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Analysis of Stuck Pipe Incidents in Khabaz Field
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There are many events which causes nonproductive time (NPT) in the drilling industry. The mostly effective in this NPT is pipe sticking event. A considerable amount of time and resources can be spent in efforts to free a stuck pipe. In addition, Unsuccessful fishing operations results in costly alternatives including side-tracking. The drilling in Khabaz oil field poses many operational challenges among of them stuck pipe , lost circulation, flow of salt water during drilling, and hole caving. Stuck pipe can be considered the quite difficult problem in Khabaz oil field due to associated incidents which lead to NPT activities.Well Khabaz -34 was selected to study the problem of stuck pipe in this field. An analysis of stuck pipe events was made by using the graphical analysis software Easy View. The results were then discussed to identify the causes of stuck pipe. Finally, recommendation to select proper type /drilling fluid rheology properties, optimize casing seat design to reduce probability of stuck pipe.

Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The multi-drug resistant efflux pump is a glycoprotein pump whose function is to push foreign substances. The efflux pump is found in humans, animals. It also has wide-ranging properties in  bacteria and fungi. They are found in all species of bacteria, and efflux pump genes can be found in bacterial chromosomes or mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids. The most sensitive function that leads to a global problem is its resistance to antibiotics in bacterial cells, which increases the ability to bacteria from becoming strong virulence factors that most or all antibiotics cannot kill. It also has othe

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of nitrogen and sodium chloride stress in the productivity of some fatty acids in Chlorococcum humicola green alga
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Algae have been considered a sources task of biofuels, which is a future alternative to fossil fuels, and this lead the environmental studies concerned with the lifting of curves or growth rates and time of replication of different kinds of algae, as well as algae cells in response to different environmental conditions, whether chemical or physical, to assess their impact on the composition of these cells and the extent of affected components that make up the living, especially fatty acid ,total fats, proteins and carbohydrates, Gbrha. Green Chlorococcum humicola showed a different response when treated with an average of agriculture Chu-10 and Chu-13 which used as control media,Compared with the degree of its response when exposed to e

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Technique Features of the 1990s Prose Poem in Iraq: The Technique Features of the 1990s Prose Poem in Iraq
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The prose poem of the 1990s is considered one of the important
contributions of the Iraqi poetic scene. The poem found a position in the Iraqi
poetry because of the favor of a group of youth poets who lefty clear traces.
Their linguistic techniques often violate the domain o9f language, significance
and image.
The poems of those youth poets moved the verse towards reality to
drink from its abundant springs in order to stand on a rigid ground. Their
linguistic traces are characterized by paradox and astonishment that are used
by the poet to construct his poem.

The paradox was considered an ideal means for constructing a
poem by some of them. The poem moved towards definitions and these

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the leader in empowering workers Application study in a sample of Iraqi telecom companies - Asia-Cell model
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Leadership has now become a process for applying methods and techniques that make the Organization at the top of its competitive pyramid a greater market share. Leadership has become a focus for all leaders and managers، and leaders and managers are increasingly seeking to develop their skills and leadership skills. The research started with a clear problem of specific questions to ensure that the general objective of the research is to describe the characteristics of the leader and to clarify the dimensions of empowering the workers and to highlight the role of the leader in empowering the workers. The study examines the relation between the role of the leader in

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Age and occupation on the Type and the Number of workers injuries in construction sector in Iraq
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World statistics proved that the most of work dangerous accidents, which causes death, are occurred in the construction works. These accidents related to many causes such as loss of workers experience and ignoring rules of safety requirements, especially young workers. Due to the risk of accidents that may occur in the site of work, the idea of this study crystallized to show the relationship between the age of worker and number of injuries and accidents, to identify the causes of these injuries, and to put the appropriate solutions to avoid or reduce the risk of work injuries. Also, the research shows the main principles of safety requirements to forming a clear picture about the subject of the study. A questioner form was prepared to c

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News coverage of Arab revolutions in satellite channels An analytical study of the news bulletins in Al - Tijah satellite channel
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The news media material to any means of mass media, and increasingly

 important in TV; what the associated word and image effects, which do different cover events (political, economic, sports, and social .... etc.) directly from the event site and gather the news and do prepared formulation and arranged within the framework provided by the newsletter, as it requires the viewer to provide the public with information about this news correlated; to achieve the greatest gravity following the shapes and styles and technical fees (Alkraveks) during the submission. What we are witnessing today from technological developments help existing staff to cover the news activity quickly and efficiently prohibitivel

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Nursing Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nursing Care of Patient with Skin Traction in Orthopedic Units in Kurdistan Region
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Objective: The study aimed to evaluate knowledge and practices of nursing staff at the orthopedic units
regarding the existing care of patient with skin traction.
Methodology: The sample consists of (40) nurses, (20) of them from Emergency Teaching Hospital in Duhok
and the other (20) of them from Erbil Teaching Hospital in Erbil from 1st Dec. 2004 to the end of June 2005 in
Kurdistan Region.
Two instruments were constructed to evaluate knowledge and practices. Evaluation of knowledge was done by
using of multiple choice questions composed of (25) questions, and evaluation of practice was done by using the
observational check list which consist of four main category (pre skin traction, during skin traction, post skin

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Yazyk I Kul'tura
Cognitive-communicative approach in the system of teaching Russian language for foreign students (in the condition of no language environment)
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Chemtech Research
Liquid Chromatographic and validation study in separation and determination of benzidines and phenols in the main discharge point of wastewater
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon Center For Humanities Studies
Reflection of Zionism in the literature of the Jews of Iraq ... Read in the novel "The Dove Flyer" by Elie Amir
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The upbringing of Yehuda Amichai and the conditions he lived in had a great influence on his deep sense of pain, which made him think of death and suicide. Especially after the Nazis came to power in Germany, and his emigration with his family. Amichai searched for love throughout his life, and his failure was one of the most important factors affecting his psyche, which is A deep influence that made him live in harsh and painful pains that broke him, and prevented her from achieving his ambitions in life.Dramatic texts are characterized by repetition in writing and presentation. It is a textual discourse that has two advantages, first, that it can be read as a literary text like all other literary texts, and second, that it can be consider

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