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نوع المكاسب اثرها في التفاعلات التعاونية الدولية: دراسة في انماط سلوكيات الدول حيال التحديات المناخية
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في هذا البحث، تم استكشاف تأثير نوع المكاسب على التفاعلات التعاونية الدولية لاسيما في مجال مواجهة التحديات المناخية. إذ تبين أن المكاسب النسبية تلعب دورا حاسما في توجيه سلوك الدول فيما يتعلق بالاتفاقيات البيئية الدولية. ويعكس هذا التحليل دروسا مهمة لصياغة السياسات والجهود الدولية في هذا المجال ذاته. ان الدول عندما تتوقع مكاسب نسبية تفوق الخسائر المتوقعة من التعاون، فإنها تكون أكثر عرضة للالتزام بالاتفاقيات والتفاعل الإيجابي مع الشركاء الدوليين (الواقعية الجديدة). على العكس، إذا كانت الخسائر المتوقعة أكبر من المكاسب، فإن التعاون الدولي يصبح أقل احتمالا، ويمكن أن يؤدي إلى تجنب الالتزام بالاتفاقيات أو حتى الانسحاب منها. هذا يظهر جليا في دراسة الحالة والمثال المستخدم حيال انسحاب الولايات المتحدة من بروتوكول كيوتو واتفاقية باريس للمناخ. بينما الاتجاه الليبرالي الجديدة يدفع إلى أهمية معالجة قضايا الغش والارتداد عن الالتزامات من خلال المؤسسات الدولية بوصفها وسيلة لتعزيز التعاون بين الدول من خلال تبادل البيانات والمعلومات وغيرها من أنماط التعاون الأخرى بدلاً من الاهتمام بنوع المكاسب. هذه الجهود يمكن ان تنعكس ايجابيا على تضافر الجهود والتفاهم المشترك وصولا لتحقيق النتائج ذات المردود التعاوني. هذا النقاش النظري، يسهم في معرفة فهم دوافع وسلوك الدول في العلاقات الدولية. فالواقعية الجديدة تركز على القوة النسبية ودورها في تعزيز المصالح الوطنية عن طريق من توجيه الأنماط السلوكية للدول حيال الوحدات الدولية. في الجانب الآخر، الليبرالية الجديدة تركز على ضرورة ان يكون هناك مزيد من فرص تعزيز التعاون الدولي والقيم المشتركة والأخلاقيات في توجيه سلوك الدول

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An Evaluation of Environmental Performance According to The International Standard (ISO14001: 2015) in a Field East of Baghdad / A Case Study in the Midline Oil Company
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EMS in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015 is considered an entry point to reduce environmental impacts, especially the effects resulting from the oil industry, which is the main source of environmental pollution and waste of natural resources, since the second revision of the standard took place in September 2015. The problem of the research was manifested in the weakness in understanding the correct guidelines that must be followed in order to obtain and maintain the standard. The purpose of this research was to give a general picture of what is behind ISO14001:2015 and how it is possible to create a comprehensive base for understanding its application by seeking the gap between the actually achieved reality, standards requirements

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of the Effect of Fuel Type on the Emitted Emissions from SIE at Idle Period
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The present study investigated the impact of fuel kind on the emitted emissions at the idling period. Three types of available fuels in Iraq were tested. The tests conducted on ordinary gasoline with an octane number of 82, premium gasoline with an octane number of 92, and M20 (consist of 20% methanol and 80% regular gasoline). The 2 liters Mercedes-Benz engine was used in the experiments.

The results showed that engine operation at idle speed emits high levels of CO, CO2, HC, NOx and noise. The produced emission levels depend highly on fuel type. The premium gasoline (ON=92) represents the lower emissions level except for noise at all idling speed. Adding methanol to ordinary gasoline (ON=82) showed high levels of emi

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
سياسة سياسة العزلة البريطانية المجيدة واثرها على الدول الاوربية في عهد الملكة فكتوريا(1837-1901)
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Britain found itself at the end of the nineteenth century in front of many obstacles within Europe, it is to hold the coalition Russian Franco in 1894, and what form of threat to the interests of Britain in its colonies outside Europe, as well as the development of other European countries in military and economic aspects such as Germany and the United States and others. As she was defying the fleet of Britain, Germany, and the last has a naval fleet was able to protect all the way Britain and its colonies throughout the nineteenth century

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Challenges Facing Blended Education from the Point Of View of Teachers Teaching Children with Disabilities
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The current research aims to identify: 1) the challenges facing blended education from the point of view of teachers of students with disabilities. 2) The challenges facing blended education from the point of view of teachers of students with disabilities according to the gender variable (males-females). 3) The challenges facing blended education from the point of view of teachers of students with disabilities, according to the academic qualifications of graduates

(institute-bachelors-masters). 4) The challenges facing blended education from the point of view of male and female teachers, according to the functional service period with students with disabilities (less than 8 years - from 9 to 15 years - 16 years and above). 5) the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
nternational will in the Security Council Towards the Syrian crisis
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Nations witnessed since its existence a state of wills conflict as a result of the intersection and intertwining of interests, through which it sought to achieve its goals and objectives, and this has often led to direct military conflicts and countless wars, and witnessed the entry into global wars in which humanity lost millions of lives and losses .Despite the great changes in the international arena, especially in recent decades, the conflict of wills has not ceased, although some of its features and forms have changed, and it has become more complicated after the withdrawal of this conflict to international organizations and bodies, including the Security Council. It is mandated under the Charter of the United Nations to wor

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الحقوق جامعة النهرين
دور المبادئ العامة للقانون في إطار التجارة الدولية
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المبادئ العامة للقانون ودرها في اطار التجارة الدولية

Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2005
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
واقع ومستقبل الصراعات الدولية والاقليمية في البحر الاحمر
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واقع ومستقبل الصراعات الدولية والاقليمية في البحر الاحمر

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Recruitment of Children in African Armed Conflicts and its International Dimensions
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       African countries are among the countries in the world that suffer from the phenomenon of child recruitment in wars and conflicts. There are many reasons behind it, including the nature of the human formation of children, the societal violence to which they are exposed, lack of access to education, economic hardships, as well as the role of African wars and conflicts and other reasons that compelled children to join armed groups and participate in military operations. The recruitment of children is divided into two types, compulsory and voluntary, and this leads to many humanitarian and security repercussions that are not limited to a specific period of time but extend to subsequent generations, and due to its seriousness, t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
International and domestic political conflicts in south Yemen1869-1918
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In the South of yement, when the accupation of Aden in 1839 by the British, British politics has proceeded in accordance with interests in promoting the existence and exploitation of this important site to implement their interests. Historians believe that Britain played a major role in the conflicts that have taken place on the land of Yemen, through a series of military and political dealings between them and the Ottoman Empire prior to withdrawal of Yemen and between local authorities and power to Yemen, such interactions have led to very serious consequences for the future of Yemen and Yemen was often divided into three parts, the northern areas under the authority of Imam Yahya, and the South, under the control of Britain, Asir and

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
)) Evaluate the qualifying of the auditor in Iraq in accordance with international requirements ((
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The purpose of the research is to determine how much do the external auditors’ qualifications in Iraq match the international requirements? And determine the necessary and priority requirements that the auditor should have in order to adapt with the changes in the community and the profession. The research partially focuses on comparing international institutes curriculum requirements with the local institutes’ curriculum requirements. Furthermore, it compares examinations of local students with the questions of these institutes and compares the requirements of these institutes to continuing vocational education with the local, as well as analyzes and presents the questionnaire results to find out the necessa

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