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An experiment was carried out in the vegetables field of Horticulture Department / College of Agriculture / Baghdad University , for the three seasons : spring and Autumn of 2005 , and spring of 2007 , to study the type of gene action in some traits of vegetative and flowery growth in summer squash crosses (4 x 3 = cross 1 , 3 x 7 = cross 2 , 3 x 4 = cross 3 , 3 x 5 = cross 4 , 5 x 1 = cross 5 , 5 x 2 = cross 6). The study followed generation mean analysis method which included to each cross (P1 , P2 , F1 , F2 , Bc1P1 , Bc1P2) , and those populations obtained by hybridization during the first and second seasons. Experimental comparison was performed in the second (Two crosses only) and third seasons , (four crosses) by using RCBD with three replications. Three parameters model with chi square test and six parameters model were used to estimate the type of gene effects , in breeding depression , components of genetic variance , mean degree of dominance , heritability and expected gain due to selection. The results showed that dominance and epistatic (additive x additive) and (dominance x dominance) effects were great importance than additive effects in most traits of all crosses. In breeding depression was important except for plant length . Broad-sense heritability ranged from 51.68 – 90.25% for plant length in crosses 3 , 5 and 6 while narrow – sense heritability was high (76.6 and 83.9%) for No. of leaves in crosses , 2,5 respectively and (57.13%) for No. of Nodes to first female flower in cross 6. Expected gain due to selection among F2 was agreat (29.5%) for No. of leaves in cross 5 while it was low to moderate some traits in other crosses

Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase: Without Complications among Iraqi Patients
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The current study includes (130) T2DM patients (group P) [51 males and 79 females with an ages range (35 to 55) and ages mean 49.89 years], they are sub-grouped into three categories according to their HbA1c value. patients with HbA1c less than 7 are considered as good controlled diabetic patients (30 patients) (group P1), while patients with HbA1c between 7 and 8 are considered as medium controlled diabetic patients (40 patients) (group P2), and the patient whom their HbA1c more than 8 are considered as uncontrolled diabetic patients (50 patients) (group P3). The patients group results are compared to control healthy subjects (35 subjects) (group C) [14 males and 21 Females with age range 45.51 years] matched for age, gender and BMI wer

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The psychometric Properties of Emotional Stability scale among university students according to the response theory
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The current research aims at extracting the standard characteristics of the emotional balance of the university students according to the response theory. This was accomplished by following accredited scientific steps, to achieve this goal, the researcher followed scientific steps in the procedures of the analysis of the scale. She translated the scale from English to Arabic and then made a reverse translation. it was presented to a committee of experts in English to ensure and verify the validity of the paragraphs logically and prove the face validity of the scale, which consists of (30) paragraphs, it was presented to (6) experts who are specialists in the educational and psychological sciences and in the light of their observations ha

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
جوطرافياى شيَوةزارى باجةلآنى ناسراو بة شيَوةزارى شةبةك Geography of Bajalan Variety known as Shabak variety
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Shabak is one of minority related to Kurdish nation , speaking Bajalan variety especially Goran Dialect.

     This study is a historic  and diactological study about Kurdish Bajalan variety.The study is composed an  introduction and tw0 chapters. The first  chapter talks about Bajalan variety , and it has two axes . In the first axe , I talk about the geography of Bajalan variety and in the second axes the map of goran dialect . The second chapter is about Shabak variety and it is constituted of three axes : The first section is about Shabak variety , in the second section is allocated to the domicile of Shabak variety and in the third section , talks about the saint of shabak and in the end the

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 20 2020
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Investigating the Effectiveness of YouTube as a Learning Tool among EFL Students at Baghdad University
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YouTube is not just a platform that individuals share, upload, comment on videos; teachers and educators can utilize it to the best maximum so that students can have benefits. This study aims at investigating how active and influential YouTube can be in the educational process and how it is beneficial for language teachers to enhance the skills of students. The study demonstrates different theoretical frameworks that tackle the employment of technology to enhance the learning/teaching process. It relies on the strategies of Berk (2009) for using multimedia media, video clips in particular to develop the abilities of teachers for using technology in classrooms. To achieve the objective of the study, the researchers develop a questionnair

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 25 2018
Journal Name
Summaries Of Working Papers, Research And Experiments
E-learning at the College of Mass Communication, subject: public relations campaigns as a model
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bearing Capacity of a Strip Model Footing on Loose Sand Reinforced With Pomegranate Sticks Mat
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A series of laboratory model tests has been carried out to investigate the using of pomegranate sticks mat as reinforcement to increase the bearing capacity of footing on loose sand. The influence of depth and length of pomegranate sticks layer was examined. In the present research single layer of pomegranate sticks reinforcement was used to strengthen the loose sand stratum beneath the strip footing. The dimensions of the used foundation were 4*20 cm. The reinforcement layer has been embedded at depth 2, 4 and 8 cm under surcharge stresses . Reinforcing layer with length of 8 and 16 cm were used. The final model test results indicated that the inclusion of pomegranate sticks reinforcement is very effective in improvement the loading cap

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
e Timoshenko Three-Beams Technique To Estimate The Main Elastic Moduli Of Orthotropic Homogeneous Materials
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 A New developed technique to estimate the necessary six elastic constants of homogeneous laminate of special orthotropic properties are presented in this paper for the first time. The new approach utilizes the elasto-static deflection behavior of composite cantilever beam employing the famous theory of Timoshenko. Three extracted strips of the composite plate are tested for measuring the bending deflection at two locations. Each strip is associated to a preferred principal axis and the deflection is measured in two orthogonal planes of the beam domain. A total of five trails of testing is accomplished and the numerical results of the stiffness coefficients are evaluated correctly under the contribution of the macromechanic

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of the Iranian Seperation Dikes on the Water Salinity Patterns Within Al Huweizah Marsh
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Al Huweizah Marsh is considered as the largest marsh at the southern part of Iraq. About one third of the marsh is located within the Iranian territory. Iran began to construct earth dikes along the Iraqi-Iranian international borders to separate the Iranian part of the marsh. The electrical conductivity, EC, value was adopted to be the indicator for the water salinity within the marsh. A steady two-dimensional water quality routing model was implemented by using the RMA2 and RMA4 softwares within the SMS computer package to estimate the distribution of the
EC values within the marsh seasonally during the wet, moderate and dry water years. The EC distribution Patterns were estimated considering the expected two cases of the marsh futu

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
A proposed program to audit the performance of the hotel sector under crises (Applied Research)
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        The research sought to identify the crises that occurred during the research period and their reflection on the performance of the hotel Research sample as well as to identify the reality of auditing the hotel Research sample and the preparation of a performance audit program can be adopted in auditing the performance of hotels in light of crises, and the problem of the research lies in the lack of a program to audit the performance of hotels that takes into account the crises experienced by the hotel sector, The research was based on solving its problems on three hypotheses, the first is that the performance audit in light of the Covid-19 pand

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Steady State Performance Investigation of a Three Phase Induction Motor Running Off Unbalanced Supply Voltages
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The objective of this work is to investigate the performance of a conventional three phase induction motor supplied by unbalanced voltages. An effort to study the motor steady state performance under this disturbance is introduced. Using per phase equivalent circuit analysis with the concept of symmetrical components approach, the steady state performance is theoretically calculated. Also, a model for the induction motor with the MATLAB/Simulink SPS tools has been implemented and steady state results were obtained. Both results are compared and show good correlation as well. The simulation model is introduced to support and enhance electrical engineers with a complete understanding for the steady state performance of a fully loaded induc

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