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The effect of sunlight on medium density polyethylene Water pipes
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Sustainable Development
Improving Performance Classification in Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks Based on Machine Learning Techniques
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Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks (WBASNs) have garnered significant attention due to the implementation of self-automaton and modern technologies. Within the healthcare WBASN, certain sensed data hold greater significance than others in light of their critical aspect. Such vital data must be given within a specified time frame. Data loss and delay could not be tolerated in such types of systems. Intelligent algorithms are distinguished by their superior ability to interact with various data systems. Machine learning methods can analyze the gathered data and uncover previously unknown patterns and information. These approaches can also diagnose and notify critical conditions in patients under monitoring. This study implements two s

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
High Transaction Rates Performance Evaluation for Secure E-government Based on Private Blockchain Scheme
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The implementation of technology in the provision of public services and communication to citizens, which is commonly referred to as e-government, has brought multitude of benefits, including enhanced efficiency, accessibility, and transparency. Nevertheless, this approach also presents particular security concerns, such as cyber threats, data breaches, and access control. One technology that can aid in mitigating the effects of security vulnerabilities within e-government is permissioned blockchain. This work examines the performance of the hyperledger fabric private blockchain under high transaction loads by analyzing two scenarios that involve six organizations as case studies. Several parameters, such as transaction send ra

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Digital Data Encryption Using a Proposed W-Method Based on AES and DES Algorithms
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This paper proposes a new encryption method. It combines two cipher algorithms, i.e., DES and AES, to generate hybrid keys. This combination strengthens the proposed W-method by generating high randomized keys. Two points can represent the reliability of any encryption technique. Firstly, is the key generation; therefore, our approach merges 64 bits of DES with 64 bits of AES to produce 128 bits as a root key for all remaining keys that are 15. This complexity increases the level of the ciphering process. Moreover, it shifts the operation one bit only to the right. Secondly is the nature of the encryption process. It includes two keys and mixes one round of DES with one round of AES to reduce the performance time. The W-method deals with

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Breast Cancer MRI Classification Based on Fractional Entropy Image Enhancement and Deep Feature Extraction
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Disease diagnosis with computer-aided methods has been extensively studied and applied in diagnosing and monitoring of several chronic diseases. Early detection and risk assessment of breast diseases based on clinical data is helpful for doctors to make early diagnosis and monitor the disease progression. The purpose of this study is to exploit the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in discriminating breast MRI scans into pathological and healthy. In this study, a fully automated and efficient deep features extraction algorithm that exploits the spatial information obtained from both T2W-TSE and STIR MRI sequences to discriminate between pathological and healthy breast MRI scans. The breast MRI scans are preprocessed prior to the feature

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Image encryption based on combined between linear feedback shift registers and 3D chaotic maps
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Protecting information sent through insecure internet channels is a significant challenge facing researchers. In this paper, we present a novel method for image data encryption that combines chaotic maps with linear feedback shift registers in two stages. In the first stage, the image is divided into two parts. Then, the locations of the pixels of each part are redistributed through the random numbers key, which is generated using linear feedback shift registers. The second stage includes segmenting the image into the three primary colors red, green, and blue (RGB); then, the data for each color is encrypted through one of three keys that are generated using three-dimensional chaotic maps. Many statistical tests (entropy, peak signa

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Word Cloud Model based on Hate Speech in an Online Social Media Environment
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Social media is known as detectors platform that are used to measure the activities of the users in the real world. However, the huge and unfiltered feed of messages posted on social media trigger social warnings, particularly when these messages contain hate speech towards specific individual or community. The negative effect of these messages on individuals or the society at large is of great concern to governments and non-governmental organizations. Word clouds provide a simple and efficient means of visually transferring the most common words from text documents. This research aims to develop a word cloud model based on hateful words on online social media environment such as Google News. Several steps are involved including data acq

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Computational And Theoretical Nanoscience
Solution for Multi-Objective Optimisation Master Production Scheduling Problems Based on Swarm Intelligence Algorithms
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The emphasis of Master Production Scheduling (MPS) or tactic planning is on time and spatial disintegration of the cumulative planning targets and forecasts, along with the provision and forecast of the required resources. This procedure eventually becomes considerably difficult and slow as the number of resources, products and periods considered increases. A number of studies have been carried out to understand these impediments and formulate algorithms to optimise the production planning problem, or more specifically the master production scheduling (MPS) problem. These algorithms include an Evolutionary Algorithm called Genetic Algorithm, a Swarm Intelligence methodology called Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), Bat Algorithm (BAT), T

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Artificial Intelligence (ij-ai)
Innovations in t-way test creation based on a hybrid hill climbing-greedy algorithm
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<p>In combinatorial testing development, the fabrication of covering arrays is the key challenge by the multiple aspects that influence it. A wide range of combinatorial problems can be solved using metaheuristic and greedy techniques. Combining the greedy technique utilizing a metaheuristic search technique like hill climbing (HC), can produce feasible results for combinatorial tests. Methods based on metaheuristics are used to deal with tuples that may be left after redundancy using greedy strategies; then the result utilization is assured to be near-optimal using a metaheuristic algorithm. As a result, the use of both greedy and HC algorithms in a single test generation system is a good candidate if constructed correctly. T

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Sumer 1
Biologically synthesized Copper Nanoparticles from S. epidermidis on resistant S. aureus and cytotoxic assay
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The risk of significant concern is resistance to antibiotics for public health. The alternative treatment of metallic nanoparticles (NPs), such as heavy metals, effects on antibiotic resistance bacteria with different types of antibiotics of - impossible to treat using noval eco-friendly synthesis technique nanoparticles copper oxide (CuO NPs) preparation from S. epidermidis showed remarkable antimicrobial activity against S.aureus Minimum inhibitory concentra range (16,32,64,256,512) µg/ml via well diffusion method in vitro, discover those concentrations effected in those bacteria and the best concentration is 64 µg/ml, characterization CuO NPs to prove this included atomic force microscope, UV, X-ray Diffraction and TEM, and ant

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exploring Important Factors in Predicting Heart Disease Based on Ensemble- Extra Feature Selection Approach
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Heart disease is a significant and impactful health condition that ranks as the leading cause of death in many countries. In order to aid physicians in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, clinical datasets are available for reference. However, with the rise of big data and medical datasets, it has become increasingly challenging for medical practitioners to accurately predict heart disease due to the abundance of unrelated and redundant features that hinder computational complexity and accuracy. As such, this study aims to identify the most discriminative features within high-dimensional datasets while minimizing complexity and improving accuracy through an Extra Tree feature selection based technique. The work study assesses the efficac

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