Diabetes is one of the increasing chronic diseases, affecting millions of people around the earth. Diabetes diagnosis, its prediction, proper cure, and management are compulsory. Machine learning-based prediction techniques for diabetes data analysis can help in the early detection and prediction of the disease and its consequences such as hypo/hyperglycemia. In this paper, we explored the diabetes dataset collected from the medical records of one thousand Iraqi patients. We applied three classifiers, the multilayer perceptron, the KNN and the Random Forest. We involved two experiments: the first experiment used all 12 features of the dataset. The Random Forest outperforms others with 98.8% accuracy. The second experiment used only five attributes of the training process. The results of the second experiment showed improvement in the performance of the KNN and the Multilayer Perceptron. The results of the second experiment showed a slight decrease in the performance of the Random Forest with 97.5 % accuracy.