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نوع المكاسب اثرها في التفاعلات التعاونية الدولية: دراسة في انماط سلوكيات الدول حيال التحديات المناخية
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في هذا البحث، تم استكشاف تأثير نوع المكاسب على التفاعلات التعاونية الدولية لاسيما في مجال مواجهة التحديات المناخية. إذ تبين أن المكاسب النسبية تلعب دورا حاسما في توجيه سلوك الدول فيما يتعلق بالاتفاقيات البيئية الدولية. ويعكس هذا التحليل دروسا مهمة لصياغة السياسات والجهود الدولية في هذا المجال ذاته. ان الدول عندما تتوقع مكاسب نسبية تفوق الخسائر المتوقعة من التعاون، فإنها تكون أكثر عرضة للالتزام بالاتفاقيات والتفاعل الإيجابي مع الشركاء الدوليين (الواقعية الجديدة). على العكس، إذا كانت الخسائر المتوقعة أكبر من المكاسب، فإن التعاون الدولي يصبح أقل احتمالا، ويمكن أن يؤدي إلى تجنب الالتزام بالاتفاقيات أو حتى الانسحاب منها. هذا يظهر جليا في دراسة الحالة والمثال المستخدم حيال انسحاب الولايات المتحدة من بروتوكول كيوتو واتفاقية باريس للمناخ. بينما الاتجاه الليبرالي الجديدة يدفع إلى أهمية معالجة قضايا الغش والارتداد عن الالتزامات من خلال المؤسسات الدولية بوصفها وسيلة لتعزيز التعاون بين الدول من خلال تبادل البيانات والمعلومات وغيرها من أنماط التعاون الأخرى بدلاً من الاهتمام بنوع المكاسب. هذه الجهود يمكن ان تنعكس ايجابيا على تضافر الجهود والتفاهم المشترك وصولا لتحقيق النتائج ذات المردود التعاوني. هذا النقاش النظري، يسهم في معرفة فهم دوافع وسلوك الدول في العلاقات الدولية. فالواقعية الجديدة تركز على القوة النسبية ودورها في تعزيز المصالح الوطنية عن طريق من توجيه الأنماط السلوكية للدول حيال الوحدات الدولية. في الجانب الآخر، الليبرالية الجديدة تركز على ضرورة ان يكون هناك مزيد من فرص تعزيز التعاون الدولي والقيم المشتركة والأخلاقيات في توجيه سلوك الدول

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أنتاج الفقر في الدول النامية بين المفهوم والأسباب
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The poverty in the developing countries is output to under development as we consider welfare, where as when the poverty disappear that produced be the general development . Historically, in our countries, the underdevelopment is the result of colonialism period and what is associated with it of transferring the surplus abroad  and the disorder of production structure.  And at the present  time, the poverty is reproduced and aggravated in the last years as a result of many  internal and external reasons.Today, poverty is associated in many forms with the poverty previously.



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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The exercise of citizenship behaviors and their impact on customer loyalty: Analytical study from the standpoint of employees in the National Insurance Company
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The exercise of citizenship behaviors and their impact on customer loyalty (An analytical study from the perspective of workers in the National Insurance Company).

The Research aims to find out the degree of customers National Insurance company for customer citizenship behavior and its impact on the level oh loyalty from the perspective of employess in the company, as well as the statement of the differences in the answers of employees according to their personality traits. To achieve the goals of research has been the use of the questionnaire as a tool for the collection and distribution of data on a sample of (90) individuals, as was the use of statistical program (SPSS) in the process of statistical analysis methods (mean, sta

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A reflection of organizational citizenship behaviors in the performance of employees A prospective study of a sample of the teaching staff working in the Degla University College
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        This research aims to identify the relationship and the impact of the behavior of organizational citizenship in the performance of employees, as practiced behaviors organizational citizenship substantial role in achieving the objectives of both the organization and its staff at the same time, so it affects a large extent on the characteristics and performance of individuals employees and thus influence the success of the organization as a whole, problem of the research has indicated that there is a clear failure in the study of the impact of the behavior of organizational citizenship in the performance of employees, was chosen

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Youth's Health Risk Behaviors in Baghdad City
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Objective(s): To evaluate youth's health risk behaviors in Baghdad City and to determine the relationship between such behaviors and the youth's demographic characteristics of age, gender and grade. Methodology: A descriptive study, using the evaluation approach, is carried out to evaluate youth's health risk behaviors in Baghdad City for the period of January 26th 2016 to May 20th 2016. A non-probability "purposive" sample of (160) University students is selected for the purpose of the study from four groups of colleges (medical, engineering, sciences, and education) and it is equally distributed of

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The challenges facing the Insurance sector in Iraq Analytical study in Iraqi insurance companies (National insurance company as model)
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Most of World nations are striving to provide the necessary needs to protect their economic properties assets against natural or abnormal disasters that may be inflicted on such property and the means that used by such countries to reduce the damages is insurance, whereas insurance as a system that collects and distributes different risks into the group thus  to achieve a social symbiosis between individuals. The system works to transfer the risks from the individual to the group and then distributes the losses to all members of the group.

According to the importance of the insurance sector and the need to develop it as well as working on improving its performance, this search aims to identify the ac

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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This research sought to detect the level of organizational culture prevailing in the Integrity Commission as well as the level of the organizational citizenship behavior of staff of the Commission and the impact of organizational culture in these behaviors. To achieve the objectives of the research and test the validity of hypotheses have been used questionnaire derived from measurements ready modern researchers foreigners have been adapted to suit the Iraqi environment, have been distributed  (189) questionnaire on the number of employees from the Integrity Commission, which represented the research sample where the research community has a number is (1365) employees in the Baghdad was the use of a number of statistical met

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Chinese Economy and its impact on international trade (Study on the role of the port of Gwadar)
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China's economic policy and its huge capabilities operate according to an expansion strategy, especially in investing foreign projects, as the past ten years have witnessed a major development in the elements of comprehensive strength, especially in the economic field, in 2014 China launched the largest initiative in the world, represented by the Belt and Road Project (BRI), which links nearly 70 countries, through this project, a very important region has emerged, which is (the port of cadres) in Pakistan, as China has headed towards that region and given the highest importance that is in its interest in the first place regardless of the great Pakistani interest, This is consistent with its future aspirations, especially after breaking

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Nation-Building in The Fragile States: Iraq After 2003 as a Model
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The nation-building process in fragile states is complex, often involving multifaceted challenges and opportunities. A pertinent example is Iraq post-2003, which serves as a model to study the intricacies of rebuilding a nation in the aftermath of conflict. During this period, we witnessed a significant international intervention aimed at establishing democratic governance, fostering economic development, and restoring social stability. Iraq’s nation-building journey showcases both successes and shortcomings. Establishing a representative government marked a step towards inclusivity and political participation, yet sectarian tensions persisted, hindering cohesive national identity. Economic initiatives aimed to harness Iraq's oil resou

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employ lean leadership behaviors to enhance investment in human capital
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This research aims to determine the importance of the role that agile leadership plays in supporting programs and areas of investment in human capital, as it is the most important type of capital that the organization possesses and achieves returns that are many times the cost it bears, due to its rare and valuable characteristics. Through six behaviours: (humility behaviour, calm behaviour, wisdom behaviour, patience behaviour, objectivity behaviour, trust behaviour). As for investment in human capital, it was measured through its four elements (skills, knowledge, capabilities, experiences). Despite this, the researched organizations suffer from a decrease in awareness of the importance of this type of investment and the role of

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Constructivism Theory in International Relations (Case Study on the War on Terrorism)
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        The topic of the research revolves around constructivist theory, which is one of the most important theories that added weight to the theoretical and epistemological field of international relations. The constructivist theory studies international relations from a completely different side of theories by focusing on the social aspects of international relations, and by looking at international relations as social constructs. Ideas, cultures, norms, standards and language play a major role in their formation. The study also examines the state of the war on terrorism as it represents one of the most international cases in which its composition and composition coincide with constructive ideas and a

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