في هذا البحث، تم استكشاف تأثير نوع المكاسب على التفاعلات التعاونية الدولية لاسيما في مجال مواجهة التحديات المناخية. إذ تبين أن المكاسب النسبية تلعب دورا حاسما في توجيه سلوك الدول فيما يتعلق بالاتفاقيات البيئية الدولية. ويعكس هذا التحليل دروسا مهمة لصياغة السياسات والجهود الدولية في هذا المجال ذاته. ان الدول عندما تتوقع مكاسب نسبية تفوق الخسائر المتوقعة من التعاون، فإنها تكون أكثر عرضة للالتزام بالاتفاقيات والتفاعل الإيجابي مع الشركاء الدوليين (الواقعية الجديدة). على العكس، إذا كانت الخسائر المتوقعة أكبر من المكاسب، فإن التعاون الدولي يصبح أقل احتمالا، ويمكن أن يؤدي إلى تجنب الالتزام بالاتفاقيات أو حتى الانسحاب منها. هذا يظهر جليا في دراسة الحالة والمثال المستخدم حيال انسحاب الولايات المتحدة من بروتوكول كيوتو واتفاقية باريس للمناخ. بينما الاتجاه الليبرالي الجديدة يدفع إلى أهمية معالجة قضايا الغش والارتداد عن الالتزامات من خلال المؤسسات الدولية بوصفها وسيلة لتعزيز التعاون بين الدول من خلال تبادل البيانات والمعلومات وغيرها من أنماط التعاون الأخرى بدلاً من الاهتمام بنوع المكاسب. هذه الجهود يمكن ان تنعكس ايجابيا على تضافر الجهود والتفاهم المشترك وصولا لتحقيق النتائج ذات المردود التعاوني. هذا النقاش النظري، يسهم في معرفة فهم دوافع وسلوك الدول في العلاقات الدولية. فالواقعية الجديدة تركز على القوة النسبية ودورها في تعزيز المصالح الوطنية عن طريق من توجيه الأنماط السلوكية للدول حيال الوحدات الدولية. في الجانب الآخر، الليبرالية الجديدة تركز على ضرورة ان يكون هناك مزيد من فرص تعزيز التعاون الدولي والقيم المشتركة والأخلاقيات في توجيه سلوك الدول
A solar updraft tower power plant (solar tower) is a solar thermal power plant that utilizes a combination of solar
air collector and central updraft tube to generate an induced convective flow which drives pressure staged turbines to generate electricity.
This paper presents practical results of a prototype of a solar chimney with thermal mass, where the glass surface is replaced by transparence plastic cover. The study focused on chimney's basements kind effect on collected air temperatures. Three basements were used: concrete, black concrete and black pebbles basements. The study was conducted in Baghdad from August to November 2009.
The results show that the best chimney efficiency attaine
... Show Moreوقائع ندوة فرع الدراسات الدولية
نشاطات فرع الدراسات الدولية
In the midst of political, cultural and economic fast developments accelerated, the world witnessed, with the accompanied big communication revolutions, many shapes of powers. Those developments were followed by changes in relations of international level.
The most prominent among those developments was the international public relations which became equal to official international relations. Moreover, the international public relations became a complementary element dur to the growth of public opinion and its affection on political regime. Such growth of public opinion pushed the politicians to address it; and try to gain its support.
The US was the first realized the importance of international public relations. Th
... Show MoreObjective(s) : This study aimed at evaluating the seroprevalence of anti -HCV and studying the
correlation between hemophilia and risk factors for acquiring HCV such as age , marital status &
occupation among hemophilic patients .
Methodology : 210 hemophilic patients in children welfare teaching hospital/medical city/Baghdad–Iraq
(hemophilia center) were investigated using prepared questionnaire and tested for HCV infection, those
were measuring patient’s age, hemophilia types and severity, marital status, residency and history of
previous HCV infection .
Results : Most hemophilic patients were hemophilia A at severe , hemophilia was at age group 20 – 29
years , the majority of patients were unmarried a
Since the emergence of the science of international relations as an independent academic scientific field, various theories and trends have appeared and have tried to understand and explain the international reality and give a clear picture of what is happening within the international system of interactions and influences and the search for tools for stability and peace in international relations. Among these theories is the feminist theory, which is a new intellectual trend on the level of international relations theories, which tried to give an explanation of what is happening in world politics and in international relations in particular. The main issue that feminist theory is concerned with is the lack of women’s subordination
... Show MoreIt is necessary to examine the nature of the Turkish position and what Turkey seeks to achieve at the international, regional and Iraqi levels. Or is this external role an expression of foreign policy and has not yet reached the level of maturity that reaches the stage of strategy? The answer to this question is the essence of research in the Turkish role. The answer to this question requires the realization of the elements and pillars that guarantee Turkey's continuity and survival. Continuity is a cornerstone of the strategy. The continuity of the role and its interaction with the event and the ability to employ multiple alternatives are what qualify the state to describe its politics. The external strategy has evolved into. In order t
... Show MoreThe Security Council has an active role in addressing international crises and dealing with their causes. The Libyan crisis is one of the most important real tests of the Security Council and its role in maintaining international peace and security, as the Council has proven so far an ineffective role in resolving the crisis and dealing withtheir causes, which has prolonged its duration and increased its complexities and dangerous repercussions, perhaps the most prominent of which is the threat of the recently achieved cease-fire and the formation of a new transitional government led by Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba, the growing significant obstacles facing the political process, foremost of which is the continued presence of foreign forces , m
... Show MoreThis research aims to study the mechanism of application of international specification requirements (ISO 9001: 2015) at the Iraqi Center- Korean Vocational Training return to vocational training department at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the purpose of preparing and creating the center to get a certificate of conformity with the requirements of the standard (ISO 9001: 2015) that would elevate the level of performance and services provided in the respondent Center after it is identified and the study of the reality of the quality management system by identifying strengths and weaknesses in the system to diagnose the gap and find ways to address that gap, and adopted the researchers the case study method to conduc
... Show MoreThe research deals with the principle of the prohibition of international waterway diversion in the law of international watercourses. The research reviews individual and collective doctrinal efforts that have touched upon the principle as an internationally wrongful act because of its serious damage and consequences for downstream States. The research addresses the nature of the principle of the prohibition of diversion of international watercourses; its various effects; principles of international law establishing the principle of prohibition of diversion; and its application in State practice and international justice. This principle has been enshrined in most international treaties and judicial decisions. The principle of prohibition
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