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Design an Efficient Neural Network to Determine the Rate of Contamination in the Tigris River in Baghdad City
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This article proposes a new technique for determining the rate of contamination. First, a generative adversarial neural network (ANN) parallel processing technique is constructed and trained using real and secret images. Then, after the model is stabilized, the real image is passed to the generator. Finally, the generator creates an image that is visually similar to the secret image, thus achieving the same effect as the secret image transmission. Experimental results show that this technique has a good effect on the security of secret information transmission and increases the capacity of information hiding. The metric signal of noise, a structural similarity index measure, was used to determine the success of colour image-hiding techniques within ANN. The results of the ANN were in sequence: 41.2813, 0.6914. The results of the ANN were in sequence 41.2813, 0.6914. These results provide insights into how well the hidden information is concealed within the image and the extent to which the visual integrity of the image is preserved.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental caries severity in relation to selected salivary variables among a group of pregnant women in Baghdad city/Iraq
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Background: During pregnancy many physiological, anatomical and biochemical changes take place that affect almost all body systems. In the oral pregnant women have serious changes such as more sever dental caries. This study was conducted to measure dental caries severity and selected salivary variables (salivary flow rate, PH and viscosity)and to find the relation of dental caries with these salivary variables. Subjects, materials and methods: The study group consisted of 60 pregnant women that were divided into three equal groups according to trimester (20 pregnant women in each trimester).They were selected randomly from the Maternal and Child Health Care Centers in Baghdad city, the age range was 20-25 years. In addition to 20 unmarried

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Sustainable design in the Iraqi craft industries and ways to develop them
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Research on sustainable design in Iraqi craft industries and ways to develop them is essential to preserving the cultural heritage and authenticity of these industries while promoting environmentally sustainable practices. Lack of access to modern technologies, knowledge and resources may hinder the growth of these industries and their ability to compete in the global market. The research problem revolves around finding ways to develop sustainable design in the Iraqi craft industries. The expected outcomes of this research include a clear definition of sustainable design, understanding the history of sustainable design in the craft industry, identifying different types of craft industries in Iraq, exploring the basic concepts of sustaina

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Environmental Study on Phytoplankton (Diatoms) in Al-Yusifiya River, Iraq
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An environmental study conducted on diatoms in Al Yusifiya river beyond its branching from Euphrates river. Four sites were selected along the river for the period from march 2013 to September 2013. The present study involved the measurement of physicochemical parameters, also the qualitative and quantities of diatoms. The studied parameters values ranged as follows: 19-44Cº and 16-30 Cº for air and water temperature respectively, 6.9-8.7, 595-1248 µS/cm, 6.4-8.0 mg/l for pH, electric conductivity and dissolved oxygen respectively. A total of 74 taxa were recorded for diatoms, where the pinnate diatom was the predominant and recorded 64 taxa while 10 taxa for centric diatoms. The total number of diatoms was 1197.55*104 cell /l. The tota

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 12 2017
Journal Name
Der Chemica Sinica
An Efficient One-Pot Approach for the Formation of Phenanthridine Derivative; Synthesis and Spectral Characterisation
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The preparation of the phenanthridine derivative compound was achieved by adopting an efficient one-pot synthetic approach. The condensation of an ethanolic mixture of benzaldehyde, cyclohexanone and ammonium acetate in a 2:1:1 mole ratio resulted in the formation of the title compound. Analytical and spectroscopic techniques were used to confirm the nature of the new compound. A mechanism for the formation of the phenanthridine moiety that is based on three steps has been suggested

Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Carbon Dioxide Availability in Inlands Rivers Is Driven by Dissolved Organic Carbon, Not Warming: A Case Study of Tigris River
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الانهار اصبحت مشبعة بثاني اوكسيد الكربون بشكل عالي وبذلك فهي تلعب دور مهم في كميات الكربون العالمية. لزيادة فهمنا حول مصادر الكربون المتوفرة في النظم البيئية النهرية، تم اجراء هذه الدراسة حول تأثير الكربون العضوي المذاب والحرارة (العوامل الرئيسية لتغير المناخ) كمحركات رئيسية لوفرة ثاني اوكسيد الكربون في الانهار. تم جمع العينات من خمسة واربعون موقع في ثلاثة اجزاء رئيسية لنهر دجلة داخل مدينة بغداد خلال فص

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral health status in relation to nutritional status among institutionalized autistic children and adolescents in Baghdad city, Iraq
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Background: The autism spectrum disorder (ASD) describes a wide range of symptoms, including difficulty with social interaction and communication skills. Controversial thinking about oral health of children with ASD, in general may have a lower hygiene level than healthy individuals, low caries rate and high body weight in comparison to healthy children. This study was conducted to assess the oral health status in relation to nutritional status among institutionalized autistic children and adolescents. Materials and methods: From 12 institutes in Baghdad, the study group contained 364 child and adolescent with ASD (Male= 294, Female=70), while control group included 441 normal child and adolescent (Male=357, Female=84) from primary and seco

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 30 2024
Journal Name
Wiadomości Lekarskie
Oral health status in relation to nutritional status amongst orphans aged (6-12) years in Baghdad city, Iraq
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Aims: Assess selected measures of oral health: Enamel defect, eruption of permanent teeth, dental caries, investigate the nutritional status of orphans by physical examination and relate the nutritional status with measures of oral health.

Material and methods

Materials and methods: 192 orphans aged of 6 and 12 who were living in all orphanages in Baghdad, Iraq, were studied. Enamel defect was derived from the WHO's modified developmental defects of enamel (DDE) index, investigation of caries using Decay -Missing – Filled index for permanent teeth (DMF), the decay-missing filled index for primary teeth (dmf) index and all of the perm

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The design of the scene according to the interactive theory in the Iraqi theater show: دريد هاشم شكور
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The theater has live foundations that interact with all symbols and signs. It has never been far from these innovations and developments in the manner of dealing with those symbols and how and the extent of their effects on society through the world of technology because the theatrical performance contributes to its structure, a technique that is employed by designers in various technologies such as ( Music, lighting and sound effects engineer, as well as fashion designer, architecture, and modeling designer). The theater today also relied on various interactive techniques represented in the use of body language and a sign in order to communicate the meaning by forming movements, singing and dancing in order for the recipient to interact

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Studying the Probability of Using Groundwater in Baghdad City for Human, Animal, and Irrigation Use
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Groundwater is an important source of fresh water especially in countries having a decrease in or no surface water; therefore itis essential to assess the quality of groundwater and find the possibility of its use in different purposes (domestic; agricultural; animal; and other purposes). In this paper samples from 66 wells lying in different places in Baghdad city were used to determine 13 water parameters, to find the quality of groundwater and evaluate the possibility of using it for human, animal and irrigation by calculating WQI, SAR, RSC and Na% and TDS indicators. WQI results showed that the groundwater in all wells are not qualified for human use, while SAR and RSC indicated that most samples are suitable for irrigation use, and

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Some urban structures of the city of Baghdad in the book almntadham Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 e)
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 We conclude that this study has dealt with an important aspect of the book that was not clearly defined in the book as it was derived through the book's translations, namely, the extraction of those urban structures of the city of Baghdad, which were of great importance in the religious, cultural, economic and social life at that time, The important link that reflected the development of the Islamic city in general and Baghdad in particular, as he addressed such urban facilities through the translations of the book that did not offer the outline or information about those facilities, but only the name only, and here lies the difficulty in addressing Such as T. As subjects because they need the most accurate analysis of facilities t

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