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Investigations made and soil samples brought from 14 sites in different areas, including Abu Ghraib and Al Anbar. Tests and measurements made in the Microbiology Laboratory at the College of Agriculture, University of Anbar. Department of Soil Sciences and water Resources, in order to isolate bio-fertilizers and test isolates fixing nitrogen in atmosphere and solvents for phosphorous compounds efficiency. The experiment included isolating and diagnosis of bacteria from rhizosphere soils of different plants that were brought from different agricultural areas, 74 isolates obtained by soils alleviation, and then the bio-chemical morphological and microscopic characteristics of these soils studied. The results showed that the most abundant and frequent isolates were Azotobacter 15 isolates, Bacillus 15 isolates, Pseudomonas 11 isolates, and Azosperillium 10 isolates and Actinomycetes 10 isolates. Nitrifying bacteria of both geneas Nitrosomonas 7 isolates and Nitrobacter 6 isolates were existed while the numbers of bacteria Azotobacter and Bacillus which fixing Nitrogen in free form and solvent phosphate compounds in the soil are exsist in the soil of the rhizosphere of different plants used in research in agricultural fields. The highest biodiversity rate of isolates was found in Fallujah Nuaimia field in 12 hectares, which pepper planted, with an average of 11 isolates and the lowest rate was 2 isolates in the soil of Heet Basayer field were palms planted in an area of 5 hectares. Chemical and physical Features as well as some heavy elements were estimated elements. Also the concentrations of each site that the samples were taken were estimated. Obtained in the laboratory of the College of Life Sciences at the University of Baghdad. The most important results were the estimated elements were in normal and allowed average except a little increase in zinc concentration 90 mg kg 1 in Sofia field, 7 hectares, were Jet planted, and the concentration of lead was 24.3 mg kg - 1 in Abu Ghraib Nibras field of 80 hectares, which planted with wheat.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Treatability influence of municipal sewage effluent on surface water quality assessment based on Nemerow pollution index using an artificial neural network
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Abstract<p>Assessing water quality provides a scientific foundation for the development and management of water resources. The objective of the research is to evaluate the impact treated effluent from North Rustumiyia wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on the quality of Diyala river. The model of the artificial neural network (ANN) and factor analysis (FA) based on Nemerow pollution index (NPI). To define important water quality parameters for North Al-Rustumiyia for the line(F2), the Nemerow Pollution Index was introduced. The most important parameters of assessment of water variation quality of wastewater were the parameter used in the model: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen dem</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of Using Various Percentages of Slag on Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash-based Geopolymer Concrete
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In order to implement the concept of sustainability in the field of construction, it is necessary to find an alternative to the materials that cause pollution by manufacturing, the most important of which is cement. Because factory wastes provide siliceous and aluminous materials and contain calcium such as fly ash and slag that are used in the production of high-strength geopolymer concrete with specifications similar to ordinary concrete, it was necessary for developing this type of concrete that is helping to reduce CO2 (dioxide carbon) in the atmosphere. Therefore, the aim of this study was to study the influence of incorporating various percentages of slag as a replacement for fly ash and the effect of sl

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Science And Technology
Improvement of the Accuracy of the Perturbed Orbital Elements for LEO Satellite by Improving 4th Order Runge–Kutta’s Method
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Background/objectives: To study the motion equation under all perturbations effect for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite. Predicting a satellite’s orbit is an important part of mission exploration. Methodology: Using 4th order Runge–Kutta’s method this equation was integrated numerically. In this study, the accurate perturbed value of orbital elements was calculated by using sub-steps number m during one revolution, also different step numbers nnn during 400 revolutions. The predication algorithm was applied and orbital elements changing were analyzed. The satellite in LEO influences by drag more than other perturbations regardless nnn through semi-major axis and eccentricity reducing. Findings and novelty/improvement: The results demo

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In the present study, a low cost adsorbent is developed from the naturally available sawdust
which is biodegradable. The removal capacity of chromium(VI) from the synthetically prepared
industrial effluent of electroplating and tannery industrial is obtained.
Two modes of operation are used, batch mode and fixed bed mode. In batch experiment the
effect of Sawdust dose (4- 24g/L) with constant initial chromium(VI) concentration of 50 mg/L and
constant particle size less than1.8 mm were studied.
Batch kinetics experiments showed that the adsorption rate of chromium(VI) ion by Sawdust
was rapid and reached equilibrium within 120 min. The three models (Freundlich, Langmuir and
Freundlich-Langmuir) were fitted to exper

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Dissolving Precipitated Asphaltenes Inside Oil Reservoirs Using Local Solvents
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There are several oil reservoirs that had severe from a sudden or gradual decline in their production due to asphaltene precipitation inside these reservoirs. Asphaltene deposition inside oil reservoirs causes damage for permeability and skin factor, wettability alteration of a reservoir, greater drawdown pressure. These adverse changing lead to flow rate reduction, so the economic profit will drop. The aim of this study is using local solvents: reformate, heavy-naphtha and binary of them for dissolving precipitated asphaltene inside the oil reservoir. Three samples of the sand pack had been prepared and mixed with a certain amount of asphaltene. Permeability of these samples calculated before and after mixed with asphaltenes. Then, the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Aerodynamic Surface Roughness for Baghdad City Using Signal-Level Measurements
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Roughness length is one of the key variables in micrometeorological studies and environmental studies in regards to describing development of cities and urban environments. By utilizing the three dimensions ultrasonic anemometer installed at Mustansiriyah university, we determined the rate of the height of the rough elements (trees, buildings and bridges) to the surrounding area of the university for a radius of 1 km. After this, we calculated the zero-plane displacement length of eight sections and calculated the length of surface roughness. The results proved that the ranges of the variables above are ZH (9.2-13.8) m, Zd (4.3-8.1) m and Zo (0.24-0.48) m.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of Variable Parameters on Carbon Residue of Iraqi Vacuum Gas Oil using Ultrasound Techniques
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An ultrasonic treatment was applied to the vacuum gas oil at intervals of 5 to 30 minutes, at 70°C.  In this work, the improvement of the important properties of Iraqi vacuum gas oil, such as carbon residue, was studied with several parameter conditions that affect vacuum efficiency, such as sonication time (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) min, power amplitude (10–50%). After ultrasonic treatment, the carbon residue of vacuum gas oil was evaluated using a Conradson carbon residue meter (ASTM D189). The experiment revealed that the oil's carbon residue had decreased by 16%. As a consequence of the experiment It was discovered that ultrasonic treatment might reduce the carbon residual and density of oil samples being studied. It also notice

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on social responsibility reports for a sample of Iraqi companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The study aims to indicate the role of the mechanisms and principles of corporate governance in the activation of social responsibility reports, and increase disclosure, to achieve sustainability, legitimacy, and integrity of the business. Through the presentation of the conceptual framework for corporate governance and social responsibility, identify the key dimensions of social responsibility and the statement of the relationship between the mechanisms of governance and social responsibility reports in accordance with these dimensions. To prove the hypothesis research has selected a sample of listed companies in the Iraqi market for securities,

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 06 2023
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Study of the Effect of Ce &lt;sup&gt;3+&lt;/sup&gt; on the Gas Sensitivity and Magnetic Properties of Cu&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt;Ce&lt;sub&gt;0.3-X&lt;/sub&gt;Ni&lt;sub&gt;0.7&lt;/sub&gt;Fe&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt; Ferrite Nanoparticles
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This study includes the preparation of the ferrite nanoparticles CuxCe0.3-XNi0.7Fe2O4 (where: x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3) using the sol-gel (auto combustion) method, and citric acid was used as a fuel for combustion. The results of the tests conducted by X-ray diffraction (XRD), emitting-field scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer (EDX), and Vibration Sample Magnetic Device (VSM) showed that the compound has a face-centered cubic structure, and the lattice constant is increased with increasing Cu ion. On the other hand, the compound has apparent porosity and spherical particles, and t

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