This study was undertaken to diagnose routine settling problems within a third-party oil and gas companies’ Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) regeneration system. Two primary issues were identified including; a) low particle size (<40 μm) resulting in poor settlement within high viscosity MEG solution and b) exposure to hydrocarbon condensate causing modification of particle surface properties through oil-wetting of the particle surface. Analysis of oil-wetted quartz and iron carbonate (FeCO₃) settlement behavior found a greater tendency to remain suspended in the solution and be removed in the rich MEG effluent stream or to strongly float and accumulate at the liquid-vapor interface in comparison to naturally water-wetted particles. As such, exposure of particles including quartz and FeCO₃ to the condensate phase within natural gas transportation pipelines may ultimately cause poor settlement of suspended particles downstream within MEG regeneration systems, leading to increase filtration requirements. The effect of oil-wetting on particle settlement was successfully managed through application of a cationic surfactants, including cetrimonium bromide (CTAB), to transition the initially oil-wetted surface to water-wetted. Cationic surfactants were found to be most suitable due to the negative surface charge of mineral particles at pH levels typical of MEG regeneration system pre-treatment systems (pH > 8).
The security of multimedia data becoming important spatial data of monitoring systems that contain videos prone to attack or escape via the internet, so to protect these videos used proposed method combined between encryption algorithm and sign algorithm to get on authenticated video. The proposed encryption algorithm applied to secure the video transmission by encrypt it to become unclear. This done by extract video to frames and each frame separate to three frames are Red, Green, and Blue, this frames encrypt by using three different random keys that generated by a function for generating random numbers, as for sign algorithm applied for authentication purpose that enable the receiver from sure of the identity of the sender and provide
... Show MoreA mathematical model and associated computer program were developed to simulate the steady state operation of wiped film evaporators for the concentration of glycerol-water solution. In this model, various assumptions were made to facilitate the mathematical model of the wiped film evaporator. The fundamental phenomena described were: sensible heating of the solution and vaporization of water. Physical property data were coded into the computer program, which performs the calculations of this model. Randomly selected experiments were carried out in a small scale wiped film evaporator from ALVAL COMPANY, using different concentrations of the glycerol solution (10, 30 and 50 Wt. %) for different feed rates (30, 50, 80, 100 and 120 l/h) and
... Show MoreInsulin resistance is a fundamental feature of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases and contributes to many of the metabolic syndrome's abnormalities. It is defined as a subnormal reaction to normal insulin concentrations or a situation in which greater than normal insulin concentrations are necessary for normal response.
A graphene-based supercapacitors (SC) were manufactured. The main objective of this research was to use as possible as environmentally, clean and natural materials for the SC electrodes, electrolytes and the separators. The SC consisted of a multi-layer graphene (MLG); as the electrode material, prepared by mixing graphene powder with water/acetone mixture, then the solution deposited on metal foils (aluminum and copper) by chemical spray technique, which is a simple and inexpensive technique to prepare the MLG films. The spraying time was (2 and 4 minutes) for making two MLG films with different thicknesses. The electrolytes were used is (lemon juice, table salt dissolved in water, and distillated water). The separators were a commercia
... Show MoreContinuous functions are novel concepts in topology. Many topologists contributed to the theory of continuous functions in topology. The present authors continued the study on continuous functions by utilizing the concept of gpα-closed sets in topology and introduced the concepts of weakly, subweakly and almost continuous functions. Further, the properties of these functions are established.
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the static frictional forces produced by monocrystalline ceramic (sapphire) bracket and polycrystalline ceramic bracket. Materials and methods: one hindered twenty brackets/segment of archwire combinations were used, each bracket/segment of archwire combination was tested 10 times. The tests were performed in a universal testing Instron machine. The data was submitted to in depended t-test. Results: The independent sample t-tests showed a highly significant difference in the static frictional forces between monocrystalline ceramic (sapphire) bracket and polycrystalline ceramic bracket. Conclusion: According to the biomechanical result gained from the present study, the monocryst
... Show MoreIn this paper extensive examples and related counterexamples of the category of -skew -Armendariz rings are given. This category of rings regards a new generalization for the concepts of -skew Armendariz and skew -Armendariz rings. A ring is called -skew -Armendariz if for any ( ) Σ and ( ) Σ such that ( ) ( ) ( ), then ( ) ( ) for each and . First some general properties of -skew -Armendariz rings are studied and then relations between -skew -Armendariz rings and other related rings are investigated. Also various examples of non -skew -Armendariz rings are established.
Let R be a commutative ring with unity .M an R-Module. M is called coprime module (dual notion of prime module) if ann M =ann M/N for every proper submodule N of M In this paper we study coprime modules we give many basic properties of this concept. Also we give many characterization of it under certain of module.