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دراسة خلايا البشرة والمعقدات الثغرية للسيقان والكساء السطحي لبعض المراتب من عائلة عرف الديك Juss. Amaranthaceae في العراق
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Gompharena globosa L., Irisene herbistii Hook. ex Lindl. The results of this study showed that the anatomical characters of the stems epidermis and the indumentum covering different parts of the plant have an important anatomical characters such as the cell wall shape of ordinary epidermal cells also the shape and type of stomata, their presence in some taxa and abscent in others. The hairs also differentiated by their shapes and them types, either they glandular or eglandular also they are different in distribution between the different taxa or in the some taxon.

Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مرويات الإمام محمد بن علي الباقر ( ) في الغسل في كتب السنن الأربعة - دراسة وتحليل -
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The research titled (narrations of Imam Muhammad bin Ali al-Baqir (upon him be peace) about washing, in the four books of Sunan - study and analysis -) deals with what was reported from the noble and purified hadiths about him, peace be upon him, through the four hadith works represented by Sunan Abu Dawud (d. 275 AH). And Al-Jami’ Al-Kabir (Sunan Al-Tirmidhi) (d. 279 AH), Sunan Al-Nasa’i (Al-Mujtaba) (d. 303 AH), and Sunan Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH), who is the venerable imam and jurist from the House of Prophethood, as he transmitted many traces from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Upon him and his family, peace be upon him. The study focused on his narrations, including the rulings on washing

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Surrealism is a twentieth-century literary and artistic movement oriented toward the liberation of the mind. Surrealism is a reaction to the philosophy of rationalism which was believed to be the cause of the disaster of World War I. It emphasizes the expression of the imagination as revealed in dreams and presented without conscious control, the unexpected juxtapositions of objects, the withdrawal of the self, and the exploitation of chance effects.
Surrealism began in Paris in the early 1920s, as Europe emerged from the devastation of World War I. A group of writers, artists, and filmmakers, led by the poet André Breton, adopted the word surréaliste (meaning, roughly, "super-real") as a label for their artistic activities. Influen

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
ال جمع الزكاة والصدقات في المسجد وصرفها لصالحه -دراسة فقهية في مسائل معاصرة-: الزكاة
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This research sheds the light on a number of contemporary issues concerning collecting and disbursing Zakat and Alms in mosques, as the issue of selling some endowments in kind through auction and allocate their proceeds in favor of the mosque has been discussed. Moreover, the issues of collecting Alms during Friday(Jumu 'ah prayer) sermon (Khutbah), allocating an amount of the Alms for the mosque where they have been collected and building a mosque outside Islam territories from Zakat funds have also been discussed. 

The researcher has reached  results, that it is not lawfully prohibited to sell some of the endowments in kind in the mosque through auction and the allocate proceeds for the mosque

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 16 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
press Coverage Of Youth Social Problems An analytical Study of Al- Sabah Newspaper
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The tremendous political transformations that took place in Iraq after 2003 led by the USA and its allies led to a change of its political system under the slogan of liberating Iraq from dictatorship, establishing a democratic system and spreading freedom among members of the society.
However, democracy was a mantle under which the US intended to achieve its expansionist ambitions in the region. It did not come to liberate Iraq as it claimed, but it occupied Iraq and all its materialistic and human resources. Thus, this change resulted in lots of negative events and societal pests that affected the entire social system and values. Youth is an important segment; it is one of the most affected age groups with the happenings and accident

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Workplace Respect on Employee Performance: A Survey Study in Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory
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This paper aims to explain the effect of workplace respect on employee performance at Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory (AGDF). For achieving the research aim, the analytical and descriptive approach was chosen using a questionnaire tool for collecting data.  It covers 22 items; ten of them for the workplace respect variable and twelve items for the employee performance variable. The research population involved human resources who work at AGDF in Baghdad within two administrative levels (top and middle). We conducted a purposive stratified sample approach. It was distributed 70 questionnaire forms, and 65 forms were received. However, six of them had missing data and did not include in the final data analysis. The main results are t

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Product Innovation on an Improvement of the Organization's Reputation /A Field Study in State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO)
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 This paper aims to verify the existence of relationships between product innovation and the reputation of the organization. The study problem is that the State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO) system is inflexible in terms of marketing procedures and needs innovative, unconventional methods in innovating its products and improving performance. The reputation of the organization. The importance of the study lies in that it is an attempt to raise the interest of SOMO in its approach to the research variables in order to enhance its competitive position in the future and improve the marketing business environment, which contributes to enhancing the reputation of the organization by product innovation. The study sample

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 29 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Factors Affecting the Professional Performance of Editors of The News in Iraqi Satellite Channels - A research drawn from a Master Degree thesis
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Information pollution is regarded as a big problem facing journalists working in the editing section, whereby journalistic materials face such pollution through their way across the editing pyramid. This research is an attempt to define the concept of journalistic information pollution, and what are the causes and sources of this pollution. The research applied the descriptive research method to achieve its objectives. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The findings indicate that journalists are aware of the existence of information pollution in journalism, and this pollution has its causes and resources.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Reality and constraints of the use of computers in public schools in the governorate of Ma'an From the standpoint of teachers
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 This study aims to recognize the process of using computer in    publicschools in Ma`an governorate in terms of hardware, capabilities, and teachers usage. It also aims to identify the most important obstacles those schools face from a teachers perspective.

            The study sample consists of (150) teachers from different disciplines. The researcher prepared two questionnaires related to the research pivotal, then presented to a group of arbitrators to be used in this final form. The data was analyzed statistically and the study concluded that there is a shortage in the computer services provided to teachers, and there is a w

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Job Engagement for Employees in ensuring customer loyalty :Applied research in a Sample of private Iraq banks
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      The current research aims at highlighting the role of engagement of a sample of employees who works in some of the Iraqi private banks in terms of their interaction , commitment and enthusiasm and the positive impact they own regarding their job and devote their efforts to achieve the core purpose  which is customer loyalty. The problem was expressed through a number of intellectual and practical questions.

In order to achieve the aim of the research the quantitative analytical method was used depending on a questionnaire as a basic tool to collect research data and the qualitative survey method depending on semi-structured interviews which were distrib

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the reserve requirement ratio in the activity of the bank credit: Applied Research in a sample of Iraqi private banks
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The research topic (The Impact of the Compulsory Reserve on the Banks Credit-an applied  research on    a sample of Iraqi banks), was chosen on basis of the Iraqi  private Banks attempts to increase their credit activities in hope to gain more profits.This coincided with  the CBI aim to back the private banking market.It is thus apparent why the CBI issued its regulation to those banks to increase their capitals up  to IDB250. On the other hand,the CBI acted as an obstacle in the way of increasing the private banks of their capitals,that is by implementing the quantitive  monetary tool  so called the compulsory reserve.This is why we intended to overlook at this contradictional  problome

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