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Design an Efficient Neural Network to Determine the Rate of Contamination in the Tigris River in Baghdad City
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This article proposes a new technique for determining the rate of contamination. First, a generative adversarial neural network (ANN) parallel processing technique is constructed and trained using real and secret images. Then, after the model is stabilized, the real image is passed to the generator. Finally, the generator creates an image that is visually similar to the secret image, thus achieving the same effect as the secret image transmission. Experimental results show that this technique has a good effect on the security of secret information transmission and increases the capacity of information hiding. The metric signal of noise, a structural similarity index measure, was used to determine the success of colour image-hiding techniques within ANN. The results of the ANN were in sequence: 41.2813, 0.6914. The results of the ANN were in sequence 41.2813, 0.6914. These results provide insights into how well the hidden information is concealed within the image and the extent to which the visual integrity of the image is preserved.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
International Journal On “technical And Physical Problems Of Engineering”
Age Estimation Utilizing Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network
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Estimating an individual's age from a photograph of their face is critical in many applications, including intelligence and defense, border security and human-machine interaction, as well as soft biometric recognition. There has been recent progress in this discipline that focuses on the idea of deep learning. These solutions need the creation and training of deep neural networks for the sole purpose of resolving this issue. In addition, pre-trained deep neural networks are utilized in the research process for the purpose of facial recognition and fine-tuning for accurate outcomes. The purpose of this study was to offer a method for estimating human ages from the frontal view of the face in a manner that is as accurate as possible and takes

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Scopus (10)
Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Key Exchange Management by using Neural Network Synchronization
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The paper presents a neural synchronization into intensive study in order to address challenges preventing from adopting it as an alternative key exchange algorithm. The results obtained from the implementation of neural synchronization with this proposed system address two challenges: namely the verification of establishing the synchronization between the two neural networks, and the public initiation of the input vector for each party. Solutions are presented and mathematical model is developed and presented, and as this proposed system focuses on stream cipher; a system of LFSRs (linear feedback shift registers) has been used with a balanced memory to generate the key. The initializations of these LFSRs are neural weights after achiev

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Kernel Density Estimator To Determine the Limits of Multivariate Control Charts.
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Quality control is an effective statistical tool in the field of controlling the productivity to monitor and confirm the manufactured products to the standard qualities and the certified criteria for some products and services and its main purpose is to cope with the production and industrial development in the business and competitive market. Quality control charts are used to monitor the qualitative properties of the production procedures in addition to detecting the abnormal deviations in the production procedure. The multivariate Kernel Density Estimator control charts method was used which is one of the nonparametric methods that doesn’t require any assumptions regarding the distribution o

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An efficient of Sansevieriatrifasciataplantas biosorbent for the treatment of metal contaminated industrial effluents
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Sansevieriatrifasciata was studied as a potential biosorbent for chromium, copper and nickel removal in batch process from electroplating and tannery effluents. Different parameters influencing the biosorption process such as pH, contact time, and amount of biosorbent were optimized while using the 80 mm sized particles of the biosorbent. As high as 91.3 % Ni and 92.7 % Cu were removed at pH of 6 and 4.5 respectively, while optimum Cr removal of 91.34 % from electroplating and 94.6 % from tannery effluents was found at pH 6.0 and 4.0 respectively. Pseudo second order model was found to best fit the kinetic data for all the metals as evidenced by their greater R2 values. FTIR characterization of biosorbent revealed the presence of carboxyl a

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of the Level of some Adipokines in Hypo-and Hyperthyroids Patients in Baghdad City
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Determination of the level of adipokines (obestatin, vaspin, tumor necrosis factor-? and interleukin-6)in hypo-and hyperthyroid patients from Educational Baghdad Hospital in Baghdad City was investigated. Fifty patients with hypothyroidism and Fifty patients with hyperthyroidism were selected. A control group of thirty euthyroid persons was included. Blood was collected by vein puncture and serum was separated and stored at –20C. Adipokines (obestatin, vaspin, tumor necrosis factor-? and interleukin-6) were estimated using ELISA method. The findings show a significant (p<0.05) increase in obestatin level in hypothyroid patients, while there is no significant difference in hyperthyroid patientsas compared with the euthyroid subjects.

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Eastern-european Journal Of Enterprise Technologies
Implementation of artificial neural network to achieve speed control and power saving of a belt conveyor system
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According to the importance of the conveyor systems in various industrial and service lines, it is very desirable to make these systems as efficient as possible in their work. In this paper, the speed of a conveyor belt (which is in our study a part of an integrated training robotic system) is controlled using one of the artificial intelligence methods, which is the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). A visions sensor will be responsible for gathering information about the status of the conveyor belt and parts over it, where, according to this information, an intelligent decision about the belt speed will be taken by the ANN controller. ANN will control the alteration in speed in a way that gives the optimized energy efficiency through

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Scopus (14)
Crossref (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of an Adaptive PID Neural Controller for Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor based on Particle Swarm Optimization
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 A particle swarm optimization algorithm and neural network like self-tuning PID controller for CSTR system is presented. The scheme of the discrete-time PID control structure is based on neural network and tuned the parameters of the PID controller by using a particle swarm optimization PSO technique as a simple and fast training algorithm. The proposed method has advantage that it is not necessary to use a combined structure of identification and decision because it used PSO. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive PID neural control algorithm in terms of minimum tracking error and smoothness control signal obtained for non-linear dynamical CSTR system.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of maternal risk factors on the outcome of pregnancy in Baghdad city
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To find out the impact of maternal risk factors on the outcome of pregnancy in Baghdad city. A descriptive purposive study was carried out on 100 postpartum women who had delivered for 1 hr. to 24 hrs. ago . the study sample was selected from three hospitals in Baghdad city ( Baghdad teaching hospital ,Fatima Al-Zahra'a maternity and pediatric teaching hospital and Al-Yarmook teaching hospital),during the period from 25 Jan. to 25 Feb. 2006. The data were collected through the use of questionnaire format reviewing pregnants' records and personal interview and were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical approaches. The finding revealed that maternal pregnancy complications had weak effects on pregnancy outcome , while mate

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
tourism planning and its impact in reducing the unemployment rate in Iraq for the period (1985 – 2015) An analytical study
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     The problem of the study is the main question (Can tourism planning address the phenomenon of unemployment in Iraq ?) , And the importance of the study in the fact that the tourism sector can become an effective development alternative in many countries, especially Iraq, as tourism contributes to diversify sources of income and stimulate other economic sectors , We know how important Iraq's qualifications are in the field of tourism and what it can generate on the public treasury, To confirm the current study on the need to pay attention to tourism planning for its role in providing employment opportunities that reduce the unemployment rate in the future.


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Enhancing the Delta Training Rule for a Single Layer Feedforward Heteroassociative Memory Neural Network
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In this paper, an algorithm is suggested to train a single layer feedforward neural network to function as a heteroassociative memory. This algorithm enhances the ability of the memory to recall the stored patterns when partially described noisy inputs patterns are presented. The algorithm relies on adapting the standard delta rule by introducing new terms, first order term and second order term to it. Results show that the heteroassociative neural network trained with this algorithm perfectly recalls the desired stored pattern when 1.6% and 3.2% special partially described noisy inputs patterns are presented.