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Biochemical Study on Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
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This study deals with thirty non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy in addition to twenty five healthy control.Some biochemical parameters were determined in the serum of all subjects enrolled in the study.These parameters are serum glucose,serum urea,serum creatinine,total serum protein and serum albumin.The aim of the present study was to estimate these parameters in diabetic nephropathy patients. The results of the present study revealed a significant increase in glucose,urea and creatinine in patients as compared to controls . Also a significant decrease was found in total serum protein, serum albumin and albumin to globulin ratio (A/G) in patients compared to controls,while a significant increase in serum globulin in patients compared to control was found (P<0.001).In conclusion no statistical differences were found in the study parameters between gender and between groups with different ages.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Relationship Between Hyperglycemia and the Rheumatoid Factor in the Serum of Diabetic Patients
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This study was conducted to determine the relationship between two most common diseases in Iraqis patients , which are Diabetic mellitus (DM) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA); seeking rheumatoid factor in hyperglycemic sera. The results revealed that ; 62.5% of hyperglycemic (HG) patients had positive rheumatoid factor (RF) . No difference in number between both gender of HG patients (20 males and 20 females ) , RF reaction was nearly similar in males and females of HG patients ( 12 &13 respectively ) . Only 40% out of patient controls had positive RF . None of the apparently healthy subjects had positive RF .

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Some Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Male Children with Thalassemia
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Thalassemia is a term that refers to a group of genetic disorders characterized by a defect in the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is sometimes called Mediterranean anemia. Many biochemical changes in the blood accompany this disease. In this research, some biochemical parameters were measured in thalassemic patients and compared with healthy control group. These parameters include serum Iron, ferritin, TIBC, hemoglobin, uric acid, albumin, calcium, transferrin, and transferrin saturation percentage.  The results of the research showed that there is a significant increase (P<0.05)  in serum iron and ferritin in thalassemic patients group in comparison with healthy control group. A significant decrease (P<0.05) in serum uric a

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Correlative Study Between Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Hepatitis B
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    Hepatitis-B (HBV) is a viral disease cause liver damage, cirrhosis, fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Present study attempted to elucidate the biochemical and haematological markers other than Australia antigen, of hepatitis,B,vairusV (HBsAg) for better assessment of HBV infection.  The present study was conducted on 76 men, 50 of them were found to be HBeAg positive and 26 were negative, mean age was53±5.7years. Haematological parameters such as Absolute  Erythrocyte( Abs  Eryt), Absolute Leukocyte(Abs Leuk) , Haemoglobin(Hb), Packed Cell Volume(PCV),Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW), Mean  Corpuscular  Haemoglobin (MCH),MCH Concentration(MCHC) ,Neutrophi

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Study the Effect of Arabidopsis thaliana Extract on Reducing Blood Glucose Level in Diabetic White Albino Mice
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This study was designed to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds on reducing glucose level for white albino mice. Twenty adults mice were used, divided randomly into four groups (five mice per each group). The first group (normal mice) was administrated with 0.1 ml of distilled water as a control, the second group (normal mice) was administrated with 0.1 ml of the plant extract, whereas the third and fourth groups (diabetic mice) were administrated with single dose of alloxan (150 mg/kg of the body weight) to induce diabetes, and the fourth group was administrated with 0.1 ml of the plant extract for 10 days, then blood glucose level was measured for all of the experimental animals (diabetic and no

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 07 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Embryos And Infertility Researches
Histochemical Study of Human Placental Tissues in Gestational Diabetic Mellitus
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Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is the most common metabolic disorder that found during gestation and is define as hyperglycemia of variable severity with onset or first recognition during gestation that does not clearly characterize any form of the preexisting diabetes (American Diabetes Association [1]). It affects approximately 16.5% of pregnancies worldwide (Plows, et al.[2]). The placenta is an organ that connects the mother and her fetus during pregnancy (Gul, et al.[3]). In the placenta, glucose can be transformed into glycogen for storage by either glycogen synthase or using glycogenin as a prime. However, the function of glycogen deposition stays a matter of debate, it may be the source of fuel for placenta itself or the storag

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 03 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Correlation study of (IL-17, IL-17RA) and some biochemical parameters with patients of Iraq colorectal cancer after and before taking a dose of chemotherapy
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Colorectal cancer CRC is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and the second in female, so it is a common and life-threatening disease serum of 48 males and 40 females suffering from CRC disease as group one (G1) without taking a chemotherapy dose, the same patients group tow (G2) after taking the first chemotherapy dose, while group three (G3) whose patients in (G1) and (G2) after second taking a chemotherapy dose. and group four (G4) consist of (30 males and 30 females) healthy Iraqi control. Results showed a significant increase in IL-17, IL-17RA and CEA in G1, while there was a significant decrease in vitamin D concentration in G1 than other groups, also there was positive (+ ve) significant correlation between IL-17 and CE

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
J Med J
Relationship of seminal biochemical parameters and serum reproductive hormones with sperm function tests in asthenospermic patients
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Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between levels of certain seminal biochemical parameters and serum reproductive hormones, on the one hand, and sperm function tests, on the other hand, in asthenospermic patients. Patients and Methods: Sixty asthenospermic patients and twenty fertile men as a control group were included in this study. Semen samples were collected to perform seminal fluid analysis. Total protein, cholesterol, calcium, creatine kinase, and fructose were measured in the seminal plasma. Blood samples were collected for hormonal assay of serum reproductive hormones: testosterone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone. Results: The results revealed a significant positive correla

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral manifestations, biochemical, and IL-6 analysis of saliva in major depressive disorder patients under treatment
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Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is mental disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. The aims of the study: were to determine the prevalence of oral manifestation among patients with major depressive disorder receiving antidepressant drugs, and detect alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Total Salivary proteins (TSP), and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in relation to MDD patients under treatment and to compare with healthy controls. Materials and method: (50) MDD patients; between the ages of 20 years and 60 years.The depression patients are divided into (25) patients under treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac), and (25) patients under tr

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 28 2024
Journal Name
Nigerian Journal Of Parasitology
Evaluation of hormones and other biochemical parameters among chronic liver disease patients infected with Toxoplasma gondii
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This study was conducted in Baghdad, Iraq from December 2021 to May 2022. The goal was to determine the effect of Toxoplasma gondii on liver function by examining the relationship between Toxoplasma infection and hormones. One hundred and twenty male patients with Chronic liver disease (CLD) (age:14-75 years) and 120 control males (age: 24-70 years) participated in this study. Serum samples were taken from all individuals and were then analysed for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies. Hormonal tests were conducted for all participants which included (Cortisol, testosterone, prolactin, insulin, and thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH). Biochemical tests included (Prothrombin time PT, international normalized ratio INR and albumin); liver enzymes

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Interleukin 6 Levels and their Correlation with Various Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Covid-19 Patients
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Background: coronavirus 19 is a beta-coronavirus, enveloped and roughly spherical with approximately 60 to 140 nm in diameter with positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome.

Objectives: Measurement of interleukin 6 (IL6) level in a group of patients with confirmed Covid19 infection and its correlation with many hematological and  biochemical parameters , mainly lymphocyte , neutrophil  count and their ratio , platelet count , serum ferritin , C reactive protein as well as D-dimer level

Subjects and Methods: This study was conducted on 60 PCR positive patients variably affected by COVID-19 , cases collected sequentially from June till November 20

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