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Morphological study of bronchial tree and lung in Iraqi weasel (Herpestes javanicus)
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Abstract<p>The current study aimed to identify the morphological description and branches of the bronchial tree and lung for the weasel <italic>Herpestes javanicus</italic> as one of the Iraqi mammals inhabiting the Iraqi environment. In the current study, 10 samples with an mean weight of 288-564 g were used, trachea and lung were removed from the samples and confirmed using proven solutions and laboratory tests were conducted on 5 samples of the study to identify the branches of the bronchial tree using the technique of casting resin and then exposing the samples to erosion. Weasel has a pair of bright pink sponge lungs that occupy most of the thoracic cavity. The lungs look similar to the clover leaf have a top and three surfaces represented by the costal surface that is convex, and the middle surface, characterized by a narrow and diaphragm surface and is identical to the diaphragm. The right lung is larger than the left lung and the right lung consists of four lobes: apical, middle, caudal and an accessory lobe, while the left lung consists of three lobes: apical, middle, caudal lobes the top of the right lung appeared small and semi-sharp, while the left lung is round and blind. The right primary trachea branched into two branches, the upper branch enters into the apical lobe and branches in turn into two secondary branches, while the lower branched into three branches, the first of which enters into the middle lobe and the second to the middle lobe, the third branch into two branches enter the accessory lobes, while the primary left trachea branch into three secondary or lobe branches before entering the left lung branch, where the first branch enters into apical lobe when the second enters the middle lobe while the third section enters the caudal lobe.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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The frog has a highly developed nervous system. It consists of a brain, a spinal cord and nerves. The brain is the only center for the control of all vital activities as it receives impulses from different parts of the body through sensory nerves and issues orders through motor fibers to different parts of the body for appropriate action. The Aims of studyis general morphological structural of the brain and spinal cord in the Iraqi frog Rana ridibunda ridibunda. The brains of twenty of frogs belonging to class Amphibia were studied using conventional techniques of dissecting microscopy. All samples were sacrificed and anesthetized and then they were removed completely from the neurocranium, cranial, sensory nerves and the meninges and trans

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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This research include design and implementation of an Iraqi cities database using spatial data structure for storing data in two or more dimension called k-d tree .The proposed system should allow records to be inserted, deleted and searched by name or coordinate. All the programming of the proposed system written using Delphi ver. 7 and performed on personal computer (Intel core i3).

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The genera and species of Liliaceae show a considerable structural diversity of leaves and especially stems. This paper presents a morphological and anatomical study of the leaves and stems of Asphodelus microcarpus. The results showed that the investigated species had typical morphological characters. and also that it could be distinguished from another plant not only by its morphological but anatomical characters as well.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Iraqi stock market structure analysis based on minimum spanning tree
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tock markets changed up and down during time. Some companies’ affect others due to dependency on each other . In this work, the network model of the stock market is discribed as a complete weighted graph. This paper aims to investigate the Iraqi stock markets using graph theory tools. The vertices of this graph correspond to the Iraqi markets companies, and the weights of the edges are set ulrametric distance of minimum spanning tree.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative morphological and histological study of the pecten oculi in two species of Iraqi birds (Falco tinnunculus L. and Streptopelia decaocto F.)
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Study showed structure of pecten oculi in the Kestrel Falco tinnunculus L.was
Pleated type and consisted of 17 folds which were thick. While in the Collared Dove
Streptopelia decaocto F. was Vaned type and consisted of 13 folds and it described
thin. The illustrated histological study of pecten oculi folds in the Kestrel and the
Collared Dove was composed of large number of capillaries, large blood vessels and
pigment cells which were few in Kestrel compare with the Collared Dove. The bridge
in the Kestrel and the Collared Dove pecten oculi was consisted of connective tissue,
many pigment cells, and contains on little capillaries and it linked the membrane to
the internal limiting membrane of the retina in the Kes

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 27 2024
Journal Name
Caspian Journal Of Environmental Sciences,
Morphological study on the form and number of eyes in scorpions and spiders
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Scorpions and spiders belong to the class Arachnida in phylum Arthropoda. Scorpions are easily distinguished by median eyes on obvious the center of the carapace and have one pair, and lateral eyes have 2-8 in some species. Scorpions do not have good eyesight so the median eyes have always been simple and they are more sensitive than the lateral pairs. They have anterior median eyes (AME) with narrow field of view and pairs of lateral eyes (LE) with more sensitivity and response to light. Family Buthidae have 2-6 lateral eyes in Compsobuthus Mesobuthus, Hottentotta, while Vaejovidae, Chactidae and Chaerilidae have 2 pairs of lateral eyes. In addition, 3 pairs are found in Orthochirus and Androctonus. Spiders have six eyes in family Pholicid

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Structural and morphological study of nanostructured n-type silicon
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In this study, investigations of structural properties of n-type porous silicon prepared by laser assisted-electrochemical etching were demonstrated. The Photo- electrochemical Etching technique, (PEC) was used to produce porous silicon for n-type with orientation of (111). X-ray diffraction studies showed distinct variations between the fresh silicon surface and the synthesized porous silicon surfaces. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis was used to study the morphology of porous silicon layer. AFM results showed that root mean square (RMS) of roughness and the grain size of porous silicon decreased as etching current density increased. The chemical bonding and structure were investigated by using fourier transformation infrared spec

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The morphological and pollen grains study of Tropaeolum L. (Tropaeolaceae) in Iraq
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The current study included a detail morphological study of all parts of the two species of the genus Tropaeolum L. (Tropaeolumceae) cultivated in different gardens, the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit were studied in detail, also the pollen grains were studied, and there are photographs for all that parts were putted. A specimens of that taxa were studied in some Iraqi herbaria. The study found that there are many characters were used in differentiation of two species under study.

Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention
Cytotoxic Activity of the Ethyl Acetate Extract of Iraqi Carica papaya Leaves in Breast and Lung Cancer Cell Lines
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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