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تأثير تمرينات على وفق العتبة اللاهوائية لتطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة للذراعين والرجلين وبعض المهارات الدفاعية للشباب بكرة السلة
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لعبة كرة السلة واحدة من الألعاب الجماعية التي تتميز بقوة وسرعة الأداء في المباريات، وهذا لم يأتي مصادفة وإنما جاء نتيجة لتطور العملية التدريبية من جانب ومن جانب آخر امتلاك اللاعبين لقدرات بدنية لها فاعليتها من الأداء ومنها القوة المميزة بالسرعة، إما أهمية البحث فتكمن في السعي إلى تطوير هذه القدرة ومعرفة تأثيرها في الأداء المهاري لتكون عوناً للمدربين في العملية التدريبية. أما مشكلة البحث فيمكن أن توضع في تساؤل هو هل يتم استخدام تمرينات نوعية متنوعة لتطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة على وفق العتبة اللاهوائية في الأعداد الخاص لمعرفة تأثيرها في تطوير الأداء المهاري. يهدف البحث إلى إعداد تمرينات على وفق العتبة اللاهوائية لتطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة، ومن ثم معرفة تأثيرها في تطوير الأداء المهاري الدفاعي ( حركة اللاعب المدافع، والسحب الدفاعي). أما فرض البحث فيشير إلى أنّ هناك فروقاً ذات دلالة إحصائية بين الاختبارات القبلية والبعدية في متغيرات البحث. أجري البحث على لاعبي الشباب لنادي الأعظمية الرياضي بعدد (12) لاعب وبنسبة (16.66%)، إذ تم إجراء الاختبارات التالية (القوة المميزة بالسرعة للذراعين والرجلين، حركة اللاعب المدافع، السحب الدفاعي) وأستمر البحث للفترة من (24/8/2013 ولغاية 26/10/2013)، فضلاً عن الوسائل الإحصائية المناسبة. استنتج الباحثون إن التمرينات المستخدمة في البحث على وفق العتبة اللاهوائية أدت إلى تطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة للذراعين والرجلين ومن ثم أحدثت تطوراً في متغيرات البحث المهارية. يوصي الباحثون بضرورة استخدام التمرينات البدنية اللاهوائية في التدريب كونها فعّالة في تطوير القوة المميزة بالسرعة والتي بدورها لها تأثيرها في تطوير مهارتي (حركة اللاعب المدافع، والسحب الدفاعي)، وذلك من خلال تخصيص الوقت الكافي لها في الوحدات التدريبية.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of empowerment strategies on the characteristics of work enrichment An exploratory research to the views of a sample of the leaders of the Ministry of Oil in Iraq
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The study aimed to investigate the relationship between empowerment strategies and their impact on the success of enrichment work, it included the dimensions of empowerment strategies (power, knowledge, information, rewards), The dimensions of Job enrichment are (Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, Feedback). The study was conducted at the headquarters of the Iraqi Oil Ministry in Baghdad and was based on a sample of the leadership of the ministry of managers consisting of 215 people. The data were collected using the questionnaire method based on scientific standards adopted in previous st

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 09 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Effect of Sodium sulfite treatment on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris.: Effect of Sodium sulfite treatment on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris.
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The study aimed to increase the biological value of white bean. The effect of different concentrations 0.01 ,0.02,0.03,and 0.04 M of sodium sulfite solutions for 1hr at 70 ºC on the trypsin inhibitors activity, protein isolate and protein solubility of complete and dehulling white bean flour were studied.Trypsin inhibitors activity were reduced by 42.97, 58.69, 68.59 and 69.58% in complete white bean flour at 0.01 ,0.02, 0.03, 0.04 M respectively, while the corresponding values were 50.43, 61.00, 75.61 and 85.66% respectively in dehulling white bean flour .Protein isolate value was 13.41% and protein solubility was 2.2% in control sample, Furthermore, the using of chemical treatment showed that protein isolate was reduced gradually and

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 29 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The net effect of the nominal protection coefficients in the production of table eggs and poultry meat in Iraq For the period 1990- 2013.: The net effect of the nominal protection coefficients in the production of table eggs and poultry meat in Iraq For the period 1990- 2013.
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The research aims to measure the net nominal protection coefficients for the products table eggs and poultry meat and the extent of its impact on domestic production volume for the period of 1990- 2013 has been the use of mathematical formulas simplified in the calculation of the transaction process with a view to the extent of support and protection offered by the state pricing policy for products Resources Sector Animal in Iraq and reach search Highlights and most important, there are volatile price state policy with regard to eggs and poultry meat, as it ranged net nominal protection coefficients between the larger and less than the right one, which means that values are unstable to support local producers or consumers, and can be The

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Semigroup Ideals and Right n-Derivation in 3-Prime Near-Rings
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 The current paper studied the concept of right n-derivation satisfying certified conditions on semigroup ideals of near-rings and some related properties. Interesting results have been reached, the most prominent of which are the following: Let M be a 3-prime left near-ring and A_1,A_2,…,A_n are nonzero semigroup ideals of M, if d is a right n-derivation of M satisfies on of the following conditions,
d(u_1,u_2,…,(u_j,v_j ),…,u_n )=0 ∀ 〖 u〗_1 〖ϵA〗_1 ,u_2 〖ϵA〗_2,…,u_j,v_j ϵ A_j,…,〖u_n ϵA〗_u;
d((u_1,v_1 ),(u_2,v_2 ),…,(u_j,v_j ),…,(u_n,v_n ))=0 ∀u_1,v_1 〖ϵA〗_1,u_2,v_2 〖ϵA〗_2,…,u_j,v_j ϵ A_j,…,〖u_n,v_n ϵA〗_u ;
d((u_1,v_1 ),(u_2,v_2 ),…,(u_j,v_j ),…,(u_n,v_n ))=(u_

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 13 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Urban creep on the green areas and its environmental effects on the city of Baghdad
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he planning process is generally aimed at developing the city and making it meet the needs of different citizens. The green areas constitute one of the basic needs of the city and with the rapid and unusual growth in the size of cities, especially in the third world countries, which is often embodied in capitals. Which was achieved as a result of many reasons, including political, economic and social and even enshrined through some of the decisions that were issued and the city of Baghdad, but a clear example of these cities. The city and the environment are inseparable terms. The city is where people spend their lives and their daily experiences, and the environment is the center in w

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Adapting IFRS 15 on Auditing Procedures for Auditors in Iraqi Environment
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The purpose of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS 15) is to determine the basis for reporting useful information to the users of financial reports on the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty about revenues and cash flows arising from a contract with a customer. It is based on specific conditions for recognizing revenue from the contract. When the two parties to the contract or one of them fulfil the performance obligations, specifically after the customer has the ability to exercise control over the product or service that is the subject of the contract. As a result of the failure of the revenue reporting requirements in the Iraqi environment to provide adequate and honestly representative information on the o

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Knowledge Upgrading on Business Continuity:A Field Research in Private Colleges and Universities in Baghdad
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The research aims to study the effect of knowledge upgrade on business continuity in private colleges and universities in Baghdad. The research problem is summarized in the main question (were the academic leaders able to employ knowledge upgrading to enhance business continuity). The most important of this sector were the universities and the private college in the city of Baghdad as a field for this research, the researchers conducted a field visit to (10) universities or private colleges, the research sample consisted of (177) individuals from the deans of colleges and their assistants, as well as heads of scientific and administrative departments. The data was analyzed and the hypotheses were tested using the appropriate statistical

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of the marketing channel of the service on marine insurance losses: a case study in the Iraqi insurance company
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All businesses seek to improve their levels of profits through various means, most notably their marketing channels, which ensure the delivery of their products to their customers in a safe manner in a timely manner. It considers losses to a minimum and that insurance companies place great interest in marine insurance losses because they often constitute huge amounts compared to other losses, hence the problem of research, which is centred on the type and size of the impact owned by the channel The Iraqi insurance company was chosen to be applied according to the intentional sample method because this company is closely related to the subject matter. The research has reached a set of conclusions, most notably that the choice of i

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Creative Thinking Skills in Administrative Leadership style " Field research in the Medical City " *
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 This research aims at to identify the extent to which creative thinking skills Impact the change &development of Administrative Leadership styles In Administrative Leadership of the Medical City Department. Identify the nature of the relationship between them, determine the prevailing leadership style, &measure the level of creative thinking skills they have. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the descriptive analytical method was adopted.

The research tool consisted of a questionnaire consisting of (61) paragraphs, in addition to the interview & observation. The research sample consisted of (170) administrative leaders in the upper &middle organizational levels. The

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 20 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The impact of diet program myself with some medicinal herbs in some physiological variables Empirical research on badminton players
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To develop a new basis to reduce the phenomenon of stress, one researcher used relaxation techniques is the use of medicinal herbs sedative which is emphasized by some specialists and researchers because of its direct impact on some of the functions of the body as members have a significant impact on the player from the mental and physical Came the importance of research in the use of medicinal herbs sedative and in particular (Lafracin Black, Plantago Sinani great, Alternen) within the program to soothe the psychological players badminton to get rid of the tension felt by sports by athletic competition through the use of a program to ease the psychological with a range of herbs and both means of calming influence of the nervous system. The

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