The public debt is the difference between the classical economic schools and the classical Keynesian schools and each public debt looks at a different perspective in terms of the impact of public debt on the economic and social balance, and the effects of internal public debt on external public debt on the general economy in terms of transfer of economic surplus between the sons of one generation or Between the state and another state, and internal public debt of the economic variables affecting the movement of the cash market through the impact of internal public debt on interest rates and cash reserves that constitute the basis of cash, so the study focused on studying the impact of public debt on The monetary basis is due to the deficit of the general budget, which is the basis for the existence of internal public debt and its economic effects. The internal public debt represents the increase in public expenditure on public revenue. This increase in public expenditure necessarily reflects changes in the monetary basis due to the effect of the internal public debt on the monetary reserves in the banking system. These changes in the monetary basis lead to changes in the monetary offer. On the monetary multiplier, which serves as an indicator of the movement of reserves and bank deposits in the national economy
تستند أغلب الطرائق الحصينة على فكرة التنازل عن جانب معين مقابل تقوية جانب آخر من خلال عدة أساليب أما آليات الذكاء الصناعي تحاول عمل موازنة بين الضعف والقوة للوصول إلى أفضل الحلول بأسلوب بحث عشوائي . في هذا البحث تم تقديم فكرة جديدة لتحسين مقدرات معلمات نماذج المعادلات الآنية الخطية الناتجة من طريقة المتغيرات المساعدة حسب طريقة جاكنايف Jackknife Instrumental Variable Estimation(JIVE) وذل
... Show MorePolymer electrolytes were prepared using the solution cast technology. Under some conditions, the electrolyte content of polymers was analyzed in constant percent of PVA/PVP (50:50), ethylene carbonate (EC), and propylene carbonate (PC) (1:1) with different proportions of potassium iodide (KI) (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 wt%) and iodine (I2) = 10 wt% of salt. Fourier Transmission Infrared (FTIR) studies confirmed the complex formation of polymer blends. Electrical conductivity was calculated with an impedance analyzer in the frequency range 50 Hz–1MHz and in the temperature range 293–343 K. The highest electrical conductivity value of 5.3 × 10-3 (S/cm) was observed for electrolytes with 50 wt% KI concentration at room
... Show MoreHedging is a linguistic avoidance of full commitment or precision. It is the use of a vague language. The main objectives of this study are to
... Show MoreThe intensification of competition in the business environment has forced research organizations to develop marketing dynamics that help them to sense and conceptualize market opportunities and uncertainties. Then, the marketing capabilities of the organization are restructured and developed according to mechanisms such as speed, timing, and frequency of application. The problem of most organizations is their lack of interest in capabilities Marketing dynamics, which represent the most important factor in enhancing their marketing performance, so the objective of the research is to identify the most important capabilities that banks should pay attention to and evaluate their role in determining the strategic direction of th
... Show MoreExtraction and Description of Urease Enzyme Produced from Staphylococcus saprophyticus and study of its effect on kidney and bladder of white mice
The study was conducted to show the effect of using dried rumen powder as a source of animal protein in the diets of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) on its performance, in the fish laboratory/College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/University of Baghdad/ for a period of 70 d, 70 fingerlings were used with an average starting weight of 30±3 g, with a live mass rate of 202±2 g, randomly distributed among five treatments, two replicates for each treatment and seven fish for each replicate. Five diets of almost identical protein content and different percentages of addition of dried rumen powder were added. 25% was added to treatment T2 and 50% to treatment T3 and 75% of the treatment T4 and 100% of the treatment T5
... Show Moreان تصنيع رمال مطلية بأوكسيد الحديد من خلال ترسيب الجزيئات النانوية لذلك الاوكسيد على سطوح الرمال واستخدامها في الحاجز التفاعلي النفاذ لإزالة ايونات الكادميوم والنحاس من المياه الجوفية الملوثة الهدف الرئيسي للدراسة الحالية. تم توصيف بيانات الامتزاز نتيجة تفاعل المادة المازة مع المادة الممتزة قيد الدراسة بشكل جيد من خلال نموذج لانكمير والذي كان أفضل من نموذج فراندلش. لقد وجد ان اعلى قيم لقابلية الامتزاز با
... Show Moreالمستخلص
ى A ي تعن A ات الت A والدراس (Genre Analysis) يA وع الادب A ل الن A ي تحلی A ات ف A دث الاتجاھ A ع اح A جاماً م A انس
ن AA ابني ونكرس AA ھ-جی AA ون ١٩٩٨ ، بارجلی AA انس و ج AA ودلي-ایف AA ال (دی AA رة الاعم AA الات دائ AA ال الاتص AA ي مج AA اب ف AA بالخط
ر A یل اكث A وبتفاص .(Annual Reports) ١٩٩٩ ) یركز ھذا البحث على نوع مالي معین وھو التقاریر السنویھ
ھ AA ھ بحت AA ا مالی AA ف بكونھ A ي تتص AA نویھ الت AA اریر الس AA ة التق A ان طبیع AA ار بش AA ع الانتش AA اد ا
With the advent of the globalization, the rapid development in technology and the intensity of competition companies attemptto maintain competition advantages and retain customers. The traditional methods in managerial accounting become irrelevance to achieve the objectives of these companies especially with the rapid changes in modern manufacturing environment .Thus there is a need to new tools in accounting such as lean accounting, which is considered as a costing method that support creating value for the customer by costing the entire value stream, eliminating waste in the accounting process, reduced lead time, improved quality, lowered time delivery and increased available capacity. Using value stream focuses not only on the waste&n
... Show More
The notion of presupposition and its triggers have been studied by many scholars,
linguists and philosophers, but as far as the researcher knows, the investigation of
presupposition triggers in journalistic texts has not been explored yet. Therefore, the
present research tries to identify the main presupposition triggers used in English
journalistic texts. It is hypothesized that there are many presupposition triggers in
English journalistic texts. The steps to be followed in this study are exploring the
concept of presupposition, investigating the semantic and pragmatic presupposition,
and identifying the presupposition triggers used in the English journalistic texts
according to a model proposed by the resea