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Optimizing genetic prediction: Define-by-run DL approach in DNA sequencing
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Abstract: The utility of DNA sequencing in diagnosing and prognosis of diseases is vital for assessing the risk of genetic disorders, particularly for asymptomatic individuals with a genetic predisposition. Such diagnostic approaches are integral in guiding health and lifestyle decisions and preparing families with the necessary foreknowledge to anticipate potential genetic abnormalities. The present study explores implementing a define-by-run deep learning (DL) model optimized using the Tree-structured Parzen estimator algorithm to enhance the precision of genetic diagnostic tools. Unlike conventional models, the define-by-run model bolsters accuracy through dynamic adaptation to data during the learning process and iterative optimization of critical hyperparameters, such as layer count, neuron count per layer, learning rate, and batch size. Utilizing a diverse dataset comprising DNA sequences fromtwo distinct groups: patients diagnosed with breast cancer and a control group of healthy individuals. The model showcased remarkable performance, with accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and area under the curve metrics reaching 0.871, 0.872, 0.871, 0.872, and 0.95, respectively, outperforming previous models. These findings underscore the significant potential of DL techniques in amplifying the accuracy of disease diagnosis and prognosis through DNA sequencing, indicating substantial advancements in personalized medicine and genetic counseling. Collectively, the findings of this investigation suggest that DL presents transformative potential in the landscape of genetic disorder diagnosis and management.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Employing Leadership Practices in Educational Institutions According to the Organizational Structure of DNA
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DNA, as the basis of every living cell, is one of the most important and influential scientific discoveries. This research aims to identify and compare the organizational DNA to the leadership practices of school principals in the Sultanate of Oman and to reveal the similarity between principals’ leadership practices and the structure of DNA. In addition, it intends to identify any statistically significant differences between the responses of the participants due to the study variables: gender, job title and experience. A questionnaire was designed and data were collected from a randomly selected sample composed of (100) teachers in the Sultanate of Oman. The study found limitless diversity in the characteristics of DNA of leadership

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using Sequencing Technique for Diagnostic Different Species of Genus Rhizobium Which Isolated from Legume Plants
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      Samples of the root nodules were collected to isolate different species of the genus Rhizobium from several leguminous plants; Trigonella  foenum-graecum, Medicago sativa, Lens culinaris, Vigna mungo, Vicia faba,  Phaseolus vulgaris, and Cicer arietinum, and based on their morphological, cultural, and biochemical characteristics, in addition to the identification of each isolate at the species level by amplified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and using the sequencing of the nitrogenous bases of the 16S rRNA gene, it was identified as Sinrhizobium meliloti, Sinrhizobium meliloti, Bradyrhizobium elkanii, Rhizobium leguminosarium biovar viciae, Rhizobium leguminosarium biovar phaseoli and Mesorh

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 12 2017
Journal Name
World J Exp Biosc
Detection and sequencing of blaVEB-1 gene in clinical isolates of Proteus mirabilis Isolates from Baghdad City`s hospitals
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In Present study, 25 clinical isolates of Proteus spp. of clinical samples, urine, wounds and burns collected from different hospitals in Baghdad city, all isolates were identified as Proteus mirabilis using different bacteriological media, biochemical assays and Vitek-2 system. It was found that 15 (60%) isolates were identifying as P. mirabilis. The susceptibility of P. mirabilis isolates to cefotaxime was 66.6 %, while to ceftazidime was 20%. Extended spectrum β-lactamses producing Proteus was 30.7 %. DNA of 5 isolates of P. mirabilis was extracted and detection for blaVEB-1 gene by using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results showed that the presence of this gene in all tested isolates, as an important indicator for increas

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Effect Of Dna Damage Mediating Psychosocial Stress On Aging
Effect of DNA damage mediating psychosocial stress on aging
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Adversity and psychosocial stress are involved in aging through the following pathways. psychological stress enhances the nerve system to secrete endocrine mediators (hormones). Mitochondrial respiration mediates energy production stimulated by binding to these hormones to their receptors. Energy produced by mitochondria accelerates metabolism and, in its turn, leads to increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) of free radicals. Cellular stress and accumulation of damage can result from an excess of ROS. Accumulation of damage comprises damages in telomeric and nontelomeric DNA, in addition to mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA damage plays an important role in increasing the pathway of p53/p21. The expression of the PGC-1α gene is inhi

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements by Using Combined Non-Destructive Tests
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This research is devoted to investigate relationship between both Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity and Rebound Number (Hammer Test) with cube compressive strength and also to study the effect of steel reinforcement on these relationships.
A study was carried out on 32 scale model reinforced concrete elements. Non destructive testing campaign (mainly ultrasonic and rebound hammer tests) made on the same elements. About 72 concrete cubes (15 X 15 X15) were taken from the concrete mixes to check the compressive strength.. Data analyzed.Include the possible correlations between non destructive testing (NDT) and compressive strength (DT) Statistical approach is used for this purpose. A new relationships obtained from correlations results is give

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Permeability Prediction By Classical and Flow Zone Indictor (FZI) Methods for an Iraqi Gas Field
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The permeability is the most important parameter that indicates how efficient the reservoir fluids flow through the rock pores to the wellbore. Well-log evaluation and core measurements techniques are typically used to estimate it. In this paper, the permeability has been predicted by using classical and Flow zone indicator methods. A comparison between the two methods shows the superiority of the FZI method correlations, these correlations can be used to estimate permeability in un-cored wells with a good approximation.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Optimizing and coordinating the location of raw material suitable for cement manufacturing in Wasit Governorate, Iraq
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Abstract<p>The cement industry is considered one of the strategic industries, because it is directly related to construction work and cement is used as a hydraulic binder. However, it is a simple industry compared to major industries and depends on the availability of the necessary raw materials. This study focuses on optimizing and coordinating the location of raw materials needed for the cement manufacturing in Wasit Governorate in Iraq. Field works include detailed reconnaissance, topographic work, and description and sampling of 24 lithological sections that represent the carbonate deposits, which crop out in the area. The investigated area has the following specifications: The weighted aver</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Analysis of Mutations in Conserved and Susceptible Regions Across the Whole Genome Sequencing Analysis for SARS-CoV-2 in Iraqi Patients
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      This study aimed to get a better understanding of molecular epidemiology and genetic variation in the spike glycoprotein as a key viral component involved in viral entrance into host cells and as a potential vaccination target. Three Iraqi SARS-CoV-2 strains were investigated using whole-genome sequencing, with two of them clustering into the 20A (GH) clade, and the remaining strain is clustered in 20E (GV) clade, belonging to the B.1.36.1 and B.1.177.80 lineage, respectively. Whole-genome sequencing of the viral RNA samples revealed nine sporadic nonsynonymous uncommon mutations with freq

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Detection of Parvovirus B19 DNA in pregnant Sudanese women attending The Military hospital using Nested PCR technique : Detection of Parvovirus B19 DNA in pregnant Sudanese women
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Background: Parvovirus B19 is a human pathogenic virus associated with a wide range of clinical conditions. During pregnancy congenital infection with parvovirus B19 can be associated with poor outcome, including miscarriage, fetal anemia and non-immune hydrops.  

Objective: The study aimed to determine the prevalenceof Parvovirus B19 DNA in pregnant women attending the Military hospital in Khartoum, demonstrating the association between the virus and poor pregnancy outcomes.

Subjects and methods: This study was a cross sectional study, testing pregnant Sudanese women whole blood samples (n= 97) for the presence of Parvovirus B1

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis and Control of PWM Buck-Boost AC Chopper Fed Single-Phase Capacitor Run Induction Motor
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Single phase capacitor-run induction motors (IMs) are used in various applications such as home appliances and machine tools; they are affected by the sags or swells and any fault that can lead to disturb the supply and make it produce rms voltage below or above the rated motor voltage, which is 220V. A control system is designed to regulate the output voltage of the converter irrespective to the variation of the load and within a specific range of supply voltage variation. The steady-state equivalent circuit of the Buck-Boost chopper type AC voltage regulator, as well as the analysis of this circuit are presented in this paper. Switching device for the regulator is an IGBT Module. The proposed chopper uses pulse width modulation (PWM) c

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