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تحليل الأثر الارتدادي و التفاعلي بين السياسة المالية و النقدية على التوازن الاقتصادي العام (IS-LM)‎
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يتناول هـذا البحث بالتحليل التفاعل و التنسيق بين السياستين الماليـة و النقديـة و اثر هذا التفاعل و التنسيق على الاستقـرار و النمـو الاقتصـادي، و كيف ان الآثار المالية للسياسة النقدية قد تحفز الإجراءات الخاصة بالسياسة النقدية و معالجة الآثـار الجانبيـة و طبيعـة التفاعل و الارتداد بين إجراءات كلتا السياستين و أثرهما في التـوازن الاقتصـادي العــام، و تم في ثنايا البحث توضيح مسوغات التنسيق و مدى ضرورة ذلك بهدف معالجة الاختلالات في النشاط الاقتصادي عبر توأمة الاجراءات النقدية و المالية، و قد تجسد هذا التنسيق و التفاعل بين السياستين و آثارهما المتبادلة المتسقة و غير المتسقة عند دراسة التوازن الاقتصادي العام و أركانه المتمثلة في التـوازن في السوق النقدي و التوازن في السوق السلعي (Lm- Is ) و ان التوازن النقدي و السلعي مقدمات اساسية الى التوازن الاقتصادي العام ذو المنشأ و البعد الكينزي الذي وضع اساسياته فكرة التوازن الاقتصاديين هيكيس و هانسن في تحليلهما للتوازن الكينزي للاقتصاد ( نموذج الدخل البسيط ) و قد تم تطوير هذا النموذج الى نموذج ( Lm-Is ) بفضل إسهاماته النظرية و التي لخصت التعادل بين الطلب الكلي النقدي و العرض الكلي السلعي اذ تلعب السياسة النقدية دورا مؤثرا و حساسا في الطلب الكلي النقدي ( القيمة النقدية للسلع و الخدمات ) كما تؤثر السياسة المالية بشكل فاعل في العرض الكلي السلعي ( المحتوى السلعي للنقود ) و ان كلتا السياستين بأدواتهما و إجراءاتهما المختلفة تترك تأثيرات متبادلة متجاوبة حول الهدف او تأثيرات متبادلة مرتدة حول الهدف المرسوم، و ان التوازن الاقتصادي المستقر هو حالة قابلة الى اعادة التوازن في حالة تعرض هذا التوازن الى اختلال بفعل قوى ذاتية و ان التوازن الاقتصادي غير المستقر هو حالة غير قابلة الى اعادة التوازن و انما تبقى في طيات التأرجح بين اللاتوازن و الاستقرار على معدلات اقتصادية معينة للاستخدام و الناتج و الأسعار.

Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Designing and Synthesising Novel Benzophenone Biscyclic Imides Comprising Drug Moity with Investigating their Antimicrobial Activity
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The present work involved designing and synthesizing of a series of new. compounds which their molecules are composed from two biologically active components namely sulfamethoxazole or β-lactam containing drugs and cyclic imides. The target new compounds were synthesized by two steps in the first one a series of six bis (N-drug phthalamic acid_4-yl) ketone (1-6) were prepared from the reaction of sulfamethoxazole or β-lactam containing drugs with benzophenone 3, 3′, 4, 4′ -tetracarboxylic dianhydride.

In the second step, compounds (1-6) were introduced in dehydration reaction via fusion process producing the target compounds bis (N-drug phthalimidyl-4-yl) ketone (7-12). The antibacterial and antifungal high

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analyzing the effect of foreign debt on the gross domestic product in Morocco for the period 1990-2017 using the ARDL Test
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The research aims to identify the magnitude of the impact of external debt on the gross domestic product in Morocco, and the importance of research lies in the role that external debt plays in addressing structural imbalances, if it is best disposed of according to well-studied economic plans by specialists in this regard, especially if these debts are directed with Other resources, as it helps pay the costs of these debts (debt servicing) that the external debt also raises the level of gross domestic product, and the research starts from the hypothesis that: There is an effect of foreign debt on the GDP in Morocco, has contributed in one way or another to The exacerbation of the external debt, which affected the m

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Envy on Workplace Stress A field Study of Faculty Staff at the Technical College of Management-Baghdad
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The research aims to measure the impact of envy on job stress because the topic of envy represents a negative emotion that exists at all organizational levels, which may cause stress in the work environment.

The Research problem is represented by the lack of perception of most of the faculty staff on the negative effects of envy on their well-being in the Technical College of Management - Baghdad, and what is the impact level of envy on their job stress.

To achieve this, the scale of envy was based on two dimensions (being envied, Envying others), While the job stress scale was based on seven dimensions (workload, conflict role, Family factors, work environment, work relationships

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Green Regulatory Tapes and Their Reflections on the Job Development - A Study for the Sample of Employees in the Nineveh Directorate for Bridges & Roads
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The performance of job effectively requires narrowing the meaningful routine activities and attempting employing the job procedures in favor of public welfare through adding the green impact as well as removing them from the red tapes which reflect the firmness of procedures, to enable the job parties to make their job independently, and pushing them to gain priority in the competition layer. This is not attaining easily amidst the regulatory problems expressed by the complication of procedures, the thing which make identifying the problem of the study through the following question:

Should we make the complex of procedures and their firmness a way to adopt the idea of the green regulatory tapes supportin

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimating concentration of toxic ions Arsenic in water by using Photonic Crystal Fiber based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
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In this work, an enhanced Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) sensor using a sided polished structure for the detection of toxic ions Arsenic in water was designed and implemented. The SPR curve can be obtained by polishing the side of the PCF after coating the Au film on the side of the polished area, the SPR curve can be obtained. The proposed sensor has a clear SPR effect, according to the findings of the experiments. The estimated signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), sensitivity (S), resolution (R), and Figures of merit (FOM) are approaching; the SNR is 0.0125, S is 11.11 μm/RIU, the resolution is 1.8x〖10〗^(-4), and the FOM is 13.88 for Single-mode Fiber- Photonic Crystal Fiber- single mode Fiber (SMF-P

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Scopus (1)
Crossref (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تطبيق برنامج مقترح لتدقيق عمليات استكشاف الموارد المعدنية وتقييمها على وفق متطلبات معيار الابلاغ المالي رقم (6)
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Review of the research and the reality of the costs of the survey and exploration in the oil exploration company The study showed the effect of the application of standard financial reporting (6) "mineral resources exploration and evaluation" on the financial statements, have touched on a range of problems, the most important deficiencies in the disclosure of information relating to expenses of research and exploration that must be show Kmugod and which should be recognized as an expense in the financial statements of the company based on the international standard (6) for the purpose of knowing the financial situation of the company, and to find solutions presented researcher hypothesis is the following: that the Company's application s

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Education Program ConcerningCardiotocography on Nurses- MidwivesPractice in Maternity Hospitals at Baghdad City.
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Objectives: To identify the effectiveness program on nurse- midwife practice concerning performed
cardiotocography to pregnant women and to find out the relationship between nurse- midwife practice and
certain studied variables.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental design (pretest-post test approach) was conducted at three sector AlRussafa
directorate, AL- Karckh directorate and Medical City Directorate from the period of March, 26th 2014
to August, 30th 2015. A non-probability sample consisted of (130) nurse -midwives were selected and divided
into two groups (65) nurses-midwives (case group) who exposed to the educational program and (65 ) nursesmidwives
who didn't expose to the program considered as control group . D

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measurement of economic returns and environmental and social for green sector trade A prospective study in institutions of Basra to focus on the electricity sector
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        Environmental risk growing Become challenge "and a matter of controversy and concern to many of those concerned with environment, social, economic, and the same happens with the administrative rather than in isolation for this movement, as the issues of climate change Disturbed and troubled him, especially after what caused the risk of destruction, and irresponsibility , chaos, and the futility of resources, crops, fields,  nature and homes and reactors, and after what happened in Japan from the scourge of "Hurricane tsunami " and earthquakes successive accompanied him and what became of him by surprise catastrophic affected the economy and the univ

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Types of the Fiber Glass-Mat on Fatigue Characteristic of Composite Materials at Constant Fiber Volume Fraction: Experimental Determination
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The aim of this work is to study the influence of the type of fiber glass –mat on fatigue behavior of composite material which is manufactured from polyester and E-glass (woven roving, chopped strand mat (CSM)) as a laminate with a constant fiber volume fraction (VF) of 33%. The results showed that the laminates reinforced with E-glass (woven roving) [0/90, ±45.0/90] and [0/90, CSM, 0/90] have lower fatigue strength than the laminates reinforced with E-glass [0/90]3,[CSM]3 and [CSM, 0/90, CSM]  although they had different tensile strength; the best laminate was [0/90]3 .

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality and fundamentals of the poultry industry and its implications on the prices of eggs and chickens in Iraq for the period from 2000 to 2009 (analytical study)
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Despite all the possibilities held by Iraq for the production of poultry , but there is low and clear in the level of production and a rise in costs and a decline in per capita consumption is due to a number of reasons, including poor investment , stop government subsides , dumping policies , market Bolmottagat imported , the contribution of the merchant squandering of national capacity , weak base material for the growth of this sector , the security situation and the crisis of energy and others .

Despite all this research has shown that there are great investment opportunities in this very sector of the market size and absorptive capacity of his and the growth of per capita income  and level of cul

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