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The Fire Effect on the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates by Expanded Clay Aggregates
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This paper aims to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams considering fire resistance by adding Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates (LECA) to the concrete mix as partial coarse aggregate replacement. LECA is a type of porous clay with a uniform pore structure with fine, closed cells and hard, tightly sintered skin. The experimental work comprised four reinforced self-compacted concrete beams. All the specimens were identical in their geometrical layout of 1600×240×200 mm, reinforcement details, and support condition (simply supported). For all the beams, the main reinforcement was provided by two bars, each having a diameter of 12 mm, while a bar of 6 mm diameter was employed for the top and shear reinforcement. Each beam had a different replacement ratio of LECA for coarse aggregates (0, 10, 20, and 30%). All the specimens were tested under static two concentrated loads after being exposed to the fire of steady-state temperature (500 oC), 1 hr duration, and sudden cooling process. The results showed that adding LECA reduced the number and width of the generated cracks due to fire and reduced the deterioration of the ultimate load capacity and beam rigidity (stiffness).

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Al Kut Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use of the Bootstrap in the logistic regression model for Breast cancer disease
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The logistic regression model is one of the oldest and most common of the regression models, and it is known as one of the statistical methods used to describe and estimate the relationship between a dependent random variable and explanatory random variables. Several methods are used to estimate this model, including the bootstrap method, which is one of the estimation methods that depend on the principle of sampling with return, and is represented by a sample reshaping that includes (n) of the elements drawn by randomly returning from (N) from the original data, It is a computational method used to determine the measure of accuracy to estimate the statistics, and for this reason, this method was used to find more accurate estimates. The ma

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
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The Impact of Harold Pinter’s Drama Upon the Iraqi Theatre: A Case Study
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
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Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Defining the aspects of the local urban sustainability: Eco- cities as a model
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The absence of ecological perception in the local urbanization resulted in the lack of a clear conception of achieving sustainability in its simplest form in the urban reality and in the city of Baghdad in particular. The research assumes the possibility of achieving urban sustainability in Iraqi cities by applying the cities for the most effective methods to implemented ecological solutions and introducing appropriate urban planning tools and improve the living environment. The research focuses on the ability to define some aspects to achieve a sustainable local urban identity from global experiences. This was performed by proposing a scheduled theoretical framework, through which the features of sustainability can be extrapolated from the

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 31 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
The adoption of green management in Iraqi construction industry: The challenges and benefits
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Defining the aspects of the local urban sustainability: Eco-cities as a model
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Abstract<p>The absence of ecological perception in the local urbanization resulted in the lack of a clear conception of achieving sustainability in its simplest form in the urban reality and in the city of Baghdad in particular. The research assumes the possibility of achieving urban sustainability in Iraqi cities by applying the cities for the most effective methods to implemented ecological solutions and introducing appropriate urban planning tools and improve the living environment. The research focuses on the ability to define some aspects to achieve a sustainable local urban identity from global experiences. This was performed by proposing a scheduled theoretical framework, through which th</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 24 2023
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
The Correlation between EFL Learners’ Academic Intelligence and the Level of Productive Skills
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Communicating effectively by gaining productive skills in a classroom setting is one of the critical goals of learning the English language. The current study was conducted to explore the correlation of EFL learners’ level of academic intelligence with their productive skills. The study tries to find an answer to what is the correlation between EFL learners’ academic intelligence and level of production skills. The study population represents EFL students at the departments of English language of the Iraqi Colleges of Education for the academic year (2022-2023). The sample includes 310 EFL students selected from the 3rd year of the Department of English of the College of Education, Ibn-Rushd for Human Sciences/University of Bagh

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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The effectiveness of media communication and its problems in the contemporary theatrical presentation
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Rooting non-violence in the Holy Quran And models of the Prophet application
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The term “non-violence” is a means of political, social, and advocacy that excludes force in reaching its objectives, and lacks infringement of the rights of non-violence. The policy of non-violence is a beautiful logic of the whole of Islamic creation, in that it is an integral part of the whole structure of Islam and it is a policy of brilliant and brilliant saying in the Almighty: `` Neither level nor good or bad, pay what is better, If that between you and him enmity as if he were intimate guardian (Suratvsalat, verse: 34. Has According to the prophet of Islam, it means that God gives to kindness (kindness) what does not give to violence (Sunan Abu Dawood, 4/255). These terms accurately communicate what is meant by violence and n

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of the Real Estate Tax in Maximizing Tax Revenues : applied research
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Tax revenues are considered one of the important sources of public revenues for the state as one of the tributaries that finance the public treasury to implement development plans. Real estate taxes are one of the sources of obtaining tax revenues in the state, as it follows that there are a number of factors that affect these revenues, which requires the development of necessary solutions and recommendations to address the resulting effects. Accordingly, this research sheds light on tax revenues in general and real estate tax revenues in particular to indicate the extent of their contribution to the total tax proceeds, as the tax proceeds of the real estate tax were analyzed into the total tax proceeds for the years (2017-2021). A numbe

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment the Engineering Characteristics of the Smear Zone around PVDs Using Laboratory Tests
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Smear zone is usually formed around the prefabricated vertical drains (PVD’s) due to mandrel driving. The geotechnical properties of the soil in this zone exhibit significant changes that affect the performance of the PVD’s. The most relevant property in this respect is the coefficient of permeability. So far, no serious attention is paid to investigate the effects of shearing under large shear strains on the geotechnical properties of the soft soil in Fao region. In this study, an extensive laboratory testing program was conducted to assess the characteristics of the smear zone with an emphasis on the permeability coefficient of Fao soft soil. The results show that the permeability of the smear zone is about 70% of

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