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Publication Date
Thu Jun 25 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Improving efficiency of solar cell for MnS through annealing
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluating the Professional Efficiency of Primary School Teachers in Teaching Rafidain English Course for Iraq, Book I
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      Teaching techniques are the vehicles, which are used by teachers to help pupils learn and gain experiences and create positive classroom activities, as much as these techniques are varied, they lead to successful and fruitful learning in the foreign language. They help teachers achieve their objectives (Asowrth, 1985: 124).

    The English language teacher's work is an active and purposeful one when he can plan carefully and frequently make the necessary changes in the contents and methods of teaching programme to fit the interest and needs of pupils. It seems that the majority of primary English teachers' interests does not go far in planning their work, and do not understand which o

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigating the Sensitivity Effect of Actuarial Assumptions on Pension Liabilities in Malaysia
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Malaysia will be an ageing population by 2030 as the number of those aged 60 years and above has increased drastically from 6.2 percent in 2000 and is expected to reach 13.6 percent by 2030. There are many challenges that will be faced due to the ageing population, one of which is the increasing cost of pensions in the future. In view of that, it is necessary to investigate the effect of actuarial assumptions on pension liabilities under the perspective of ageing. To estimate the pension liabilities, the Projected Unit Credit method is used in the study and commutation functions are employed in the process. Demographic risk and salary risk have been identified as major risks in analyzing pension liabilities in this study. The sensitivity

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improving the efficiency and security of passport control processes at airports by using the R-CNN object detection model
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The use of real-time machine learning to optimize passport control procedures at airports can greatly improve both the efficiency and security of the processes. To automate and optimize these procedures, AI algorithms such as character recognition, facial recognition, predictive algorithms and automatic data processing can be implemented. The proposed method is to use the R-CNN object detection model to detect passport objects in real-time images collected by passport control cameras. This paper describes the step-by-step process of the proposed approach, which includes pre-processing, training and testing the R-CNN model, integrating it into the passport control system, and evaluating its accuracy and speed for efficient passenger flow

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Studies
Investigating Motivational Teaching Strategies used by Iraqi EFL Primary School Teachers
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Motivation is one of the most important factors that influence students learning and has a great effect on their success and achievement. For this reason, in this paper, the researcher is going to investigate the motivational teaching strategies used by EFL Iraqi school teachers. To achieve the aim of the study, the researcher adapted a questionnaire with some changes and modification’s. This questionnaire with five point scale (always, often, sometimes, rarely and never). To achieve face validity, the questionnaire items are given to a jury of experts. Alpha Cronbach formula is used to achieve the questionnaire reliability. After that, the questionnaire was applied on a sample of 38 teachers during the academic year 2019-2020. Th

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
Investigating the effect of nanomaterials on the Marshall properties and durability of warm mix asphalt
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This research aims to investigate the effect of four types of nanomaterial on the Marshall properties and durability of warm mix asphalt (WMA). These types are; nano silica(NS), nano carbonate calcium (NCC), nano clay(NC), and nanoplatelets (NP). For each type of Nanomaterial, three contents are tried as following; NS(1%, 3%, and 5%), NCC(2%, 4%, and 6%), NC(3%, 5%, and 7%), and NP (2%, 4%, and 6%) by weight of asphalt cement. Following Marhsall mix design method, the optimum asphalt cement content is determined, thereafter the optimum dosage for each nanomaterial is obtained based on the highest Marshall stability value. The durability of the control mix (no nanomaterial) and modified mixtures have been compared based on moisture damage, r

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Investigating the effect of cartographic properties on updating cadastral maps
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Abstract<p>Cadastral maps are the main documents of ownership and plots of land, as it contribute to preserving the property rights of individuals and institutions. It indicates the size and shape of each parcel and reveals geographic relationships that affect property value. The Iraqi cadastral maps are in old coordinate system AL-nahrwan 1934 and lambert conformal conic projection. Therefore these maps are old and unfit for use. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of cartographic properties on updating cadastral maps. This depends on studying the effect of conversion the projection and the datum of the cadastral maps of the study area from (datum: nahrwan34, projection: lambert confo</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2017
Journal Name
New Visions In Plant Science
Improving Nitrogen and Phosphorus Efficiency for Optimal Plant Growth and Yield
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Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the most important nutrients for crop production. The N contributes to the structural component, generic, and metabolic compounds in a plant cell. N is mainly an essential part of chlorophyll, the compound in the plants that is responsible for photosynthesis process. The plant can get its available nitrogen from the soil by mineralizing organic materials, fixed-N by bacteria, and nitrogen can be released from plant as residue decay. Soil minerals do not release an enough amount of nitrogen to support plant; therefore, fertilizing is necessary for high production. Phosphorous contributes in the complex of the nucleic acid structure of plants. The nucleic acid is essential in protein synthesis regulation; t

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 13 2021
Journal Name
Eureka: Physics And Engineering
A numerical study to improve the position and angle of the producer gas injector inside the intake manifold to minimize emissions and efficiency enhancement of a bi engine
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To develop a petrol engine so that it works under the bi-engine pattern (producer gas-petrol) without any additional engine modifications, a single-point injection method inside the intake manifold is a simple and inexpensive method. Still, it leads to poor mixing performance between the air and producer gas. This deficiency can cause unsatisfactory engine performance and high exhaust emissions. In order to improve the mixing inside the intake manifold, nine separate cases were modelled to evaluate the impact of the position and angle orientation inside the intake manifold on the uniformity and spread of the mixture under AFR=2.07. A petrol engine (1.6 L), the maximum engine speed (8000 rpm), and bi-engine mode (petrol-producer ga

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 06 2024
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Physics
Investigating the effect of alternating voltage frequency on plasma jet parameters
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