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The Fire Effect on the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates by Expanded Clay Aggregates
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This paper aims to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams considering fire resistance by adding Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates (LECA) to the concrete mix as partial coarse aggregate replacement. LECA is a type of porous clay with a uniform pore structure with fine, closed cells and hard, tightly sintered skin. The experimental work comprised four reinforced self-compacted concrete beams. All the specimens were identical in their geometrical layout of 1600×240×200 mm, reinforcement details, and support condition (simply supported). For all the beams, the main reinforcement was provided by two bars, each having a diameter of 12 mm, while a bar of 6 mm diameter was employed for the top and shear reinforcement. Each beam had a different replacement ratio of LECA for coarse aggregates (0, 10, 20, and 30%). All the specimens were tested under static two concentrated loads after being exposed to the fire of steady-state temperature (500 oC), 1 hr duration, and sudden cooling process. The results showed that adding LECA reduced the number and width of the generated cracks due to fire and reduced the deterioration of the ultimate load capacity and beam rigidity (stiffness).

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 07 2021
Journal Name
2021 14th International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering (dese)
Study the use of Nano-limestone and Egg-shell Ash in Eco-friendly SCC: an Experimental and Statistical Evaluation Based on Computer Programming
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Extraction of Essential Oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis Leaves by Water Distillation Methods
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The extraction of Eucalyptus oil from Iraqi Eucalyptus Camadulensis leaves was studded using water distillation methods. The amount of Eucalyptus oil has been determined in a variety of extraction temperature and agitation speed. The effect of water to Eucalyptus leaves (solvent to solid) ratio and particle size of Eucalyptus leaves has been studied in order to evaluate the amount of Eucalyptus oil. The optimum experimental condition for the Eucalyptus oil extraction was established as follows: 100 C extraction temperature, 200 rpm agitation speed; 0.5 cm leave particle size and 6: 1 ml: g amount of water to eucalyptus leaves Ratio.

Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Biomedicine And Chemical Sciences
Identification of Pathogenic Fungi in Renal Transplant Patients by Conventional and Molecular Methods
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Opportunistic fungal infections due to the immune- compromised status of renal transplant patients are related to high rates of morbidity and mortality regardless of their minor incidence. Delayed in identification of invasive fungal infections (IFIs), will lead to delayed treatment and results in high mortality in those populations. The study aimed to assess the frequency of invasive fungal infection in kidney transplant recipients by conventional and molecular methods. This study included 100 kidney transplant recipients (KTR) (75 males, and 25 females), collected from the Centre of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation in the Medical City of Baghdad. Blood samples were collected during the period from June 2018 to April 2019. Twent

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 25 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
A new class of K-uniformly starlike functions imposed by generalized Salagean’s operator
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Recently, numerous the generalizations of Hurwitz-Lerch zeta functions are investigated and introduced. In this paper, by using the extended generalized Hurwitz-Lerch zeta function, a new Salagean’s differential operator is studied. Based on this new operator, a new geometric class and yielded coefficient bounds, growth and distortion result, radii of convexity, star-likeness, close-to-convexity, as well as extreme points are discussed.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Antibacterial Activity Of ternary semiconductor compounds AgInSe2 Nanoparticles Synthesized by Simple Chemical Method
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2011
Journal Name
Chinese Chemical Letters
Extraction of cobalt(II) from aqueous solution by N,N′-carbonyl difatty amides
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The development of economic and environmentally friendly extractants to recover cobalt metal is required due to the increasing demand for this metal. In this study, solvent extraction of Co(II) from aqueous solution using a mixture of N,N0-carbonyl difatty amides (CDFAs) synthesised from palm oil as the extractant was carried out. The effects of various parameters such as acid, contact time, extractant concentration, metal ion concentration and stripping agent and the separation of Co(II) from other metal ions such as Fe(II), Ni(II), Zn(III) and Cd(II) were investigated. It was found that the extraction of Co(II) into the organic phase involved the formation of 1:1 complexes. Co(II) was successfully separated from commonly associated metal

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
Simultaneous Determination of Cephalexin and Cefixime by First and Second Derivative Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
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A new spectrophotometric method for individual and simultaneous determination of cefixime and cephalexin depending on the first and second derivative mode techniques. The first and second derivative spectra of these compounds permitted individual and simultaneous determination of cefixime and cephalexin in concentration interval of (4– 24μ ) by measuring the amplitude of peak-to-base line, pea to peak at certain wavelengths and the area under peak at selected spectrum intervals. The methods showed reasonable precision and accuracy and have been applied to determine cefixime and cephalexin in two different pharmaceutical preparations.

Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Possible Cardiac Adverse Effects Induced by Therapeutic Doses of Ciprofloxacin in Juvenile Rats
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Ciprofloxacin is widely used in treating adults infected with Gram-negative bacteria. It is contraindicated in children, growing adolescents and during pregnancy due to joint toxicity. Its toxicity concerning other organs needs to be clarified. Thus, this study was designed to study the possible cardiac damage induced by two selected doses of ciprofloxacin in juvenile rats.Eighteenth healthy juvenile rats (4 weeks old and their weight 30 ± 2 gm) were utilized in this study and divided into three groups. Group-I control; group II and group III, respectively injected IP with 25 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg ciprofloxacin every 12 hours for one week. Serum enzymes activities alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase  (AST), cr

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Hydrodesulfurization of Iraqi Atmospheric Gasoil by Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 Prepared Catalyst
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This study investigates the improvement of Iraqi atmospheric gas oil characteristics which contains 1.402 wt. % sulfur content and 16.88 wt. % aromatic content supplied from Al-Dura Refinery by using hydrodesulfurization (HDS) process using Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 prepared catalyst in order to achieve low sulfur and aromatic saturation gas oil. Hydrodearomatization (HDA) occurs simultaneously with hydrodesulfurization (HDS) process. The effect of titanium on the conventional catalyst Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 was investigated by physical adsorption and catalytic activity test.Ti-Ni-Mo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was prepared under vacuum impregnation condition to ensure efficient pr

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 23 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Primary Hydatid Cyst of Parotid Gland: A Rare Case Diagnosed by Computed Tomography
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Hydatid disease is a zoonotic infection caused by Echinococcus species. The cystic form of this infection mostly involves liver and lung. Hydatid disease of the parotid gland even in endemic regions is a very rare entity that may be easily overlooked in daily practice. Herein, I present a case report of a 60-year-old Iraqi female patient who presented with a progressively painless mass in her right parotid. It was diagnosed radiologically as a hydatid cyst and was excised successfully. Histopathologic examination of the resected specimen confirmed the hydatid cyst. This case emphasizes the importance of considering hydatidosis in the differential diagnosis of any parotid mass, especially in endemic countries.



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