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Structure and in silico simulations of a cold-active esterase reveals its prime cold-adaptation mechanism
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Here we determined the structure of a cold active family IV esterase (EstN7) cloned from Bacillus cohnii strain N1. EstN7 is a dimer with a classical α/β hydrolase fold. It has an acidic surface that is thought to play a role in cold-adaption by retaining solvation under changed water solvent entropy at lower temperatures. The conformation of the functionally important cap region is significantly different to EstN7's closest relatives, forming a bridge-like structure with reduced helical content providing greater access to the active site through more than one substrate access tunnel. However, dynamics do not appear to play a major role in cold adaption. Molecular dynamics at different temperatures, rigidity analysis, normal mode analysis and geometric simulations of motion confirm the flexibility of the cap region but suggest that the rest of the protein is largely rigid. Rigidity analysis indicates the distribution of hydrophobic tethers is appropriate to colder conditions, where the hydrophobic effect is weaker than in mesophilic conditions due to reduced water entropy. Thus, it is likely that increased substrate accessibility and tolerance to changes in water entropy are important for of EstN7's cold adaptation rather than changes in dynamics.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Discrete Fracture Network and Fractured Reservoir Characterization in Khabaz Field-Tertiary Formation
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Autoimmunity and the Terroristic Schemes in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code
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From a medical perspective, autoimmunity reflects the abnormal behaviour of a human being. This state is shaped when the defense of an organism betrays its own tissues. Allegedly, the immune system should protect the body against attacking cells. When an autoimmune disease attacks, it results in perilous actions like self-destruction. However, from a psychological perspective, the French philosopher Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) explains that autoimmunity harms both the self and the other. As a result, the organ disarms the betraying cells, as the immune system cannot provide necessary protection. From a literary perspective, Derrida has termed autoimmunity as deconstruction for almost forty years. Autoimmunity starts with the stage of a norm

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Naturally occurring radioactive materials and related hazard indices in Ahdeb oil field
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In this work, measurements of activity concentration of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) isotopes and their related hazard indices for several materials such as crude oil, sludge and water in Ahdeb oil fields in Waste governorate using high pure germanium coaxial detection technique. The average values for crude oil samples were174.72Bq/l, 43.46Bq/l, 355.07Bq/l, 264.21Bq/l, 122.52nGy/h, 0.7138, 1.1861, 0.601 mSv/y, 0.1503mSv/y and 1.8361 for Ra-226, Ac-228, K-40, Ra eq, D, H-external and H-internal respectively. According to the results; the ratio between 238U to 232Th was 4, which represents the natural ratio in the crust earth; therefore, one can be strongly suggested that the geo-stricture of the

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Lipid Profile and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Type-ΙΙ Diabetes Mellitus
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Objective: To investigate the relation between dyslipidemia and insulin resistance where it is one of the metabolic
disorders in patients with type-ΙΙ diabetes mellitus and compare the results with the control group.
Methodology: Blood samples were collected from (35) patients with type-ΙΙ diabetes mellitus, besides (35) healthy
individuals as a control group were enrolled in this study. The age of all subjects range from (20-50). Serum was
used in determination of glucose, insulin, lipid profile (cholesterol (Ch), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein
(HDL-Ch), low-density lipoprotein (LDL-Ch) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), for patients and control
groups. Insulin resistance (IR) was calculated acco

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 14 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Calculating some Powers and Traction Force for Two Plows in Primary Tillage
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Traction force and power requirement when performing primary tillage occupy the minds of almost farmers, this field research had aim to determine and calculate the pulling force of the most commonly used moldboard and chisel plows, the research conducted in silt clay loam for chisel and moldboard plows as the main factor, two depths of tillage 18 and 25 cm as a second factor and three speeds of tractor 2.55, 4.30 and 6.15 km.h-1 as a third factor. Moldboard plow recorded least traction force 7.550 kN, drawbar power 11.583 hp, power losses due to slippage 1.088 hp, power on the rear axle of the tractor 15.770 hp and brake horse power 17.495 hp. Chisel plow recorded best traction efficiency 76.217 % and total traction efficiency 68.659 %. Dep

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
T-Cells Proliferation and Serum Cytokine levels in Type 1 Diabetic Children
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Background: There is plenty of evidence
suggesting that involvement of several groups of
viruses in the development and / or acceleration of
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM).
Objective: To analyze the T- cell proliferation in
the presence of Coxsackie virus B5 (CVB5), Polio
and Adenovirus antigens in addition to assessment
of Interferon- gamma (IFN-γ), Interleukins (IL-10
and IL-6).
Methods: In 60 Iraqi T1DM children with recent
onset of T1DM, Lymphocyte proliferation was
analyzed using Methylthiazol tetrazolium (MTT)
assay by culturing Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes
(PBLs) with Coxsackie Virus B5 (CVB5),
Adenovirus, and Polio vaccine. Serum Interferon-γ,
IL-10 and IL-6 were quantified by sandw

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Complete Blood Count and Cinnamic acid activity against Cytoxan in albino mice.
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The aim of study to evaluated cinnamic acid and its activity on complete blood count(RBC,WBC,HG,HCV,MCH,MCHC and Plat.)and removed the cytoxan damage which caused bone marrow failure and leukemia and other that due to linked the cytoxan in 7- nitrogen of guanine based of DNA that lead to dead cells. Two concentration from pure cinnamic acid (5.6, 2.8 mg ? mice weight) in first step to choice the perfect concentration in comparison with each negative control ,positive control of cytoxan and the comparison group represent vitamin C. The second step to understand cinnamic acid mechanism activity towards cytoxan by used pre- cytoxan and post – cytoxan in interaction with perfect concentration of cinnamic acid dose (2.8 mg ? mice we

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Obese Iraqi Patients Attending Obesity Research and Therapy Unit
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ABSTRACTBackground Subclinical hypothyroidism is mild thyroid hormone deficiency, defined by elevation of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration despite a normal free T3, free T4 level, can be distinguished by clinical and circumstantial observations from other conditions that cause this constellation of laboratory findings. The aim is to find the prevalence, anthropologic, and metabolic changes associate subclinical hypothyroidism(SH) in adult patients presented to obesity research and therapy unit (ORTU Objective: To find the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) in adult obese patients presented to obesity research and therapy unit (ORTU) in AL-Kindy College of medicine and to describe the anthropologic and metabolic

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Enhancing Speed and Imperceptibility in Watermarking Systems by Leveraging Galois Field Tables
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 18 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
HLA-DRB1*03 And DRB1*15 Frequency In Helicobacter Pylori Superficial Gastritis
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Background: Background: Helicobacter pylori is an important gastrointestinal bacteria related to the development of  superficial atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) may play an important roles in host immune responses to H pylori antigens.

Aim of the study: to investigate the association between HLA-DRB1 genotypes and superficial gastritis with H. pylori infection in an Iraqi patients.

Patients and methods: Sixty patients with superficial gastritis and 100 individuals with apparently normal results after endoscopic examination were recruited from Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital - G

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