تعد الحروب أحد أخطر التهديدات في النظام العالمي; فهي تعد خرقا للقوانين والاعراف الدولية، والمبادئ الإنسانية، و من هنا تأتي دراسة أهمية موضوعنا الموسوم بـ (الاحتمالات المستقبلية للحرب الروسية – الأوكرانية و مدى انعكاسها على أمن دول شرق أوربا بعد العام 2022 ،)اذ يرتكز هذا البحث على دراسة واستعراض الاحتمالات المستقبلية )السيناريوهات) للحرب الروسية – الأوكرانية، والتي شنت من الحكومة الروسية بقيادة الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين في شباط عام 2022م، وهي لاتزال مستمرة حتى كتابة هذا البحث. تنطلق فرضية بحثنا من فكرة مفادها: ان محاولة استشراف المسارات المستقبلية للحرب الروسية-الأوكرانية بعد العام 2022م من خلال وضع احتمالات )سيناريوهات متعددة وتحليلها وفق المجريات و الأدلة الداعمة لكل احتمال (سيناريو) من ضمنها حل انهاء الحرب، و هو المرجح و الذي يتوقع أن يكون بترضية لروسيا; الا ان روسيا لن تقبل بالانسحاب دون مقابل أو ابقاء المناطق المسيطر عليها من روسيا وضمها اليها. كما حدث في شبه جزيرة القرم عام 2014م، أو تقاسم النفوذ بين الغرب وروسيا، للغرب نفوذ اقتصادي في أوكرانيا، وروسيا تحتفظ بنفوذها العسكري.
Day after day, Morsek literature 879-1018/1492-1609proves the completion of all literary branches starting from poetry with its different purposes to include prose with its various subjects. In 2016, a complete text of ‘the literature of Morsek journey
Day after day, Morsek literature 879-1018/1492-1609proves the completion of all literary branches starting from poetry with its different purposes to include prose with its various subjects. In 2016, a complete text of ‘the literature of Morsek journeys
The aim of this paper to study the effect of the implicit factors on the entrepreneurial spirit of the students of the Algerian university. Our structural model was proposed based on the model (Shapiro et Sokol, 1982) and the model (Ajzen, 1991). We tested it on a sample of 163 university students at the University of Algiers 3. The model consists of a set of variables (the intention of contracting as a dependent variable, structural and social educational support as independent variables). The results showed that educational and social support factors affect the entrepreneurial spirit of students more than structural support. The Applied Impacts are the enhancing of knowledge capacities of university stu
... Show MoreAbstract
This work involves studying the effect of adding some selective organic component mixture on corrosion behavior of pure Al and its alloys in condensed synthetic automotive solution (CSAS) at room temperature. This mixture indicates the increasing of octane number in previous study and in this study show the increasing in corrosion resistance through the decreasing in corrosion rate values.
Electrochemical measurements were carried out by potentiostat at 3 mV/sec to estimate the corrosion parameters using Tafel extrapolation method, in addition to cyclic polarization test to know the pitting susceptibility of materials in tested medium.
The cathodic Tafel slope
... Show MoreIt is found in the book "Ibn Aqeel: Alfiya Ibn Malek" that there are some linqustical aspected are related to the native tribal speakers like Tamim or Tie or some others. Sometimes in the book he said "some Arabian said without mentioning the name of the tribe.
As weel, he hasn’t mentioned the accent but he does mention the language. In the book, he has brought back the most important and the biqqest Arabian tribes suchas tribes of Hegaz, Tamim, Hatheyal, son of Anber, Tie, Rabia Bin Wael, Bani Katham, Au there, Bani AL Harth, Bani Kalb, Bani Hgim, Zabid, Hamedan, Alia Qais, Bani Ameer and many others. However, the most mentioned tribes were Hegaz and Tami.
Hence, the importance of the book expiain Ibn Aqeel by mentioning these A
The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of cold plasma on the bacteria grown on texture of sesame paste in its normal particle and nano particle size. Starting by using the image segmentation process depending on the threshold method, it is used to get rid of the reflection of the glass slides on which the sesame samples are placed. The classification process implemented to separate the sesame paste texture from normal and abnormal texture. The abnormal texture appears when the bacteria has been grown on the sesame paste after being left for two days in the air, unsupervised k-mean classification process used to classify the infected region, the normal region and the treated region. The bacteria treated with cold plasma, t
... Show MoreIn regression testing, Test case prioritization (TCP) is a technique to arrange all the available test cases. TCP techniques can improve fault detection performance which is measured by the average percentage of fault detection (APFD). History-based TCP is one of the TCP techniques that consider the history of past data to prioritize test cases. The issue of equal priority allocation to test cases is a common problem for most TCP techniques. However, this problem has not been explored in history-based TCP techniques. To solve this problem in regression testing, most of the researchers resort to random sorting of test cases. This study aims to investigate equal priority in history-based TCP techniques. The first objective is to implement
... Show MoreA freshwater bivalve plays a crucial function in aquatic habitats as the filtered water and burrowing mussels mix the sediment, thus increasing oxygen content and making the ecosystem healthier. The aim of the study is to see how chlorpyrifos affects biochemical markers in freshwater mussel Unio tigridis. About 180 individuals per taxon and water samples were collected from the Qandil water resource on the Greater Zab River, Erbil Province, Iraq. Once arrived at the lab, the individuals were kept in aquaria with river water and an air-conditioned room Temperature: 25±2 and Light: 12h/12h and acclimatized to laboratory conditions for seven days in aged tap water. The mussel's identification molecularly and the DNA sequence of t
... Show MoreThe main objective of controlling companies Concentration is to prevent their potential anti-competitive effects on the competitive structure of the relevant market, in order to protect freedom of competition in it. In this context, it is necessary to verify that these operations do not impede effective competition or reduce it significantly by making it less than it was before, it is necessary to Anticipate all the effects In order to achieve the goal of controlling on it and revealing their potential restrictive effects. So there must be Auditing Norms that enable the authorities entrusted with the protection of competition and the prevention of monopolistic practices to evaluate these effects and determine their positive and negative as
... Show MoreAs computers become part of our everyday life, more and more people are experiencing a
variety of ocular symptoms related to computer use. These include eyestrain, tired eyes, irritation,
redness, blurred vision, and double vision, collectively referred to as computer vision syndrome.
The effect of CVS to the body such as back and shoulder pain, wrist problem and neck pain.
Many risk factors are identified in this paper.
Primary prevention strategies have largely been confined to addressing environmental
exposure to ergonomic risk factors, since to date, no clear cause for this work-related neck pain
has been acknowledged. Today, millions of children use computers on a daily basis. Extensive
viewing of the compute