يعد العلاج الحركي من الوسائل العلاجية التأهيلية من الوسائل المهمة الامنة لأنها تؤمن على حياة الانسان بكافة شؤونه وتعد التمرينات التأهيلية اسلوبا فعالاً وطبيعياً لا تعرض المريض الى مضاعفات على وظائف الجسم الاخرى لأنها خالية من اي دواء كيمياوي ضار ، كما استخدمت تقنيات حديثة في العلاج الطبيعي بشكل واسع معد حسب اسس علمية منها تمرينات (Core) التي تساعد في تخفيف الالام بالانزلاق الغضروفي للفقرة الرابعة والخامسة تم اجراء الاختبارات القبلية والبعدية للقوة من وضع الثني للأمام والخلف بمستشعر القوة ومرونة العمود الفقري للثني من الامام وللخلف واستنتجت الباحثتان الفروق المعنوية في اختبارات القوة والمرونة للعمود الفقري وتم التوصية بتطبيق تمرينات (Core) على اصابات اخرى لتحسين قوة ومرونة المفاصل الاخرى كما وتوصي الباحثتان بنشر كتيبات توضع في مراكز العلاج الطبيعي للاستفادة من بحوث الدراسات العليا.
Autorías: Ghassan Adeeb Abdulhasan, Falih Hashim Fenjan, Hussein Jabber Abood. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 3, 2022. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.
The purpose of this paper is to identifying some of the physical, kinetic and electrical capabilities of the working muscles of patients with simple hemiplegic cerebral palsy, preparation of special exercises (rehabilitation and water) accompanied by symmetrical electrical stimulation in the rehabilitation of working muscles for patients with simple hemiplegic cerebral palsy, and identifying the effect of exercises, especially (rehabilitation and water), accompanied by symmetrical electrical stimulation, on some physical, kinetic and electrical capabilities in rehabilitating working muscles for patients with simple hemiplegic cerebral palsy. The researcher used the experimental approach with a one-group design with two pre and post-tests du
... Show MoreAutorías: Imad Kadhim Khlaif, Talib Faisal Shnawa. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 1, 2022. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.
يعد علم التدريب الرياضي الحديث عملية تربوية علمية مبنية على اسس صحيحة هدفها وصول اللاعبين الى التكامل في الاداء الفني وهذا يتم عن طريق التأثير المنظم والدقيق بواسطة استعمال التمارين البدنية التي تحدث تغيرات خاصة في عمل اعضاء واجهزة جسم الرياضي والتي بدورها تؤدي الى رفع كفاءة الاعضاء والاجهزة لتحقيق الانجازات الرياضية العالية ولقد استعملت الباحثتان اسلوب حديث من اساليب التدريب الرياضي من اجل تطوير تحم
... Show MoreThere is substantial data supporting the importance of both endogenous and exogenous estrogen in maintaining reproductive health and preventing chronic disease, androgens in women's health are rarely discussed. This is one of the first researches to investigate correlates of blood testosterone concentrations in women with osteopenia, in anticipation of the growing interest in the role of androgens in women's health. A 65 volunteer women were enrolled in the current study, they were divided into two groups, 35 postmenopausal women with osteopenia were in the first group, and the second group contained 30 postmenopausal women without osteopenia as a control. Blood samples were collected from all participants and analyzed for testosterone l
... Show MoreSIFCON is characterized as a construction material of high ductility and very high strength. It is suitable for concrete structures used for special applications. However, the density of SIFCON is much higher than that of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) due to the need for a large amount of high-density steel fibers. This work examines the split tensile behavior of modified weight slurry infiltrated fiber concrete utilizing a mixture of two types of fibers, steel fiber, and polyolefin fiber. For the investigation, 30 cylinders and 15 cubes were poured. The used volume fraction (V.F) is (6 %) and the use of five series once as each type separately and once a hybrid in proportions of 2/3 polyolefin with 1/3 steel fiber and
... Show MoreThe problem of the current research as the Iraqi Drilling Company suffers from the many challenges facing its work as a result of the current conditions in Iraq and the subsequent changes in the policies of the State Which left an impact on its activities and objectives, which created pressure on the importance of an organizational power capable of diagnosing the core competencies and development and maintain them to contribute to the raising and success in the performance of the company. The researchers adopted the method of analytical research and adopted the questionnaire as a main tool in the collection of research data and information . It was distributed to a community of (140) individuals from the low mana
... Show MoreThe rubber ropes exercises affected muscle groups, which in turn affects the corners of the conditions of the body before and over the barrier where affected the time passed. To change the angle of the approaching and payment impact on passing each times the barrier 1-5. That passed over the barrier 1and gate 5 impacts on the nature of the achievement, where time has become less. Find the values of cruise missiles and other phases and stages of pitch angle other categories which it enshrines stood as compelling rejection men's 110m hurdles. Find the value of the instant messaging distances between different barriers and stages. Studies by adding rubber sling barriers race categories, measurement of kinematic variables. Emphasis on the devel
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