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Impact of Age Factor in Cervical Abnormalities and Cancers Incidence in Some Iraqi Married Women
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Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women worldwide, and it has the fourth highest mortality rate among cancers in women. The present study aimed to reveal the impact of age factor in cervical abnormalities and cancers incidence in some Iraqi married women. 150 scraping cervical cells samples were collected from the women clinically diagnosed with cervical abnormalities and cancer who were divided into two groups; the first group included the women with abnormal pap smear which revealed 13.33% of women were less than 30 years and followed by 66.66% of women whose age between 30-50 years and 20% of them were more than 50 years old. While the second group iclude the women with normal Pap smear (Healthy women) which revealed that 26.66% of women were less 30 years, followed by 53.33% of women whose age between 30-50 years and 20% of them were more than 50 years old. The results showed that the highest percentage of precancerous stage was founded in 30-50 years old women, wherease the highest percentage in advanced stage represented by squamous cervical cancer and adenocarcinoma was founded in more than 50 years old women. In addition, the results of current study exhibted that the rates of ASC-US were 43% and 50%, while the rates of LSIL were 42% and 52% in less than 30 years old and 30-50 years women respectively. Wherease the rates of ASC-US and LSIL were 6.6% and 4.7% in more than 50 years old women. As well as the results revealed that the rates of HSIL and SCC were higher in over 50 year's women with percentages 40% and 63.63%, respectively.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 14 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
The Application of Bus Rapid Transit System in the City of Baquba and Its Impact on Reducing Daily Trips
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization, and Investigation the Inhibitory Impact of Thiosemicarbazide Derivative toward the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Acidic Media
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        In this study we focused on the determination of influence the novel synthesized thiosemicarbazide derivative "2-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene) hydrazinecarbothioamide" (HMHC) influenced the corrosion inhibition of mild steel (MS) in a 1.0 M hydrochloric acid acidic solution.This is in an effort to preserve the metal material by maintaining it from corrosion.The synthesized inhibitor was characterized using elemental analysis, and NMR-spectroscopy. Then the corrosion inhibition capability of (HMHC) was studied on mild steel in an acidic medium by weight loss technique within variables [temperature, inhibitor concentration, and time]. The immersion periods were [1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 10:00, 24:00, and 72:00] hours and the tem

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 13 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Water And Land Development
A study of the climate and human impact on the future survival of the Al-Sannya marsh in Iraq
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Polish Academy of Sciences

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 17 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
Impact of Thumb Sucking Habit on Eruption of Permanent Teeth and Intelligence Quotient Among Children in Karbala City, Iraq
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Background: There is a pronounced controversy regarding the dental and mental consequences of thumb sucking habit, which is a familiar nonnutritive pattern of sucking. Commonly, this behavior is harmless, yet those who sustain this pattern may have dental alterations and emotional difficulties. Children’s intelligence level influences their capabilities to judge, evaluate and handle priorities and/or problems profoundly and precisely. Thumb sucking habit might be a manner of liberating the psychological tenseness among several children. Objective: The purpose of this study is to assess the prevalence of thumb sucking habit and its relation to the eruption of permanent teeth and IQ among children aged 6-7 years old. Subjects and methods: I

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Study of Television Advertising and its Impact on Consumer Behavior in a Sample of Children Aged 9-12 Years
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The aim of this study was to study TV advertising and consumer behavior in children and to meet the needs of children. The study included 100 children from Baghdad who were randomly selected from different regions ranging in age from 9-12 years of both males and females. The current research was based on the interview and the completion of special forms prepared for this purpose. This age group was selected for the rare studies conducted on television advertising and limited to different sectors. Data on age and sex were documented, as the results of this study proved The afternoon period was the preferred period for watching the TV show in males, where it was 22%, while the morning period was the female favorite, and it was 23%. The ind

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The phenomenon of Corruption and its impact on the growing problem of Unemployment in Iraq after a year ( 2003 ).
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        Corruption is a phenomenon that exists in all times and places, they appear in the developing countries and in developed countries, and in all political systems. And its repercussions and economic repercussions on the society in which it is rampant, and lead to the undermining of economic development and obstruction, is also working on increasing poverty and unemployment, as well as its role in the worsening of social problems, and political instability. And corruption is deviant behavior is illegal and contrary to the teachings of the religious and moral values. The emergence of this phenomenon is due to several reasons, including political, economic, social and cultura

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
The Interchange of Sign Transformation between Locality and Universality in the Iraqi Theatre, "Romeo and Juliet in Baghdad Show" - A Model
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The research deals with the interchange of the sign transformed from the universal to the local in the theatrical show through the direction processing in the production of a communicative artistic discourse and message, thus making the process of reading the speech and recognizing it by taking into account the cultural differences, customs and local rituals of each country, region, or area. The problem of the research was focused on answering the following question: What are the requirements for the sign in terms of its transformation between the universality and locality in the read-out?

               The importance of research is to determine the requiremen

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Management skills and their reflection in the settlement of insurance compensation: Applied Study in National Insurance Company and Iraqi Insurance Company
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The environment contemporary works for the insurance companies have seen a number of technological developments and changes rapidly in light of the intense competition in the insurance market, and this affects human behavior in the workplace, and to director in his work needs to be a set of managerial skills. so we find compensation activity in companies insurance needs a high managerial skills, so that compensation, director of the settlement procedure successfully. So research aims to test two hypotheses two major belongings variables search using some statistical methods to extract the results and interpretation and analysis (such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentages, Alpha Cronbach's coefficient, Pearson correlation co

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Morphological and histological study of liver in Iraqi black partridge, Francolinus francolinus (Linnaeus, 1766)
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