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Structure and in silico simulations of a cold-active esterase reveals its prime cold-adaptation mechanism
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Here we determined the structure of a cold active family IV esterase (EstN7) cloned from Bacillus cohnii strain N1. EstN7 is a dimer with a classical α/β hydrolase fold. It has an acidic surface that is thought to play a role in cold-adaption by retaining solvation under changed water solvent entropy at lower temperatures. The conformation of the functionally important cap region is significantly different to EstN7's closest relatives, forming a bridge-like structure with reduced helical content providing greater access to the active site through more than one substrate access tunnel. However, dynamics do not appear to play a major role in cold adaption. Molecular dynamics at different temperatures, rigidity analysis, normal mode analysis and geometric simulations of motion confirm the flexibility of the cap region but suggest that the rest of the protein is largely rigid. Rigidity analysis indicates the distribution of hydrophobic tethers is appropriate to colder conditions, where the hydrophobic effect is weaker than in mesophilic conditions due to reduced water entropy. Thus, it is likely that increased substrate accessibility and tolerance to changes in water entropy are important for of EstN7's cold adaptation rather than changes in dynamics.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 11 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Animal Research
Effect of energy to protein ratio using alternative feed ingredients on growth performance and nutrient digestibility in broilers
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Present study was conducted to evaluate the different levels of energy to protein ratios (EPR) using food waste and black soldier fly larvae meal (FWBSFL) on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of broilers. A total of 160 one-day old broiler chicks were divided randomly to four groups and each group had 8 replicates with 5 chicks per replicate. The control diet was formulated using conventional feed ingredients with EPR of 154 for the starter period and 167 for the finisher period. The other treatments were diets with normal, low, and high EPR (154,143, and 166 for the starter period; 167, 155, and 177 for the finisher period) using FWBSFL. Feed consumption and body weight gain as well as digestibility of crude protein, cr

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Arab Journal Of Basic And Applied Sciences
Boundary-domain integral method and homotopy analysis method for systems of nonlinear boundary value problems in environmental engineering
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
Spectrophotometric Determination of Ketotifen Drug in Pure form and Pharmaceutical Preparation Using Bromothymol Blue Via Ion-Pair Formation
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Microwave induced activated carbon for the removal of metal ions in fixed-bed column study: modelling and mechanisms
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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Seminal Fluid Analysis in Iraqi Fertile and Infertile Males Defined by the World Health Organization Criteria of 2010
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A total of 116 males with primary infertility and 32 fertile males (normozoospermia;
NOR) were studied to evaluate parameters of seminal fluid analysis. Based on WHO criteria
of 2010 for general seminal fluid analysis, the patients were distributed into three groups: 32
azoospermic (AZO), 40 oligozoospermic (OLI) and 44 asthenozoospermic (AST) patients.
AZO and OLI patients and NOR shared an approximated mean of seminal fluid volume (2.25,
2.75 and 2.50 ml, respectively), while it was significantly increased (3.58 ml) in AST patients.
In NOR men, the spermatozoa concentration was 65.13 x 10
spermatozoa/ml, while it was
significantly decreased in AST (51.42 x 10
spermatozoa/ml) and OLI (5.58 x 10

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Designing and Standardizing two Dribbling Tests for the Initial selection of Individuals With Simple Mental Disabilities In Futsal
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The game of football is one of the most popular games in the world because of its beauty in the hearts of its fans. From this position, the game of five football for people with simple mental disability has become as much attention to many other sporting events, so the researchers believe that the tests of basic skills match the level of individuals tested In terms of their age and mental ability, the technical aspects were adopted as a means of selecting those who are qualified to practice this game in the simplest form, so the importance of the research problem in designing and standardizing two dribbling skating tests for members of this category and It depends by training their cadres during the selection process. The research community

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Accumulation, Bioavailability, and Health Risk of Heavy Metals in Some Plants Obtained from Abu-Ghraib Land, Baghdad, Iraq
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The study of the distribution of major oxides and heavy metals in some plants collecting and analyzing eighteen plant samples of vegetables including carrot, onion, eggplant, cucumber, and okra obtained from Abu Ghraib land located about 20 km west of Baghdad, Iraq. Eighteen plant samples of vegetables,.Heavy metals can have a severe impact if released into the environment, even in trace quantities. These can enter the food chain from aquatic and agricultural ecosystems and indirectly threaten human health.. Trace elements and oxides of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Th, U, V, and Zn were measured in plant samples using an X-Ray Fluorescence Instrument (XRF). TEs analyses of vegetables were performed in the Iraqi German Lab

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modifying Plaque assay and Clearance test as tools in determination of phage typing for E. Coli bacterial interspecies
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Bacteriophage of E. Coli interspecies from sewage samples were isolated , the phage particles were isolated from two different sewage samples . The first sample was collected from sewage sample of Baghdad university and the second sample was isolated from domestic sewage sample , first sample showed phages specialized for three E. Coli interspecies bacteria (first plate ) and two E. Coli interspecies bacteria (second plate ) , meanwhile second sample showed phage specialized for two E. Coli. interspeciesThe study of appearance of E coli phages from first sample showed three types of E. coli phages with different size of inhibition zone ( 1 , 0.7,0.5 )Cm respectively ( first plate ) , meanwhile E. Coli interspecies bacteria showed phages

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Numerical Investigation for Simulation of Thermophysical Properties for Polypropylene 575 Polymer Melts in Single Screw Extruder
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A numerical model for Polypropylene 575 polymer melts flow along the solid conveying screw of a single screw extruder under constant heat flux using ANSYS-FLUENT 17.2 software has been conducted. The model uses the thermophysical properties such as Viscosity, thermal conductivity, Specific heat and density of polypropylene 575 that measured as a function of temperature, and residence time data for process simulation. The numerical simulation using CFD models for single screw extruder and the polymer extrusion was analysed for parameters such as (thermal conductivity, specific heat, density and viscosity) reveals a high degree of similarity to experimental data measured. The most important outcome of this study is that geometrical, parame

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Temperature on Thermodynamic parameters and Carbon Nanotubes Growth Rate on Aluminum Electrode in Electrochemical deposition Process
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 The optimum process conditions of the electrochemical deposition of carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been established by using developed, cheap and simple system. It has been found that temperature affects on the rate, purity and the yield of CNT obtained in this process. The electrochemical behavior of CNT deposition, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were also discussed.

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