Expressions of Gratitude in American English and Iraqi Arabic (). Expressing gratitude is one of the most frequently occurring communicative acts in...
Colors are universal, and throughout the ages, they have been associated with
various religious, social and spiritual meanings. They symbolize a galaxy of things
to designate certain ideas or symbols that are sometimes contradictory.
The present study is an attempt to investigate colors, their meanings and
symbolism, and the approaches to translating color idioms from English into
Arabic. It fathoms one of the thorny areas for translation theorists let alone
practitioners. Various definitions, classifications of types and symbolism across
cultures are provided. After reviewing idioms and methods of translating them, a
survey of 114 sentences that include color idioms was conducted to see which
method is mostly
This research provides a new method to study praise poetry that can be used as a course to teach English and Arabic to students in the College of Education. This research answers two questions: Is it possible to examine praise poetry as a tagmeme? Is this analysis of great help in teaching English and Arabic to students in the College of Education? The data that will be chosen for the purpose of analysis are two of Shakespeare's sonnets and two of AL Mulik's poems. The sonnets selected for this purpose are 17 and 18. AL Mulik's poems selected for the same purpose are 8 and 9. Each line in both English and Arabic data is numbered by the researcher herself. Then, those lines are grouped into sentences to facilitat
... Show MoreThis research provides a new method to study praise poetry that can be used as a course to teach English and Arabic to students in the College of Education. This research answers two questions:
- Is it possible to examine praise poetry as a tagmeme?
- Is this analysis of great help in teaching English and Arabic to students in the College of Education?
The data that will be chosen for the purpose of analysis are two of Shakespeare's sonnets and two of AL Mulik's poems. The sonnets selected for this purpose are 17 and 18. AL Mulik's poems selected for the same purpose are 8 and 9.
... Show MoreWar as a human phenomenon, has its own literature. Poetry is a major genre in this literature. This paper is an attempt to investigate and analyse some stylistic features in two selected, English and Arabic, war poems. These poems share the same theme.Both promote the principle of sacrificing one’s own life for the sake of homeland. This paper limits itself to analyse, thecontent words, tenses, semantic grouping of vocabulary and foregrounding in the two poems. The areas of analysis show great similarities in distributing the general content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs). In the analysis of the semantic areas of each content word, these poems reveal some similarities and some differences in their frequency rates.
... Show MoreAssimilation is defined ,by many phoneticians like Schane ,Roach ,and many others, as a phonological process when there is a change of one sound into another because of neighboring sounds.This study investigates the phoneme assimilation as a phonological process in English and Arabic and it is concerned specifically with the differences and similarities in both languages. Actually ,this study reflects the different terms which are used in Arabic to refer to this phenomenon and in this way it shows whether the term 'assimilation ' can have the same meaning of 'idgham' in Arabic or not . Besides, in Arabic , this phenomenon is discussed from&nb
... Show MorePersuasion is a process studied by many scholars from the Greek time until the present. One persuasion strategy is metadiscourse, which refers to the writers' awareness of their text, the way they present themselves to the readers. The writers use metadiscourse markers to help the readers understand the real meaning of the text (Hyland 2005). The paper carries out a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the employment of persuasive metadiscourse markers in two English trade agreements and two Arabic agreements has provided in terms of Hyland's (2005) model of interactive and interactional markers. The aim is to find out whether all types of metadiscourse markers are used or not, and also to see whether English or Arabic employs
... Show MoreKnowledge of literature is an integral part of learning any spoken language. Learning literature expands the learner’s ability to understand the language studied. The field of literature is wide and cannot be limited to poems. It includes the etiquettes of a language and its environment, customs, and traditions etc. The Arabic language is among the languages with a centuries old history. It has achieved remarkable record accomplishments since the pre-Islamic era through to the present. This development is clear evidence of the great importance of literature in the revival of the Arabic language through different eras. As such, in Malaysia and other non-Arabic speaking countries, literature is taught in most schools, institutions and un
... Show Moreفقدان الزوج يعد حدثًا يغير حياة النساء، مما يضطرهن إلى السباحة في عالم جديد مليء بالحزن والوحدة والشكوك. مع الوقت، تطورت طريقة تصوير الأرامل بشكل كبير تعكس التغييرات في الآراء والقيم الثقافية. تُمثل الأرامل تقليديًا بأنهن ضعيفات ومعتمدات في الأدب، مستندة إلى افتراض أنهن يفتقدن الدعم المالي بعد وفاة شركائهن. ومع ذلك، فإن هذا التصوير لا يعترف بتأثير الأرملة على الرفاهية والهوية الشخصية. يسعى هذا النص إلى
... Show MoreAll over the world and in different societies and cultures , people are always looking for different ways of favourable , gentle smooth and soft communication .The 'powerful linguistic devices ' that are embedded in the daily English language is called "euphemism". It plays an important and vital role in daily communication. It represents a significant part of English . It is used to express any aspect of everyday realities such as the business world , mass media , etc. The comprehension of such realities can not be verified unless a reasonable command of euphemism is achieved.
Euphemism is defined according to various perspectives and views. It is " that figure of speech which consists in the substitution of a word or expression of c