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A New Practical Method for Predicting Equivalent Drainage Area of Well in Tight Gas Reservoirs
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Abstract<p>The tight gas is one of the main types of the unconventional gas. Typically the tight gas reservoirs consist of highly heterogeneous low permeability reservoir. The economic evaluation for the production from tight gas production is very challenging task because of prevailing uncertainties associated with key reservoir properties, such as porosity, permeability as well as drainage boundary. However one of the important parameters requiring in this economic evaluation is the equivalent drainage area of the well, which relates the actual volume of fluids (e.g gas) produced or withdrawn from the reservoir at a certain moment that changes with time. It is difficult to predict this equivalent drainage area of well in tight gas reservoir as it takes utterly long time for reservoir pressure to reach to the impermeable physical boundary of the reservoir. The effective drainage area, which grows with time during the transient period; and consequently it is much smaller than the physical drainage arear over the transient flow period in case of tight gas reservoir because of the low permeability. Consequently the production forecasting using physical drainage area (as generally considered for conventional reservoir) can results not only significant error in estimation but also mislead the decision making process.</p><p>In this paper however, a practical method for predicting the equivalent drainage area of a fractured well in tight gas reservoir is proposed. This method is based upon combined gas material balance equation and decline curve analysis. The developed method is validated against reservoir simulation results, which demonstrates that the proposed method is accurate enough to predict the equivalent drainage area, and may be considered as a practical tool for production forecasting for tight gas reservoir. Sensitivity analyses are carried out to investigate various factors, such as porosity, permeability, facture length on equivalent drainage area for fractured vertical well in tight gas reservoir. Based on the sensitivity study it is observed that the fracture half-length and the porosity have strong impact on the equivalent drainage area, and propagation of equivalent drainage area with time.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 11 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Well placement optimization: A review
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Optimization of well placement plays a considerable role in the production and maximizing the net present value of the investment of oil field developments. However, the application of the optimization techniques in well placement developments is so complicated because many decision variables, objective functions, and constraints are involved in the well placement optimization case. Furthermore, many computational techniques; conventional and non-conventional, have been utilized to optimize well placement operations. This study displays the advancement of the optimization methods applied in the well placement. Subsequently, the study assorted the applied optimization methods, and it demonstrates the restriction and the range of implementati

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Noor's Curve, a New Geometric Form of Agnesi Witch, a Construction Method is Produced
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In this paper, a new form of 2D-plane curves is produced and graphically studied. The name of my daughter "Noor" has been given to this curve; therefore, Noor term describes this curve whenever it is used in this paper. This curve is a form of these opened curves as it extends in the infinity along both sides from the origin point. The curve is designed by a circle/ ellipse which are drawing curvatures that tangent at the origin point, where its circumference is passed through the (0,2a). By sharing two vertical lined points of both the circle diameter and the major axis of the ellipse, the parametric equation is derived. In this paper, a set of various cases of Noor curve are graphically studied by two curvature cases;

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Method for Estimation Mebeverine Hydrochloride Drugs Preparation by a New Analyser: Ayah 6S.X1(WSLEDs)-T.- Two Solar Cells Complied with C.F.I.A
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A sensitivity-turbidimetric method at (0-180o) was used for detn. of mebeverine in drugs by two solar cell and six source  with C.F.I.A.. The method was based on the formation  of  ion pair for the pinkish banana color  precipitate by the reaction of Mebeverine hydrochloride with Phosphotungstic acid. Turbidity was measured via the reflection of incident light that collides on the surface particles of   precipitated at 0-180o. All variables were optimized. The linearity ranged of Mebeverine hydrochloride was 0.05-12.5mmol.L-1, the L.D. (S/N= 3)(3SB) was 521.92 ng/sample depending on dilution for the minimum concentration , with correlation coefficient r = 0.9966while was R.S.D%

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Mehar method to change fuzzy cost of fuzzy linear model with practical application
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  Many production companies suffers from big losses because of  high production cost and low profits for several reasons, including raw materials high prices and no taxes impose on imported goods also consumer protection law deactivation and national product and customs law, so most of consumers buy imported goods because it is characterized by modern specifications and low prices.

  The production company also suffers from uncertainty in the cost, volume of production, sales, and availability of raw materials and workers number because they vary according to the seasons of the year.

  I had adopted in this research fuzzy linear program model with fuzzy figures

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 12 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Production Optimization for Natural Flow and ESP Well A Case Study on Well NS-5 Mishrif Formation-Nasriya Oil Field
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As the reservoir conditions are in continuous changing during its life, well production rateand its performance will change and it needs to re-model according to the current situationsand to keep the production rate as high as possible.Well productivity is affected by changing in reservoir pressure, water cut, tubing size andwellhead pressure. For electrical submersible pump (ESP), it will also affected by numberof stages and operating frequency.In general, the production rate increases when reservoir pressure increases and/or water cutdecreases. Also the flow rate increase when tubing size increases and/or wellhead pressuredecreases. For ESP well, production rate increases when number of stages is increasedand/or pump frequency is

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2011
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The ascaroid nematode Contracaecum rudolphii was recovered in large numbers from the
digestive tract of Phalacrocorax carbo collected in Baghdad area, Central Iraq. The infection
rates of the two sexes of the bird and some meristic and morphometric characters of the
parasite that allowed species determination of the nematode Contracaecum rudolphii were
discussed. This finding represents a new host record for this nematode in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Fixation of Efficient Method for Separation and Analysis of Alkyl Al koxy Silan Compounds by Gas Chromatography
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       Modification of gas chromatographic technique for the separation and determination of methyl ethoy silane compounds which were synthesized by the addition of absolute ethanol to methyl chlorosilane compounds have been elaborated experimentally.  The addition of absolute dry ethanol to methyl chlorosilane compounds in the presence of a dry stream of nitrogen gas led to sweep out the liberated HCl gas. This method was found to be the suitable method for the preparation of methyl ethoxy silane compounds. The optimum parameter selected after careful and precise studies was between 20 – 30 ml \ min to carrieir gas flow rate, while applied temperatures of detector and injection part were 250 Â

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A practical study of the problems of queues for vehicles in some filling stations in the city of Baghdad
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 According to the circumstances experienced by our country which led to Occurrence of many crises that are the most important crisis is gaining fuel therefore , the theory of queue ( waiting line ) had been used to solve this crisis and as the relevance of this issue indirect and essential role in daily life  .

This research aims to conduct a study of the distribution of gasoline station in (both sides AL – kharkh and AL Rusafa, for the purpose of reducing wasting time and services time through the criteria of the theory of queues and work to improve the efficiency of these stations by the other hand. we are working to reduce the cost of station and increase profits by reducing the active serv

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Specifying Quality of a Tight Oil Reservoir through 3-D Reservoir Modeling
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Increasing hydrocarbon recovery from tight reservoirs is an essential goal of oil industry in the recent years. Building real dynamic simulation models and selecting and designing suitable development strategies for such reservoirs need basically to construct accurate structural static model construction. The uncertainties in building 3-D reservoir models are a real challenge for such micro to nano pore scale structure. Based on data from 24 wells distributed throughout the Sadi tight formation. An application of building a 3-D static model for a tight limestone oil reservoir in Iraq is presented in this study. The most common uncertainties confronted while building the model were illustrated. Such as accurate estimations of cut-off permeab

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