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Assessment of the correlation between the tensile and diametrical compression strengths of 3D-printed denture base resin reinforced with ZrO2 nanoparticles

Background: The mechanical properties of 3D-printed denture base resins are crucial factors for determining the quality and performance of dentures inside a patient’s mouth. Tensile strength and diametral compressive strength are two properties that could play significant roles in assessing the suitability of a material. Although they measure different aspects of material behavior, a conceptual link exists between them in terms of overall material strength and resilience. Aim: This study aims to investigate the correlation between tensile strength and diametral compressive strength after incorporating 2% ZrO2 nanoparticles (NPs) by weight into 3D-printed denture base resin. Methods: A total of 40 specimens (20 dumbbell-shaped and 20 disc-shaped) were produced via 3D printing and divided into two groups (n = 10): (1) 3D-printed denture base resin without NPs and (2) the resin was strengthened with 2% by weight ZrO2 NPs. Tensile strength and diametral compressive strength were assessed using a universal testing machine. Results: A detrimental relationship was observed between the tensile strength and diametral compressive strength of 3D-printed denture base resin after the addition of NPs. Conclusion: The enhancement of one property does not necessarily mean the enhancement of another. Caution should be taken to not endanger the quality of a material.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 14 2022
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Cytotoxic effect of cloned EGFP gene on NCI-H727 cell line via genetically engineered gene transfer system

Introduction and Aim: Cancers are a complex group of genetic illnesses that develop through multistep, mutagenic processes which can invade or spread throughout the body. Recent advances in cancer treatment involve oncolytic viruses to infect and destroy cancer cells. The Newcastle disease virus (NDV), an oncolytic virus has shown to have anti-cancer effects either directly by lysing cancer cells or indirectly by activating the immune system. The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been widely used in studying the anti-tumor activity of oncolytic viruses. This study aimed to study the anticancer effect of a recombinant rNDV-GFP clone on NCI-H727 lung carcinoma cell line in vitro.   Materials and Methods: The GFP gene was inserted t

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Alternative security solutions offered by virtual private network vpn model proposal to use alternatives to Cisco and Microsoft security in al-rasheed bank-delegate general office- northern region

The study aims to provide a Suggested model for the application of Virtual Private Network is a tool that used to protect the transmitted data through the Web-based information system, and the research included using case study methodology in order to collect the data about the research area ( Al-Rasheed Bank) by using Visio to design and draw the diagrams of the suggested models and adopting the data that have been collected by the interviews with the bank's employees, and the research used the modulation of data in order to find solutions for the research's problem.

The importance of the study Lies in dealing with one of the vital topics at the moment, namely, how to make the information transmitted via

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Literature and Novel: Classical novel in comparison to New Novel By Alain Robbe - Grillet: L'Art et le Roman: Le Roman Traditionnel Face au Nouveau Roman Alain Robe- Grillet

Modern French novel has gained a distinctive status in the history of French literature during the first half of the twentieth century. This is due to many factors including the new literary descriptive objective style adopted by novelists like Alain Robbe – Grillet that  has long been regarded as the outstanding writer of the nouveau roman, as well as its major spokesman, a representative writer and a leading theoretician of the new novel that has broken the classical rules of the one hero and evolved, through questioning the relationship of man and the world and  reevaluating the limits of contemporary fiction , into  creating a new form of narrative.


En vue de résu

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Robotics And Automation
Implementation of a complex fractional order proportional-integral-derivative controller for a first order plus dead time system

This paper presents the implementation of a complex fractional order proportional integral derivative (CPID) and a real fractional order PID (RPID) controllers. The analysis and design of both controllers were carried out in a previous work done by the author, where the design specifications were classified into easy (case 1) and hard (case 2) design specifications. The main contribution of this paper is combining CRONE approximation and linear phase CRONE approximation to implement the CPID controller. The designed controllers-RPID and CPID-are implemented to control flowing water with low pressure circuit, which is a first order plus dead time system. Simulation results demonstrate that while the implemented RPID controller fails to stabi

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Publication Date
Tue May 02 2023
Journal Name
Social Science Journal
An Investigation of Microstructure Analysis for World Health Organizatioan Speeches during Covid-19 Pandemic: Adopted Van Dijk Theory

Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Reliable Reference Gene for Normalization of RT- qPCR Data in Human Cancer Cell Lines
Subjected to Gene Knockdown

Quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) has become a valuable molecular technique in biomedical research. The selection of suitable endogenous reference genes is necessary for normalization of target gene expression in RT-qPCR experiments. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of each 18S rRNA and ACTB as internal control genes for normalization of RT-qPCR data in some human cell lines transfected with small interfering RNA (siRNA). Four cancer cell lines including MCF-7, T47D, MDA-MB-231 and Hela cells along with HEK293 representing an embryonic cell line were depleted of E2F6 using siRNA specific for E2F6 compared to negative control cells, which were transfected with siRNA not specific for any gene. Us

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Italian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
A note on (m, n)-full stability Banach algebra modules relative to an ideal H of Am×n

In this paper the concept of (m, n)- fully stable Banach Algebra-module relative to ideal (F − (m, n) − S − B − A-module relative to ideal) is introducing, we study some properties of F − (m, n) − S − B − A-module relative to ideal and another characterization is given

Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Semiotics of Musical Sign in Iraqi Pantomime Show (Ahriman) as a Model: علي عدي صاحب-شيماء حسين طاهر

The musical sign was associated with the first appearances of acting that are based on human gestures and expressive and silent movements, and they contributed in accentuating and clarifying these gestures and explain their meanings and indications, and they remained with them until these gestures turned into artistic theatrical shows so that the musical sign would have many functions and constitute the main pillars for this kind of show.
The musical sign is a language not much different than the human language in the semiotic analysis. There has been an increased interest in it and its use in the mime shows by the graduates who realized its necessity and significance in the pantomime show intellectually, artistically and aesthetical

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 10 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Qualitative Research in Public Relations An Analytical: Study of Public Relations› Researches in Iraq from 1989 to 2016

In the mist of developments in the course of scientific research in general and humanities in particular and the accompanying changes in the visions and policies inspired by the need for these sciences to follow the qualitative methods in dealing with many of the topics or problems that require for their solution to obtain qualitative information which can be provided by resorting to quantitative research. Therefore, a new trend has emerged in many public relations› researchers who believe that qualitative research methods should be used by establishing scientific foundations and methodological classification based on the use of these methods and determining the nature of the subjects applied in them to reach results that are character

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic Risk's Variation as a function of Competitive Intelligence Investment - An applied research on some Iraqi's manufacturing Companies –



          The main aim of this research has been associated with the study of relationship between competitive intelligence and strategic risk, and to deduct their specific trends, which are interpreted as predicted by research hypotheses according to a review of literature including prior studies. The basic theme  of these hypotheses is related to the probability that declining levels of strategic risk and competitive positions of industrial companies is dependent upon the growing capacity to stay ahead of competitors in the market.

    A purposive non-random

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