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Development of Artificial Intelligence Models for Estimating Rate of Penetration in East Baghdad Field, Middle Iraq
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It is well known that the rate of penetration is a key function for drilling engineers since it is directly related to the final well cost, thus reducing the non-productive time is a target of interest for all oil companies by optimizing the drilling processes or drilling parameters. These drilling parameters include mechanical (RPM, WOB, flow rate, SPP, torque and hook load) and travel transit time. The big challenge prediction is the complex interconnection between the drilling parameters so artificial intelligence techniques have been conducted in this study to predict ROP using operational drilling parameters and formation characteristics. In the current study, three AI techniques have been used which are neural network, fuzzy inference system and genetic algorithm. An offset field data was collected from mud logging and wire line log from East Baghdad oil field south region to build the AI models, including datasets of two wells: well 1 for AI modeling and well 2 for validation of the obtained results. The types of interesting formations are sandstone and shale (Nahr Umr and Zubair formations). Nahr Umr and Zubair formations are medium –harder. The prediction results obtained from this study showed that the ANN technique can predict the ROP with high efficiency as well as FIS technique could achieve reliable results in predicting ROP, but GA technique has shown a lower efficiency in predicting ROP. The correlation coefficient and RMSE were two criteria utilized to evaluate and estimate the performance ability of AI techniques in predicting ROP and comparing the obtained results. In the Nahr Umr and Zubair formations, the obtained correlation coefficient values for training processes of ANN, FIS and GA were 0.94, 0.93, and 0.76 respectively. Data sets from another well (well 2) in the same field of interest were utilized to validate of the developed models. Datasets of well 2 were conducted against sandstone and shale formations (Nahr Umr and Zubair formations). The results revealed a good matching between the actual rate of penetration values and the predicted ROP values using two artificial intelligence techniques (neural network, and fuzzy inference technique). In contrast, the genetic algorithm model showed overestimation/ underestimation of the rate of penetration against sandstone and shale formations. This means that the optimum prediction of rate of penetration can be obtained from neural network model rather than using genetic algorithm and genetic algorithm techniques. The developed model can be successfully used to predict the rate of penetration and optimize the drilling parameters, achieving reduce the cost and time of future wells that will be drilled in the East Baghdad Iraqi oil field.

Publication Date
Sun Apr 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Duplex ultrasound surveillance for asymptomatic deep venous thrombosis after total knee joint replacement
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Background: The prevalence of deep veins thrombosis, complicating total knee replacement in Asian countries, has not been fully appreciated in comparison to western countries as there are few studies on that. There is an important correlation between the evidence of deep veins thrombosis in the lower extremity and likelihood of   pulmonary embolism later one . Because of its noninvasive nature, duplex ultrasound has become one of the initial dependable modality for the cheek out of deep veins thrombosis after total knee replacement  . Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the outcome of asymptomatic after total knee replacement by duplex ultrasound among Iraqi patients.

Methods: This

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical & Health Sciences
Roles of Il-36 in the Pathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Sample of Iraqi Patients
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Study of Some of the Indicators of Noise Pollution in Certain Residential Districts in Fallujah City
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     The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of noise exposure in certain residential districts in Fallujah city. Twenty-nine stations were selected and divided into two groups; the first group was located 50 to 100 metres from the main streets (quiet areas), whilst the second was located directly on the main streets. Noise levels were measured at a rate of three readings per station for different time periods for approximately sixty days in the year 2020. Mean values were taken in both the morning and evening using a portable sound level meter (Auto range, RS-232). The highest noise level was measured at Alforkan station for the morning reading (83.8 dB) within the second group, while the lowest noise level

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
Role of Spraying Potassium Fertilizer Types in Improving of flag Leaf Contribution in Grain Yield of Wheat
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A field experiment was carried out during winter season of 2019 at Al-Muradiya research state, Babylon government, Iraq, to study the role of the sprayed types of potassium fertilizer in improving of flag leaf contribution in grain yield of wheat. The layout of the experiment was randomized complete block design in factorial arrangement at three replicates. The experiment included spraying common and nano potassium fertilizer at booting stage, in addition to control treatment (spraying of distilled water) as a first factor, and removal treatments (removal of flag leaf at 10% anthesis stage and nonremoval) as a second factor. The results showed that the spraying of nano potassium fertilizer was significantly superior in the dry matter transp

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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was conducted to investigate the presence of Staphylococcus aureus in the red and white meat available in local markets. They were selected ten samples of red and white meat randomly (Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Brazil) from different markets in Baghdad, and the results of reading the nutrition facts of media indication card showed that all models confirm to the Iraqi standard quality in terms of scanning all data of the media indication card, except for the birds of Bayader, where the date of expire & production date of the product was not mentioned. Also, the results of the study showed that there is no Staphylococcus aureus in local red and white meat as well as imported.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Research And Islamic Studies Journal
The artistic in the poetry of Kazem Jawad
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the researchers pointed that the poet relied on several means in the form of poetic images, including analogy, and the metaphor with its various elements, The chromatic component has also been used in the formation of its poetic image,and resorted to the correspondence of the senses and the symbol of two types:Self-code, public code : And we find a variety of symbolic stems from different sources, from these symbols, what is religious, including what is historical and what is legendary, and such symbols, which resorted to the rare places of his poems confined to the myths contained in the Bible, His use of the general symbols was ineffective in the poetic picture, relying on the metaphor and metaphor.

Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biodegradation of Crude Oil in Contaminated Water by Local Isolates of Enterobacter cloacae
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This paper study the ability of Enterobacter cloacae for degrading crude oil in contaminated water. Six isolates of E. cloacae were isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soil and water of different sites. The isolate E. cloacae E1 showed the highest emulsification index (E24%) reached 62% thus it was chosen for further study. Biosurfactant produced by E. cloacae E1 reduced the surface tension of the medium from 64 to 36 mN/m. pH range 6.5 – 7 and temperature range 30˚C - 35˚C were the optimal conditions for maximum degradation. After 30 days of incubation, E. cloacae E1 degraded 70.00 ± 0.40% of the crude oil. GC-MS analysis revealed that E. cloacae E1 was able to degrade aromatic compounds. This study proved that E. cloacae E1 con

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Features of Historical Approach in Thinking the Grammar In Ibin Ginie: Features of Historical Approach in Thinking the Grammar In Ibin Ginie
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This research to monitor the features of the historical method in the
thought of a linguistic scientist is known (ibin genieD. 392 AH by offering a
range of grammatical rules presented in his book (the properties and the
nature of their treatment on the basis of the historical method in accordance
with These are an important milestone in facilitating the grammatical rules and
display image "makes it more suitable for the social reality

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
The gratifications of local television sports programs from the audience's point of view Analytical study for the period from 1/7/2022 to 01/10/2022
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The issue of sports media and its role in winning sports and non-sports fans and unifying them towards various issues and events is one of the important topics that have begun to occupy many countries and governments in the world and allocate appropriate spaces for it and provide it with sufficient funds and budgets to advance this reality...

Especially since the concept of the sports official has It changed a lot and turned into an economic concept rather than a sport one through the investment in the field of sports and the entry of capital and contributes to the prosperity of the countries interested in this field.

It is important that includes profit and loss in addition to knowing how to employ and win the masses and e

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Human Sport And Exercise - 2019 - Spring Conferences Of Sports Science
Effect of taking some of dietary supplements according to special forces exercises to develop some physical abilities, speed and accuracy smash shot for badminton young players
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Set dietary program for some of dietary supplements and training for badminton young players, and identifying effect of taking some of the dietary supplementary for badminton young players. The research population :( badminton young players group (Arminian club). For age group (16-18) years the sample is divided in to two experimental groups within each group (6) players, and two for the exploratory experiment which was within the research sample, they were divided in to two groups, the first group take some of the dietary supplements (multivitamin creating) .the set exercises by the researchers in the main part of the training unit and the second group (amino acids, vitamins) and the set exercises by the researcher. The scientific approach

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