مـن المعـروف ان طبيعـة العلاقـة مـا بين العـراق والولايـات المتحـدة الامريكيـة تتمتـع بأهميـة بالغــة في الاوســاط السياســية ودوائــر صــنع القـــرار في الولايــات المتحــدة الامريكيــة لمــا لهــا مـــن انعكاسـات علـى مصـالح الاخـيرة في المنطقـة، وفي مقـدمتها أمـدادات الطاقـة، وعلـى الصـعيد نفسـه تنظر القوى السياسية العراقية الى هذه العلاقـة مـن زوايـا مختلفـة ولكنهـا جميعـا تقـع في خانـة الاهميـة الاستراتيجية للعراق، أذ يحرص طرفا العلاقة الى تحقيق اكبر قدر ممكـن مـن المكاسـب الاسـتراتيجية في البحـث بطبيعـة العلاقـة النوعيـة المسـتقبلية مـابين طـرفي المعادلـة، فالولايـات المتحـدة الامريكيـة تسـعى الى تشـكيل حالــة مـن التحـالف السياســي والاقتصـادي والعسـكري والامــني مـع الحكومــة العراقيــة يتمتــع بالاســتمرارية والشــرعية علــى المســتويات المختلفــة لمرحلــة ما بعــد أنســحاب القــوات الامريكية العام ٢٠١١ ،لاسيما أن العراق من وجهة النظـر الامريكيـة يعـد قـوة ذات ثقـل سياسـي يصــعب تجــاوزه ضــمن مــديات أقلــيم الشــرق الاوســط، لاسيما اذا ما أعيد تأهيــل دوره وضــبط سلوكيات نظامه السياسي في أطار علاقات التعاون أو معادلة التأثير الامريكـي ممـا سـيجعل حلقـة حلفاء الولايات المتحدة الامريكية في الاقليم مكتملة من الناحية الجيوستراتيجية، الامر الذي يعزز المصـالح والخيـارات الاسـتراتيجية المسـتقبلية للولايـات المتحـدة الامريكيـة في اقلـيم الشـرق الاوسـط ولاسيما في العـراق مـن حيـث صـياغة ترتيبـات أو تفاهمـات لتشـكيل أسس العلاقـة مـابين العـراق والولايات المتحدة الامريكية . ومن هنا نستطيع القول أن العراق يعد أولوية من أولويات الاستراتيجية الامريكيـة، نظـرا لمـــا يتمتـــع بـــه مـــن أهميـــة متميـــزة في مـــدركات صـــانع القـــرار الامريكـــي مـــن حيـــث الاهميـــة السياسية، الاقتصادية، العسـكرية، والامنيـة، لـذلك سـعت الولايـات المتحـدة الامريكيـة الى صـياغة ادوار العلاقة المستقبلية مع العراق في ضوء هذه المدركات والطروحات الاستراتيجية، وإعادة تأهيل دوره في المنطقـة بمـا يتناسـب مـع مسـارات الهيمنـة الامريكيـة، وذلـك عـن طريـق الـدخول في عقـد اتفاقات أو تفاهمات شراكة على مختلف المستويات في سبيل أعادة رسم خارطة لنموذج العلاقات المستقبلية مابين العراق والولايات المتحدة الامريكية لمرحلة مابعد انسحاب القوات الامريكية العام . ٢٠١١
The objective of this research to analyze the effectiveness of monetary policy in achieving economic stability and growth for the period 2004-2011 ،This period of time saw a fundamental shift in monetary policy after the issuing new law the Central Bank of the full independence of the monetary authority ،This is Prompt the monetary authority to bring about a change in the philosophy and objectives and the tools used to achieve the desired goals ،Which give them the ability to control the size of the money supply and to achieve price stability Indeed، Monetary policy has been able to achieve the golden triangle of economic stability ،Consisted of staff، exchange rate stability and low and stable general level of prices
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... Show Moreديمقراطية الاحزاب واحزاب الديمقراطية (دراسة لحالة العراق بعد عام 2003)
Following the political development in Iraq Since 7112 exposed kind of political traditions about how to manage the conflicts that have different Iraqi powers .That what was clear since the formation of permanent government since in 7112 .
The case of conflict between political powers in administrating Iraq state and the withdrawal of American Forcesintroduces questions:
0-Is it possible that that the beginning of Iraq state building shall ease this conflict and peacemaking in the post-conflict period?
7- To what extent the Iraqi powerswas to manage their disputes in non-military like elections which was held in 7112?
2- What is the range of the extent of the political operation after the American withdrawal?
The important
The public budget is regarded a main tool for economic and social development. The preparation of the public budget constitute an important stream which enriches the developmental efforts and the definition of its priorities, therefore it is the focus point of many specializations. The public budget has numerous functions. It is a means to precise and to execute the political and economic goals of the executive authority, a mirror of the economic structure which reflects its strength and weakness points, specifies its revenues and others. Since the parliament is the voice of the society which expresses its interests, then, it must monitor the performance of the government so that the participation of the legislative authority in
... Show MoreIraq's oil industry has been passed in different periods , began with domination of Western companies to invest in Iraqi oil at twenties of the last century , through the process of nationalization of the shares of those companies , beginning of the seventies , and ending with the new policies adopted by the government recently, which was contracting with international companies to develop the oil industry , because of what the outcome of the oil industry from a decline in artistic and physical ability as a result to the conditions of war and embargo imposed on Iraq before 2003.
The Iraqi government has introduced licensing of a contract to
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... Show MoreThe Shiite religious authority in Iraq has played an active and vital role over its long history in promoting values of tolerance, rejecting extremism, advocating unity and confronting external challenges. This role has increased significantly after 2003 as a result of the great challenges that have passed in Iraq. Despite its clear policy of non-interference in political matters, except in cases of necessity, but the great role it played in maintaining national unity and advocating the rejection of extremism and sectarianism has made it a necessary need in Iraq to confront any deviations, dispersions or threats that affect society and the state. Therefore, its role in the process of reform was prominent on the political level by calling
... Show MoreThe linguistic meaning of the verse in the Arabic dictionaries applies very much to the reality of rent and its effect. This is true of economic growth as a continuous increase in real per capita income in addition to the same thing. Therefore, development does not necessarily achieve a comprehensive and structural increase of the various economic sectors. As the rent came in the sense of a terrible land open Maim any fertilized. And the camel is a ma'aya and a ra'i: that is, it goes in the pasture and returns itself. This is similar to the extraction of oil after it is ready for investment and earn its revenue as soon as it exists or is extracted by external parties. If the rent is first linked to agriculture, especially the fertile lan
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