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Design an Efficient Neural Network to Determine the Rate of Contamination in the Tigris River in Baghdad City
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This article proposes a new technique for determining the rate of contamination. First, a generative adversarial neural network (ANN) parallel processing technique is constructed and trained using real and secret images. Then, after the model is stabilized, the real image is passed to the generator. Finally, the generator creates an image that is visually similar to the secret image, thus achieving the same effect as the secret image transmission. Experimental results show that this technique has a good effect on the security of secret information transmission and increases the capacity of information hiding. The metric signal of noise, a structural similarity index measure, was used to determine the success of colour image-hiding techniques within ANN. The results of the ANN were in sequence: 41.2813, 0.6914. The results of the ANN were in sequence 41.2813, 0.6914. These results provide insights into how well the hidden information is concealed within the image and the extent to which the visual integrity of the image is preserved.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effectiveness of Indicators of Financial Discipline in Strengthening the Exchange Rate, with a Special Reference to Iraq
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Controlling public expenditures is one of the main objectives of the public budget. The public budget often suffers from a deficit, whether in developed or developing countries, because expenditures are usually greater than the revenues generated. This requires the existence of financial rules that are adhered to by the government, which in turn leads to discipline. Fiscal policy leads to a reduction in the obligations incumbent on the government.  Adhering to the financial rules would correct the course of fiscal policy in Iraq, with the need to direct oil revenues in the years of financial abundance when global oil prices rise to sovereign funds similar to other rentier countries, which contributes to maintaining the stabi

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Conference: First International Conference On Water Resources
Modeling BOD of the Effluent from Abu-Ghraib Diary Factory using Artificial Neural Network October 2018
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The proper operation, and control of wastewater treatment plants, is receiving an increasing attention, because of the rising concern about environmental issues. In this research a mathematical model was developed to predict biochemical oxygen demand in the waste water discharged from Abu-Ghraib diary factory in Baghdad using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).In this study the best selection of the input data were selected from the recorded parameters of the wastewater from the factory. The ANN model developed was built up with the following parameters: Chemical oxygen demand, Dissolved oxygen, pH, Total dissolved solids, Total suspended solids, Sulphate, Phosphate, Chloride and Influent flow rate. The results indicated that the constructed A

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling the removal of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solutions onto Olive Pips Using Neural Network Technique
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The uptake of Cd(II) ions from simulated wastewater onto olive pips was modeled using artificial neural network (ANN) which consisted of three layers. Based on 112 batch experiments, the effect of contact time (10-240 min), initial pH (2-6), initial concentration (25-250 mg/l), biosorbent dosage (0.05-2 g/100 ml), agitation speed (0-250 rpm) and temperature (20-60ºC) were studied. The maximum uptake (=92 %) of Cd(II) was achieved at optimum parameters of 60 min, 6, 50 mg/l, 1 g/100 ml, 250 rpm and 25ºC respectively.

Tangent sigmoid and linear transfer functions of ANN for hidden and output layers respectively with 7 neurons were sufficient to present good predictions for cadmium removal efficiency with coefficient of correlatio

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The spread of Entamoeba histolytica infection among children attended the Central Child Hospital in Baghdad city.
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A total of 1712 samples of children feces were collected from the Central Child Hospital and examined by direct and concentration methods (zinc sulfate and sucrose) during the period from 01/10/2011 to 19/10/2012. The ages of children were ranging between one month and 15 years.The results of the current study showed that the rate of infection overall was 18.72% and there was a variation in the infection rate between the age groups, reaching the highest incidence in the age group (1- 5 years old). The study indicated also that the percentage of infected males is higher than females, which was 63% and 37% respectively. Also the percentage of infection among children living in the city was 70%, while it was 30% among children living in the

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determine the optimal decision in the process of production planning usingDynamic programming style
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The operation of production planning is a difficult operation and it's required High effect and large time especially it is dynamic activity which it's basic variables change in continuous with the time, for this reason it needs using one of the operation research manner (Dynamic programming) which has a force in the decision making process in the planning and control on the production and its direct affect on the cost of production operation and control on the inventory.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Using a novel approach to determine the pore pressure of West Qurna 15 oil well in South of Iraq
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Pore pressure means the pressure of the fluid filling the pore space of formations. When pore pressure is higher than hydrostatic pressure, it is named abnormal pore pressure or overpressure. When abnormal pressure occurred leads to many severe problems such as well kick, blowout during the drilling, then, prediction of this pressure is crucially essential to reduce cost and to avoid drilling problems that happened during drilling when this pressure occurred. The purpose of this paper is the determination of pore pressure in all layers, including the three formations (Yamama, Suliay, and Gotnia) in a deep exploration oil well in West Qurna field specifically well no. WQ-15 in the south of Iraq. In this study, a new appro

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Efficient of Government Organization to attain the Ten Recommendation of social Responsibility
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   In this study, the researcher aimed to define and measure the relevance and effect of the governmental organizations in complying with Iraqi Ministry of Transportation's requirements towards achieving the social responsibility, embodied in the ten commandments of the United Nations Findings displayed the availability of realization regarding organization managers towards social responsibility with their various capabilities and tendencies in relation with the representing entries of those Ten Commandments.The study showed the relation between the effectiveness of those organizations and dimensions of the ten commandments of social responsibility, with the existence of a significant effect for the said effectiveness on achiev

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Employment material in the Interior spaces of the directorates of queries in the city of Baghdad: آراء عبد الكريم حسين العبادي
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this research concern with material function subject by using it in Baghdad education in formational places , because it considered as one of the most important spaces which needs a material presentation for the interior consistings that shares with prepairing the right mode for thos who use these spaces, regarding to that this research includes four chapters: Chapter one: concern with the research problem represented by the following question: can we use the material to place the hole spaces of information place ? So the aim of the research seems very obvious in functioning the material these places, and to take a close view on the importance of the research the theory , implementation and objective limits also concerning the terminolog

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Media Coverage of the Iraqi Satellite Channels in Shaping Public Attitudes towards Terrorism (a Field Study of a Sample of an Audience of the City of Baghdad)
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Violence is one of the most serious threats facing societies because it affects their internal structure and threatens the security and stability of society. It is classified as one of the types of security crises that are emerging in Arab and Islamic societies in particular, and in most countries of the world in general.

The threat of this crisis is increasing. Terrorism is considered as one of the most serious aspects of that all the countries of the world, currently, suffer from. The terrorism has begun to penetrate deep into society in one way or another starting from the Second World War, which led to the emergence of leftist movements in Western Europe, Japan, France, Italy and other countries as a result of emerging ideas

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Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Sedimentary Structure and Determine the Diriction of the Old Current to the By Hassan Formation Northeast Iraq
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 This research deal the primary and secondary sedimentary structures in the By Hassan Formation in the three locations in the northeast of Iraq.          Can be recognize many geological structures such as cross bedding, planer bedding, graded bedding, channel structure and mud ball house deposit in the flood plain. The ether side this research study the direction of old current and sedimentary structure that made by the one direction current

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