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Improving Pre-trained CNN-LSTM Models for Image Captioning with Hyper-Parameter Optimization
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The issue of image captioning, which comprises automatic text generation to understand an image’s visual information, has become feasible with the developments in object recognition and image classification. Deep learning has received much interest from the scientific community and can be very useful in real-world applications. The proposed image captioning approach involves the use of Convolution Neural Network (CNN) pre-trained models combined with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) to generate image captions. The process includes two stages. The first stage entails training the CNN-LSTM models using baseline hyper-parameters and the second stage encompasses training CNN-LSTM models by optimizing and adjusting the hyper-parameters of the previous stage. Improvements include the use of a new activation function, regular parameter tuning, and an improved learning rate in the later stages of training. The experimental results on the flickr8k dataset showed a noticeable and satisfactory improvement in the second stage, where a clear increment was achieved in the evaluation metrics Bleu1-4, Meteor, and Rouge-L. This increment confirmed the effectiveness of the alterations and highlighted the importance of hyper-parameter tuning in improving the performance of CNN-LSTM models in image caption tasks.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Spectroscopic analysis of zinc plasma produced by alternating and direct current jet
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In this study, a system of nonthermal plasma that was operated under atmospheric pressure and was powered by argon gas was employed. The particular plasma properties are affected by changes in the Ar gas flow ranges from 0.5 to 2.5 l/min, product by stream of the plasma jet that is utilized. By using the aforementioned method generated from AC and DC. After placing Ar gas as the cathode, which represents the negative pole, flows toward the anode, which is represented by a tiny metal plate of Zn measuring 6 × 1 cm2 in size, with a submerged part of 4 cm2 long, with both types of current employed having a high voltage of 13.5 kV and the frequency of AC was 30 kHz, we measured these variable parameters. It has been shown that when argon f

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Design Sampling Plan when Life Time Follows Logistic Distribution
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Design sampling plan was and still one of most importance subjects because it give lowest cost  comparing with others, time live statistical distribution should be known to give best estimators for  parameters of sampling plan and get best sampling plan.

Research dell with design sampling plan when live time distribution follow Logistic distribution with () as location and shape parameters, using these information can help us getting (number of groups, sample size) associated with reject or accept the Lot

Experimental results for simulated data shows the least number of groups and sample size needs to reject or accept the Lot with certain probability of

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
The effectiveness of the manufacturing industry in Iraq
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The manufacturing industry in Iraq has faced, during the time stages, several obstacles that have had devastating effects on the Iraqi economy. These obstacles are represented by political events and wars that have led to the depletion of most human and material resources and the suspension of most vital industrial facilities from working, And the occurrence of this major deviation in the process of economic development, For the same reasons, the contributions of the manufacturing sector to the gross domestic product varied fluctuatingly, indicating instability in the growth rates of this sector, On the other hand, the supremacy of the belief that the dominance of oil resources as a main source for creating economic growth and achieving a h

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Combinatorial Approach to Obtain the Yield Probability Distribution along a Linearly-Loaded Cantilever Beam
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The substantial key to initiate an explicit statistical formula for a physically specified continua is to consider a derivative expression, in order to identify the definitive configuration of the continua itself. Moreover, this statistical formula is to reflect the whole distribution of the formula of which the considered continua is the most likely to be dependent. However, a somewhat mathematically and physically tedious path to arrive at the required statistical formula is needed. The procedure in the present research is to establish, modify, and implement an optimized amalgamation between Airy stress function for elastically-deformed media and the multi-canonical joint probability density functions for multivariate distribution complet

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
ON Weak g *sD -Sets And Associative Separation Axioms
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   In this paper, we introduce new classes of sets called g *sD -sets , g *sD −α -sets , g *spreD − sets , g *sbD − -sets and g *sD −β -sets . Also, we study some of their properties and relations among them . Moreover, we use these sets to define and study some associative separation axioms .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science Issues (ijcsi)
Near Rough and Near Exact Subgraphs in Gm-Closure spaces
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The basic concepts of some near open subgraphs, near rough, near exact and near fuzzy graphs are introduced and sufficiently illustrated. The Gm-closure space induced by closure operators is used to generalize the basic rough graph concepts. We introduce the near exactness and near roughness by applying the near concepts to make more accuracy for definability of graphs. We give a new definition for a membership function to find near interior, near boundary and near exterior vertices. Moreover, proved results, examples and counter examples are provided. The Gm-closure structure which suggested in this paper opens up the way for applying rich amount of topological facts and methods in the process of granular computing.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Investigation, Error Analysis and Application of Joint Quadrature Scheme in Physical Sciences
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In this work, a joint quadrature for numerical solution of the double integral is presented. This method is based on combining two rules of the same precision level to form a higher level of precision. Numerical results of the present method with a lower level of precision are presented and compared with those performed by the existing high-precision Gauss-Legendre five-point rule in two variables, which has the same functional evaluation. The efficiency of the proposed method is justified with numerical examples. From an application point of view, the determination of the center of gravity is a special consideration for the present scheme. Convergence analysis is demonstrated to validate the current method.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Soft (1,2)*-Omega Separation Axioms and Weak Soft (1,2)*-Omega Separation Axioms in Soft Bitopological Spaces
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In the present paper we introduce and study new classes of soft separation axioms in soft bitopological spaces, namely, soft (1,2)*-omega separation axioms and weak soft (1,2)*-omega separation axioms by using the concept of soft (1,2)*-omega open sets. The equivalent definitions and basic properties of these types of soft separation axioms also have been studied.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Climate change and dust storms in Iraq / 'Baghdad', case study
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A dust storm in Iraq is a climatic phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions . The frequency of the occurrence has increased drastically in the last decade and it is increasing continuously .Baghdad city like the rest of Iraq is suffering from the significant increase in dust storms . In this research , the study of the phenomenon of dust storms for all types (Suspended dust , rising dust , dust storm) , and its relationship with some climate variables (Temperature , rainfall ,wind speed) .The statement of the impact of climate change on this phenomenon to Baghdad station  for the period (1981 – 2012) . Time series has been addressing the phenomenon of storms and cli

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Development Binary Search Algorithm
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There are many methods of searching large amount of data to find one particular piece of information. Such as find name of person in record of mobile. Certain methods of organizing data make the search process more efficient the objective of these methods is to find the element with least cost (least time). Binary search algorithm is faster than sequential and other commonly used search algorithms. This research develops binary search algorithm by using new structure called Triple, structure in this structure data are represented as triple. It consists of three locations (1-Top, 2-Left, and 3-Right) Binary search algorithm divide the search interval in half, this process makes the maximum number of comparisons (Average case com

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