 82Se ). Selenium-73 has many applications in technology and radioselenium compounds of metallic have found various applications in medicine. Objective:  To make a comparison between different reactions that produced cross sections of Se-73 radioisotopes. Subjects and methods: The feasibility of the production of Selenium -73 via various nuclear reactions was investigated. Excitation functions of 73Se production by the reactions of 75As (p,3n), 169Tm( d,x), 74Se, natSe, natBr (p,x) , 75As (d,4n), natGe (3He,x), 70Ge (α, n), and 72Ge (α, 3n) and neutron capture were calculated using the avail

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 04 2007
Journal Name
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Fluidization process is widely used by a great assortment of industries worldwide and represents a trillion dollar industry [6]. They are currently used in separation, classification, drying and mixing of particles, chemical reactions and regeneration processes; one of these processes is the mass transfer from an immersed surface to a gas fluidized bed

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Polymer Research
A new generation of cable grade poly(vinyl chloride) containing heavy metal free modifier
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Abstract<p>Many additives are used to improve the performance of cables in terms of increasing their flame retardancy, thermal stability, thermal conductivity, and other characteristics. Unfortunately, most of these additives contain heavy metals. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to introduce a material representing a new generation of environmentally friendly heavy metal-free stabilizers for cable grade poly(vinyl chloride) that can compete with traditional materials in terms of performance and distinctive properties. This unique additive is Oxydtron, a synthetic silicate or simply nanocement. The tests performed are rheological properties represented by a capillary rheometry analysis, limiting o</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Basement Kind Effects on Air Temperature of a Solar Chimney in Baghdad - Iraq Weather
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A solar updraft tower power plant (solar tower) is a solar thermal power plant that utilizes a combination of solar

air collector and central updraft tube to generate an induced convective flow which drives pressure staged turbines to generate electricity.


 This paper presents practical results of a prototype of a solar chimney with thermal mass, where the glass surface is replaced by transparence plastic cover. The study focused on chimney's basements kind effect on collected air temperatures. Three basements were used: concrete, black concrete and black pebbles basements. The study was conducted in Baghdad from August to November 2009.

The results show that the best chimney efficiency attaine

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 24 2017
Journal Name
Clinical Case Reports
Primary hypogonadism, partial alopecia, and Müllerian hypoplasia: report of a fifth family and review
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Key Clinical Message<p>Primary hypogonadism combined with Müllerian hypoplasia and partial alopecia are common features of this syndrome, which was reported only in four earlier families from areas where consanguineous marriage is prevalent. An autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance was suggested earlier and is supported by this report.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
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Journal Of Obstetrics, Gynecology And Cancer Research
Effect of a Nutritional Education Program on Mother Knowledge Regarding Their Children Nutritional Status
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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (iemdc)
An Investigation of Short Translator Linear Machines for Use in a Free Piston Engine
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 06 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Effect of hunting cooperation and fear in a food chain model with intraspecific competition
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Taking into account the significance of food chains in the environment, it demonstrates the interdependence of all living things and has economic implications for people. Hunting cooperation, fear, and intraspecific competition are all included in a food chain model that has been developed and researched. The study tries to comprehend how these elements affect the behavior of species along the food chain. We first examined the suggested model's solution properties before calculating every potential equilibrium point and examining the stability and bifurcation nearby. We have identified the factors that guarantee the global stability of the positive equilibrium point using the geometric approach. Additionally, the circumstances that would gu

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
19th International Conference On Methods And Models In Automation And Robotics (mmar) 2014
A PSO-optimized type-2 fuzzy logic controller for navigation of multiple mobile robots
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