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Literal Translation and Its Impact on Political Terms Translation in Television Journalism

The research tackles the potential challenged faced the translator when dealing with the literal translation of nowadays political terms in media. Despite the universal complexity of translating political jargon, adopting literal translation introduces an added layer of intricacy. The primary aim of literal translation is to maintain faithfulness to the original text, irrespective of whether it is in English or Arabic. However, this method presents several challenges within the linguistic and cultural dimensions. Drawing upon scholarly sources, this article expounds upon the multifaceted issues that emerge from the verbatim translation of political terms from English into Arabic. These problems include political culture, language differences, contextual incongruities, dialects, political abbreviations and symbols, and the complexity of terminology with dual or composite meanings. The study comes to the conclusion that a skilled translator must possess an exhaustive comprehension of political discourse to ensure accurate and contextually suitable translations while embracing versatile methodologies that uphold the authenticity of cultural subtleties. Furthermore, the evolving role of the translator is underscored in response to the dynamic Global and Linguistic landscapes and international events. and international events.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2023
Journal Name
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education
Individual analysis of kinetic response variables according to the measurement of the H7 system for the best jumping players in the national basketball team 2021

The skill scale in most of sport activity monitoring a lot of dynamic behaviours conducted with playing situations that help the excerpt's in sport field to evaluate and put right solutions ,soccer one of games that studies in third stage in college and take skills ,dribbling , passing, shooting these skills helps to execute the plans in game ,the researchers notice that there is no test measure the skills of the game in the beginning of the first semester especially in the method of soccer in physical education college and the problem of the research were by answering the question that is there test connect between one or more that one of skill to measure the ability of students to execute the plans in soccer and the conclusion was the bui

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 26 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of special exercises in developing the strength endurance of the arms of the national team players with the goal ball for the blind

The importance of the research lies in preparing an experimental curriculum according to a scientific method that will contribute to the development of the special strength(endurance the strength of arms) in order to contribute to the attempt to develop the basic skills of the national team players ‏with the goal ball for the blind ‏As for the research problem, it lies in the weakness of the strength endurance of the national team players with the goal ball for the blind, as the research problem is clearly evident in the last minutes of the match, as well as the former studies in the field of goal ball game for the blind at the country level ‏The research aims to prepare special exercises for endurance of strength as well as t

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Culture Consumption in an Increase of Deception Marketing , a Sample Survey of Cosmetic Users Employees College of Administration & Economics / University of Mosul

Economics / University of Mosul



The spread of the phenomenon of excessive buying in our society, especially for cosmetics, and at the same time increase the marketing deception by the organizations to take quick profit 'and accordingly was identified the problem of research in several questions, including:

Is there a significant effect of consumption culture on marketing deception?                                                &n

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
The International Tinnitus Journal
Does the Location of a Small Tympanic Membrane Perforation Affect the Degree of Hearing Loss in Adult Patients with Inactive Mucosal Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media?

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Role Of Historical Memory In Promoting The Concept Of Belonging To The Homeland In A Novel "Mazurka For Two Dead Men" Of The Spanish Novelist Camilo Jose Cela: El Papel De La Memoria Histórica En El Apoyo Del Concepto De Pertenencia A La Patria , En La Novela “Mazurca Para Dos Muertos”, De Camilo José Cela

       The present study discusses the significant role of the historical memory in all the Spanish society aspects of life. When a novelist takes the role and puts on the mask of one of the novel’s protagonists or hidden characters, his memory of the events becomes the keywords of accessing the close-knit fabric of society and sheds lights on deteriorating social conceptions in  a backwards social reality that rejects all new progressive ideas and  modernity. Through concentrating on the society flawing aspects and employing everything of his stored memory, the author uses sarcasm to criticize and change such old deteriorating reality conceptions.   


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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2016
Journal Name
Bio--genetics Journal
Correlation of Her-2/neu gene amplification by FISH and CISH with clinicopathological parameter of Iraqi breast carcinoma patients at central public health laboratories

The objective of the study: is to investigate the correlations between the HER2 neu gene status with the clinicopathological parameters of infiltrative breast carcinoma. A total of seventy four Iraqi breast cancer patients were collected from one center (Department of Public Health) paraffin blocks were collected from histopathology department central public health laboratories, Bagdad, Iraq from 2014-2015. The cases which has been taken included invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma type Women age were ranged from 24-80 years old. Evaluation of Her-2/neu gene amplification status was done using FISH and CISH techniques that showed a significant correlations with clinicopathological parameters.

Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2024
Journal Name
Advances In The Theory Of Nonlinear Analysis And Its Application
Properties of Capturing of Peristaltic Flow to A Chemically Reacting Couple Stress Fluid Through an Inclined Asymmetric Channel with Variable Viscosity and Various Boundaries

The properties of capturing of peristaltic flow to a chemically reacting couple stress fluid through an inclined asymmetric channel with variable viscosity and various boundaries are investigated. we have addressed the impacts of variable viscosity, different wave forms, porous medium, heat and mass transfer for peristaltic transport of hydro magnetic couple stress liquid in inclined asymmetric channel with different boundaries. Moreover, The Fluid viscosity assumed to vary as an exponential function of temperature. Effects of almost flow parameters are studied analytically and computed. An rising in the temperature and concentration profiles return to heat and mass transfer Biot numbers. Noteworthy, the Soret and Dufour number effect resul

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Calculation of the Charge Density Distributions and the Longitudinal Form Factors of 10 B Nucleus by Using the Occupation Numbers of the States

The charge density distributions of 10 B nucleus are calculated using the
harmonic oscillator wave functions. Elastic and inelastic electron scattering
longitudinal form factors have been calculated for the similar parity states of 10B
nucleus where a core of 4He is assumed and the remaining particles are
distributed over 3/ 2 1p and 1/ 2 1p orbits which form the model space.
Core-polarization effects are taken into account. Core-polarization effects are
calculated by using Tassie model and gives good agreement with the measured

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Physics And Research (ijpr)

The - mixing ratios of -transitions from levels in populated in the reactions are calculated in present work using - ratio, constant statisticalTensor and least squares fitting methods The results obtained are in general, in good agreement or consistent, within the associated uncertainties, with these reported in Ref.[9],the discrepancies that occurs are due to inaccuracy existing in the experimental data The results obtained in the present work confirm the –method for mixed transitions better than that for pure transition because this method depends only on the experimental data where the second method depends on the pure or those considered to be pure -transitions, the same results occur in – method

Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Effect of Two Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae M, Beauveria bassiana Vand the Pesticide ICON onLarvae, Pupa and Adult House Fly Musca domestica L

 A study was conductedto determine thethe effects of two insect pathogenic fungiMetarhizium anisopliae and Beauvaria bassiana In biological control and comparing, insecticide, Icon, on larva , pupa and adults stage of house fly  was tested. The results  revealed non-significantly superiority differences in the percentages of cumulative death between the recommended concentration of Icon and the M.anisopliae(2 × 1011), but the results showed, significant difference in accumulation death between M. anisoplia ( 2 × 1011 ) and  B. bassiana were found at the same concentration, the accumulation death of  M.anisoplia reached to 100, 80, 95% for larval, pupa and stage after 96  hours respectively,  com

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