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Detecting Damaged Buildings on Post-Hurricane Satellite Imagery based on Transfer Learning
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In this article, Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is used to detect damage and no damage images form satellite imagery using different classifiers. These classifiers are well-known models that are used with CNN to detect and classify images using a specific dataset. The dataset used belongs to the Huston hurricane that caused several damages in the nearby areas. In addition, a transfer learning property is used to store the knowledge (weights) and reuse it in the next task. Moreover, each applied classifier is used to detect the images from the dataset after it is split into training, testing and validation. Keras library is used to apply the CNN algorithm with each selected classifier to detect the images. Furthermore, the performance measures are used as a criterion to decide which classifier is the best one to detect the images with high accuracy. Eventually, the simulation results show that each classifier detect the damage/no damage image with different performance measures and then makes it easy to select the best one.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the tax gap resulting from the application of the direct deduction method and its reflection on the financial objective of the tax: Applied research in the General Directorate of education in Diyala
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The research aims to shed light on the nature of the tax gap in the income tax by the method of direct deduction and its reflection on the financial objective of the tax, and to determine the reasons for this gap in the deduction between the tax due in accordance with the laws and instructions in force and the tax actually paid. The tax gap is a real problem that cannot be ignored for what it represents loss of financial revenues due to the state.

The research problem is represented in the existence of a gap between the tax due according to direct deduction instructions and the tax actually paid according to the financial statements, and to achieve the objectives of the research and test the hypotheses, t

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Purification of a Cyclooxygenase-2 from the Blood of a Patient Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and Studying the Effect of Natural Products of the Soapwort on the Activity of Purified Enzyme
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In this paper to isolate and study the properties of the cyclooxygenase-2 (EC: enzyme in the blood of a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and study the effect of natural products of the Soapwort on the activity of purified enzyme. The study involves taking 30 ml of blood from an adult woman 40 years old, who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis disease for 13 years. Serum is separated and subjected to a series of purification processes including: precipitation by ammonium sulfate, filtration by centrifugation radiator, dialysis in presence of ammonium bicarbonate, separation using the technology of ion exchange, lipholization and then estimating approximate molecular weight of the enzyme using gel filtration techni

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Electronic Customer Trust Building Tools On Excellent Performance An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of individuals in the administrative and leadership positions in the Northern Cement Company
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The current study aims to overcome the conflicts facing the company in its way of staying and continuing to maintain its performance excellent in light of the intense competition, which made it seek to find strong ways and links with its customers through electronic communication using electronic platforms, and this put confidence and safety in The place of suspicion and fear of not fulfilling credibility or violating the privacy, so this research comes to answer about the question:  “Can the company achieve an excellent performance by relying on the customer's electronic confidence?”.

The study followed the descriptive and analytical approaches by providing a virtual model and testing the zero hypotheses, which stipulat

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte, Issn 1886-8576, Vol. 18, Nº. 3, 2023, Págs. 319-323
The Effect of Using Exercises Associated With Ischemia and Hyperemia on Some Immunoglobulins (Igm - Igg) and White Blood Cells (Wbc) in the Rehabilitation and Treatment of Ankle Sprain Injury Lateral Side of Swimmers
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Autorías: Wafaa Sabah Mohammed Al-Khafaji, Fatimah Hameed Kzar Al-Masoodi, Suadad Ibrahim Suhail Al-Kinani. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 3, 2023. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of public relations in educating the Palestinian public about the issue of prisoners under the occupation An applied study on the employees of the Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs
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The issue of Palestinian prisoners inside the prisons of the Israeli occupation is considered
a humanitarian issue par excellence، as it affects every Palestinian family as a
result of the absence of a husband، wife or son.
Almost no Palestinian house is vacant without one or more prisoners، and even women،
children and the elderly are not spared from these arrests.
The problem of the study was to identify the role of public relations in the Ministry
of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners Affairs in educating the Palestinian public about the
issue of prisoners، the nature of this role and the means used to bring support and
solidarity with this important and sensitive issue through the applied study on the

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 04 2923
Journal Name
Journal Of Sustainable Studies
Enantiosemy in a Comparative Aspect: On the Material of Modern Russian and Arabic Languages Энантиосемия в сравнительном аспекте: На материале современного русского и арабского языков التضاد - دراسة مقارنة : اللغات الروسية والعربية الحذيثة أنمورجا
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This work is devoted to a comparative study of the phenomenon of enantiosemy in Russian and Arabic.Everyone knows the term antonyms - words of the same part of speech, opposite in meaning, such as: Day and night, white and black, truth and lies. But in Russian, Arabic and other languages there is an interesting phenomenon, which consists in the fact that one word has two opposite meanings. Such a phenomenon in linguistics is called enantiosemy (from the Greek words enantios - "opposite" and sema - "sign")

Publication Date
Mon May 17 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The Effect of Exercises with a Proposed Device to Improving Some Bio-Kinematic Variables and the Performance of the Arab Round off Skill on Floor Movement Mat Device of the Artistic Gymnastics for Women
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The importance of the research lies in preparing exercises using a proposed device to learn the skill of thehuman wheel on a machine rug of ground movements of the artistic gymnastics. As for the research problem:Through the presence of the two researchers as teachers and observers of this sport in the gymnastics hall,they noticed that there is difficulty in the students’ performance of the skill of the round off on the machineof the mat of ground movements, according to the researchers’ opinion, the reason for this is that skillsare taught with the limited availability of assistive devices, as well as the lack of use of these devices inexercises according to biomechanical variables, although they facilitate the learning process

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Interaction between the Use of the Improve Strategy in Teaching Mathematics and Achievement Levels on the Acquisition of Algebraic Concepts and Habits of Mind among Tenth Grade Students in Oman
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The current study aims to investigate the effect of the interaction between the use of the improve strategy in teaching mathematics and the level of academic achievement on the acquisition of algebraic concepts and habits of mind among tenth-grade students in Oman. The study adopted the experimental method, based on a quasi-experimental design with two groups: experimental and control groups and pre-post-measurement. The study sample consisted of (28) 10th-grade students as an experimental group and 26 of 10th-grade students as a control group in Al-Tufail bin Amr School in South Al Batinah. The differences in the pretest and posttest gains were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, ANCOVA, t-test, effect size (eta-square), and two-wa

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Importance of obligation to the rules of professional conduct and its impact on tax revenues: An applied research in a sample of companies registered at the Department of the Public Authority for corporate taxes
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The researcher  tried to show the importance of obligation with the rules of professional conduct set by the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Iraqis when expressing an opinion the financial statements submitted tax administration and enhance the confidence of these lists, and adopted in the tax settling accounts process and its impact on tax revenues, and touched a researcher at the theoretical side of the search to the problem of research and of my Is there a trace of non- not to obligation by the rules of professional conduct in Iraq affect the tax revenue with the rules of professional conduct in tax revenue for companies research sample, the research aims to study the rules of professional conduct set by the Associatio

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Continuous improvement of technology and its role In reducing the costs in accordance with the management style On the basis of the activities (ABM): Applied Research in the General Company for Textile Industries / hula
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The administration on the basis of the activities designed to evaluate the performance of activities in terms of cost, time and quality by identifying activities that add value and those that are no add value and  enables the administration of making up their own continuous improvement in production, through lower costs and reduce the time and improve the quality   and reduce the incidence of spoilage and waste, y based search Ally premise that (the continuous improvement of the adoption of management style on the basis of the activities helps management in decision-making wise to reduce  costs) to prove the hypothesis has sought research to achieve its goal of  Alkadivh and Alkoppelan     &nb

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