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دراسة خلايا البشرة والمعقدات الثغرية للسيقان والكساء السطحي لبعض المراتب من عائلة عرف الديك Juss. Amaranthaceae في العراق
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Gompharena globosa L., Irisene herbistii Hook. ex Lindl. The results of this study showed that the anatomical characters of the stems epidermis and the indumentum covering different parts of the plant have an important anatomical characters such as the cell wall shape of ordinary epidermal cells also the shape and type of stomata, their presence in some taxa and abscent in others. The hairs also differentiated by their shapes and them types, either they glandular or eglandular also they are different in distribution between the different taxa or in the some taxon.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Suggested Index for studying violent by Environment and Psychology components among Collegian students at a sample in Baghdad City
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Objective: To identification environmental and psychological violence's components among collegians’ students of different stages, and gender throughout creating specific questionnaire, and estimating regression of environmental domain effect on psychological domain, as well as measuring powerful of the association contingency between violence's domains in admixed form with respondent characteristics, such that (Demographics, Economics, and Behaviors), and extracting model of estimates impact of studied domains in studying risks, and protective factors among collegians’ students in Baghdad city. Methodolog

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of Banking Marketing Strategies in achieving Competitive Advantage: Applicatory Research on a Sample of Iraqi Private Banks
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The main purpose of this research aims to measure the role of banking strategies marketing in achieving competitive advantage within a sample of Iraqi private banks, and in order to achieve this purpose,  the researcher depend on number of sober research approaches which consisted of descriptive, analytical and practical methodologies, to strengthen concepts addressed by the research, size of the sample was (56) individuals which makes up the senior leadership represented (Chairman and members of the Board of Directors, Commissioners and their assistants and department heads) while the primary tool for research (questionnaire), which has been designed based on a number of solemn scientific metrics, after adapted these metrics commen

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Implementation within strategic planning and its impact on banking service quality: (An applied research on a sample of Iraqi banks)
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In the midst of rapid changes and difficultiesand the tough competition faced by the Iraqi banks, it has become necessary to focus on a significant aspect of administrative work; that is strategic planning and the key role of implementation within this process in improving the banking service quality. It has emerged as a critical and main competitive weapon for distinguishing the services provided by banks from each other in an effort to participate in increasing market share of the bank in question in question; in its growth, continuation and profit increase.

The research has addressed the relation between the independent variable (implementation within strategic planning), and the dependent variable (banking service quality and

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Management by Walking Around on the Strategic Renewal of Business Organizations (Field Research in a Sample of Excellent grade hotels - in Baghdad)
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This work aims to show the nature of the relationship between management by walking around  (the independent variable) and strategic renewal (the dependent variable), as well as it shows the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Questionnaire items were considered the main tool for data collection by three basic aspects. The first involved the personal data of the respondents, while the second included items related to management by walking in five dimensions, and the third is strategic renewal items by addressing four dimensions. The tourism sector, while the community has six Excellent grade hotels was taken into account in this wor

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect The behavior of workers in the insurance companies in achieving competitive advantage: An Applied research in a sample of the general insurance companies
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Service companies always working to increase their competitiveness and efficiency of the survival, growth and development in the present and the future, including insurance companies, so as to increase competition, especially after the emergence of the civil companies dramatically after 2003, has become the goal of recent studies carried out by the organizations is the human capital, because its success and excellence and achievement its objectives depends on the human, and this does not mean that the other components are not important, but also rely on the rights which has increased interest in the search for the way in which they can guide the behaviors and values ​​and their own language in line with the organization's strategy an

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The research aims to how to deal with certain situation to ensure the continuous competitive excellence of business market under the situation of covid-19, especially how to deal with major challenges, identifying the capabilities of tourism industry, investigating the ability of tourism agencies to resist the dynamic change of both internal as well as external environment to ensure their sustainability.

The important here as the paper notice, is how to be efficient and trying to find solutions in order to grow and survive through choosing certain strategies that aligned the critical issues.

Thus to achieve this level, many scenarios planed that could adopt in case of such pande

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
احاديث أحاديث المبادرة والاغتنام في كيفية استغلال الاوقات في طلب العلم في السنة النبوية ( دراسة تحليلية )
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Science is consider one of the most honorable want of man and the best thing the man desire and the most good fruit for that its honor make benefit for the student, science is the base of every thing and the spring of civilization, where how man can advance in his / her life without hard seeking for science, so I chose this subject because seeking science is consider one of the matters that took great care in Islamic society for its advantages in making science, civilized, and economical development. By science nations advance and achieve all of their desires of freedom and make benefit of times by using their talents in the field they excele in and which head to get all of their rights in gainings and individuals getting the fruits of t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the external audit in improving the performance of the services provided: Applied research in the municipal directorate in ALMuthanna
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The subject of improving the performance of services provided by government institutions of the important topics at the present time because of their direct contact at the service of citizens and the increased importance of these units as a result of the diversity of activities performed by the so governments of the countries and their people made sure to pay attention to the good use of those allocated to those sectors of resources and spending in the service prescribed and manage the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness and monitor the proper management of the money used in those sectors and evaluate their performance through the Supreme Audit Institutions so that they can play their role oversight and contribute to th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Las preposiciones en español: Estudio analítico de "Por" y "Para"
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                       Este trabajo de investigación ofrece uno de los temas relevantes en la lengua, el cual es estudiar las dimensiones sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas de las preposiciones, en general, y de las dos preposiciones "Para" y  "Por" en concreto, en una unidad linguística más amplia que la llamada "Oración". En la parte  referida al  estudio de las dos preposiciones mencionadas,  estudiamos sus distntos usos funcionales, usos que se acercan, unas veces,  entre sí  y  se alejan en otras. 


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Popular Mobilization and human security In Local Society
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The definition of the role of any institution in society is achieved through its objectives, The same is true for the military and how to deal with security threats in the humanitarian field ,Terrorism, which has almost replaced the traditional pattern of war, has waged a street war and intimidated individuals, families and society ,On the other hand, he found someone to meet him from a popular crowd of volunteers to defend their homeland from different sects, sects and religions,  Thus, our study will be exposed to the role of popular mobilization in human security from a sociological point of view in Samarra, a field study of 100 male and female respondents.

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