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The Experimental and Theoretical Effect of Fire on the Structural Behavior of Laced Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams
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A Laced Reinforced Concrete (LRC) structural element comprises continuously inclined shear reinforcement in the form of lacing that connects the longitudinal reinforcements on both faces of the structural element. This study conducted a theoretical investigation of LRC deep beams to predict their behavior after exposure to fire and high temperatures. Four simply supported reinforced concrete beams of 1500 mm, 200 mm, and 240 mm length, width, and depth, respectively, were considered. The specimens were identical in terms of compressive strength (  40 MPa) and steel reinforcement details. The same laced steel reinforcement ratio of 0.0035 was used. Three specimens were burned at variable durations and steady-state temperatures (one hour at 500 °C and 600 °C, and two hours at 500 °C). The flexural behavior of the simply supported deep beams, subjected to the two concentric loads in the middle third of the beam, was investigated with ABAQUS software. The results showed that the laced reinforcement with an inclination of 45˚ improved the structural behavior of the deep beams, and the lacing resisted failure and extended the life of the model. The optimal structural response was observed for the specimens. The laced reinforcement improved the failure mode and converted it from shear to flexure-shear failure. The parametric study showed that the lacing bars remarkably improved the strength of the deep beams and they were not affected more by the steady-state temperature and duration. Furthermore, a greater increase in load-carrying capacity was associated with an increase in the flexural diameter of approximately 12 and 16 mm by approximately 24.77% and 87.61%, respectively, compared to the reference LRC deep beams.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of substrate temperature on structural and optical properties of SnO2 films
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Tin Oxide (SnO2) films have been deposited by spray pyrolysis technique at different substrate temperatures. The effects of substrate temperature on the structural, optical and electrical properties of SnO2 films have been investigated. The XRD result shows a polycrystalline structure for SnO2 films at substrate temperature of 673K. The thickness of the deposited film was of the order of 200 nm measured by Toulansky method. The energy gap increases from 2.58eV to 3.59 eV when substrate temperature increases from 473K to 673K .Electrical conductivity is 4.8*10-7(.cm)-1 for sample deposited at 473K while it increases to 8.7*10-3 when the film is deposited at 673K

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 22 2021
Journal Name
Expert Systems
Hybrid intelligent technology for plant health using the fusion of evolutionary optimization and deep neural networks
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees21gr
Non-thermal plasma effects on of structural and optical properties of Nio:Li thin films prepared by the spray pyrolysis technique
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In this research ,Undoped Nio and 1%Li doped Nio thin films were deposited utilizing chemical spray pyrolysis on the glass substrates heated (450C). The effects of non-thermal plasma on the structural and optical properties were studied. XRD measurement shows that Nio and Nio:1%Li films were found to be polycrystalline and have cubic structure with a preferred orientation (111). Decreased crystal size after exposure especially at (7) sec. AFM data indicate that the surface roughness average and (RMS) values of the prepared doped films are increasing after exposure to plasma, the transmittance increases after doped samples exposure to plasma, it was found that the energy gap value decreased when doped samples exposure to plasma, also, thickn

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of violence in political thought (Theoretical study, compared with the concept of terrorism)
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The researcher of human history finds that the first social relations on earth were represented by the violence of Adam, peace be upon him, Cain and Abel. Violence has been a phenomenon of life and society. The history of history is full of all forms of violence and its forms. It speaks of cruelty, oppression and states. History began, in some of its chapters, written with the blood of the victims. It is a testimony to the cruelty of human beings. His human nature and his sin have played a major role that can not be overlooked in the development of important and fundamental developments in some historical turning points where violence was a necessity for life, and its launching change, renewal and reform, and major revolutions in human h

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Theoretical Calculation of The Fill Factor of N749/〖TiO〗_2 Solar Cells
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        In this paper, the fill factor of the N749/TiO2 solar cell is studied and calculated using the analysis method at standard conditions; i.e., T=300k  and  100 mW/cm2 irradiation.. The current density was derived and calculated using the donor-acceptor model according to the quantum transfer theory in DSSC solar cells. We estimate the influence parameters in DSSC that's an equivalent circuit to the I-V curves for three solvents. The fill factor parameters of the N749/TiO2 device are found to be 0.137,0.146 and 0.127 with Butanol, Ethanol           and Acetonitrile for carrier concentration .  1018 1/cm3 respectively. The photovoltaic characteristics ISc  , Vco<

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
Theoretical study for the calculation of some attenuation parameters of polymeric composites
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The formation, structure, and electronic properties of Lansoprazol drug and cucurbit [7]urils complex (Theoretical Study)
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The current study deals with host-guest complex formation between cucurbit [7] urils as host and lansoprazole as guesti using PM3 (semi empirical molecules orbital calculations) also DFT calculations. In this complex, the formation of hydrogen bonding may be occurred through portal oxygen atoms(O2) of cucurbit [7] urils and amine groups (NH 2 )of the drug. The energies of HOMO and LUMO orbital’s have been computed for the host guest complex and its components. The result of the stabilization energy explained a complex formation.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 22 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Finite Elements Analysis Study of Warming Effect on Deboned Force for Embedded NiTinol Wire into Linear Low Density Polyethylene
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This study presents the debonding propagation in single NiTi wire shape memory alloy into linear low-density polyethylene matrix composite the study of using the pull-out test. The aim of this study is to investigate the pull-out tests to check the interfacial strength of the polymer composite in two cases, with activation NiTinol wire and without activation. In this study, shape memory alloy NiTinol wire 2 mm diameter and linear fully annealed straight shape were used. The study involved experimental and finite element analysis and eventually comparison between them. This pull-out test is considered a substantial test because its results have a relation with behavior of smart composite materials. The pull-out test was carried out by a u

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Improvement of Thermal Insulating Concrete Panel
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The Iraqi houses flattening the roof by a concrete panel, and because of the panels on the top directly exposed to the solar radiation become unbearably hot and cold during the summer and winter. The traditional concrete panel components are cement, sand, and aggregate, which have a poor thermal property. The usage of materials with low thermal conductivity with no negative reflects on its mechanical properties gives good improvements to the thermal properties of the concrete panel. The practical part of this work was built on a multi-stage mixing plan. In the first stage the mixing ratio based on the ratios of the sand to cement. The second stage mixing ratios based on replacing the coarse aggregate quantities with the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Proceedings Of International Structural Engineering And Construction
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Straight tendons in pretensioned members can cause high-tensile stresses in the concrete extreme fibers at end sections because of the absence of the bending stresses due to self-weight and superimposed loads and the dominance of the moment due to prestressing force alone. Accordingly, the concrete tensile stresses at the ends of a member prestressed with straight tendons may limit the service load capacity of the member. It is therefore important to establish limiting zone in the concrete section within which the prestressing force can be applied without causing tension in the extreme concrete fibers. Two practical methods are available to reduce the stresses at the end sections due to the prestressing force. The first method based

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