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EEG Signal Classification Based on Orthogonal Polynomials, Sparse Filter and SVM Classifier
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This work implements an Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal classifier. The implemented method uses Orthogonal Polynomials (OP) to convert the EEG signal samples to moments. A Sparse Filter (SF) reduces the number of converted moments to increase the classification accuracy. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to classify the reduced moments between two classes. The proposed method’s performance is tested and compared with two methods by using two datasets. The datasets are divided into 80% for training and 20% for testing, with 5 -fold used for cross-validation. The results show that this method overcomes the accuracy of other methods. The proposed method’s best accuracy is 95.6% and 99.5%, respectively. Finally, from the results, it is obvious that the number of moments selected by the SP should exceed 30% of the overall EEG samples for accuracy to be over 90%.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science And Mobile Computing
Image Compression based on Non-Linear Polynomial Prediction Model
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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering
HF Wave Propagation Prediction Based On Passive Oblique Ionosonde
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High frequency (HF) communications have an important role in long distances wireless communications. This frequency band is more important than VHF and UHF, as HF frequencies can cut longer distance with a single hopping. It has a low operation cost because it offers over-the-horizon communications without repeaters, therefore it can be used as a backup for satellite communications in emergency conditions. One of the main problems in HF communications is the prediction of the propagation direction and the frequency of optimum transmission (FOT) that must be used at a certain time. This paper introduces a new technique based on Oblique Ionosonde Station (OIS) to overcome this problem with a low cost and an easier way. This technique uses the

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Publication Date
Wed May 06 2015
Journal Name
16th Conference In Natural Science And Mathematics
Efficient digital Image filtering method based on fuzzy algorithm
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Recently, Image enhancement techniques can be represented as one of the most significant topics in the field of digital image processing. The basic problem in the enhancement method is how to remove noise or improve digital image details. In the current research a method for digital image de-noising and its detail sharpening/highlighted was proposed. The proposed approach uses fuzzy logic technique to process each pixel inside entire image, and then take the decision if it is noisy or need more processing for highlighting. This issue is performed by examining the degree of association with neighboring elements based on fuzzy algorithm. The proposed de-noising approach was evaluated by some standard images after corrupting them with impulse

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
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Producing pseudo-random numbers (PRN) with high performance is one of the important issues that attract many researchers today. This paper suggests pseudo-random number generator models that integrate Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) with fuzzy logic system to improve the randomness of the Hopfield Pseudo-random generator. The fuzzy logic system has been introduced to control the update of HNN parameters. The proposed model is compared with three state-ofthe-art baselines the results analysis using National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test and ENT test shows that the projected model is statistically significant in comparison to the baselines and this demonstrates the competency of neuro-fuzzy based model to produce

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Developing a lightweight cryptographic algorithm based on DNA computing
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This work aims to develop a secure lightweight cipher algorithm for constrained devices. A secure communication among constrained devices is a critical issue during the data transmission from the client to the server devices. Lightweight cipher algorithms are defined as a secure solution for constrained devices that require low computational functions and small memory. In contrast, most lightweight algorithms suffer from the trade-off between complexity and speed in order to produce robust cipher algorithm. The PRESENT cipher has been successfully experimented on as a lightweight cryptography algorithm, which transcends other ciphers in terms of its computational processing that required low complexity operations. The mathematical model of

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiyah For Computer Science And Mathematics
A Cryptosystem for Database Security Based on RC4 Algorithm
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Because of vulnerable threats and attacks against database during transmission from sender to receiver, which is one of the most global security concerns of network users, a lightweight cryptosystem using Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4) algorithm is proposed. This cryptosystem maintains data privacy by performing encryption of data in cipher form and transfers it over the network and again performing decryption to original data. Hens, ciphers represent encapsulating system for database tables

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 02 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science
User Authentication based on Keystroke Dynamics Using Backpropagation Network
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Computer systems and networks are being used in almost every aspect of our daily life; as a result the security threats to computers and networks have also increased significantly. Traditionally, password-based user authentication is widely used to authenticate legitimate user in the current system0T but0T this method has many loop holes such as password sharing, shoulder surfing, brute force attack, dictionary attack, guessing, phishing and many more. The aim of this paper is to enhance the password authentication method by presenting a keystroke dynamics with back propagation neural network as a transparent layer of user authentication. Keystroke Dynamics is one of the famous and inexpensive behavioral biometric technologies, which identi

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Engineering And Technology Journal
Improvement of Harris Algorithm Based on Gaussian Scale Space
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Features is the description of the image contents which could be corner, blob or edge. Corners are one of the most important feature to describe image, therefore there are many algorithms to detect corners such as Harris, FAST, SUSAN, etc. Harris is a method for corner detection and it is an efficient and accurate feature detection method. Harris corner detection is rotation invariant but it isn’t scale invariant. This paper presents an efficient harris corner detector invariant to scale, this improvement done by using gaussian function with different scales. The experimental results illustrate that it is very useful to use Gaussian linear equation to deal with harris weakness.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
International Journal On Technical And Physical Problems Of Engineering
A Multiple System Biometric System Based on ECG Data
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A Multiple System Biometric System Based on ECG Data

Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gallium Selective PVC Membrane Electrodes Based on Crown Ethers
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Gallium  selective  e lectrodes   based  on  12-crown-4  (12C4)  and benzo-15-crown-5   (B15C5)  and  plasticizers   dioctyl  phenyl phosphonate   (DOPP),   dibutyl  phosphate  (DBP),  dibutyl  phthalate (DBPH)  in  PVC  matrix  membranes  are  constructed.  Specific properties  of  the electrodes  are  studied  including  calibration  curve, slope  detection limit, concentration  


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